
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

author:Where to go

Author: Travel Photography Sauce

Tell us about this trip

I like to travel, experience different people, things, things, create different memory points for life, and when I look back on it, I will feel "Ah, my life is still quite interesting", instead of "There is nothing special, the eyes are open and closed, a lifetime will pass".

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

What is sorted out is a record of time, although some details can no longer be picked up, but what remains are the most beautiful marks.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

And this time the destination chose Sanya because Zhengzhou is too cold. So, I took Yao Mei and flew to Sanya and started a holiday trip with temperature.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter


Day1: Zhengzhou — Sanya — Stay in Jinzhong Hai Blue Diamond Family Apartment

Day2: Shimei Bay - Meet the most beautiful sea - Yalong Bay Forest Park - Jiuyue Life Homestay

Day3: Sanya Ancient Love - Sanya Color Zoo - Sanya Ice and Snow World

Day4: Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone - Return

【Shimei Bay - Meet the most beautiful sea】

When you come to Hainan, you can see the real sea.

When you come to Shimei Bay, you can count on the most beautiful bay on Hainan Island

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

Shimei Bay, located on the shoreline of the South China Sea east of Hainan Island, is praised by World Tourism Organization experts as "the most beautiful bay in Hainan that has not been developed.", this clean bay that has not been polluted by the world, and the green pilin belt in the bay is narrow and winding, stretching for several kilometers.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

Many people did not know that Wanning had a Shimei Bay before, but when they saw the beautiful scenery of Shimei Bay from the movie "Do Not Disturb 2", they were deeply attracted. Many people are attracted by the beauty of this place, but may not know that this is also a good place to surf. Shimei Bay 6 km silver beach, soft and white sand, into the sea slope side is suitable for swimming, the high wave side is suitable for surfing and other water sports.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

At the seaside, there is a Shimei Bay Phoenix Nine Mile Book House, the book house is located in the "most beautiful bay in Hainan" - Shimei Bay above, the waves in front of the window are slow, the mountains and forests behind the house are natural, with rare beautiful scenery, and the word "most beautiful" is worthy of the name. The specialty of every bookstore is the soul. If you want to ask the phoenix Nine Mile What is the soul of the bookstore, mountains and seas, seclusion, humanities... When these come together, a warm sense of belonging is the most memorable place in the bookstore.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

Own a book house, facing the sea, surrounded by green mountains, leisurely holding books every day, feeling the temperature of the sun through the glass windows... This is not like the poetic life depicted by Ji Haizi as "facing the sea, spring and warm flowers blooming", like Tao Yuanming's modern version of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the South Mountain".

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

First of all, the emergence of such a seaside bookstore satisfies Wenqing's imagination of "Peach Blossom Garden", and poetry books and mountains and seas can immediately be recognized by the group;

Secondly, the bookstore integrates reading, leisure and communication, providing a common communication space for literary and art lovers, who gather here to share and communicate, and then achieve identity.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

【Through the millennium to meet you】

Sanya Ancient Scene Area includes two parts: Sanya Ancient Love Theme Scenic Spot and large-scale song and dance show "Sanya Ancient Love". The scenic spot opened at 12 o'clock, the park is very large, there are many choices of playable entertainment projects, theme scenic spots Sanya color zoo, science and technology amusement hall, Li Village, ice and snow world and so on. From the beginning of entering the theme scenic spot park, you can see a very distinctive antique Chinese-style building, the scenic spot has a strong folk customs, and the ethnic characteristics of Sanya's ethnic minority Li ethnic group are also displayed here.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

Sanya Ancient Scene Area is officially opened at 3:00 p.m., and the most exciting large-scale song and dance "Sanya Ancient Love" is performed at 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. After entering the park, you can see other performances in advance, and the scenic area is connected to the colorful zoo and the ice and snow world.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

We first came to the color zoo, where we would see parrots at every corner of the road, stop to tease it, and I didn't expect the parrots to say "Aloha" (hello meaning).

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

Tickets are included in the package. Although the zoo is not large, there are still many animals, and there are some small performances. For the first time, the baby learned about peacocks, parrots, flamingos, toucans, monkey giraffes, etc., which is a good place to walk the baby.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

This snake still looks quite scary, and it makes people shudder.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

Sanya Ice and Snow World, staying under the scorching sun for a long time can't help but want to find some coolness, and feel the cold of the northeast in advance. When I went in, I only wore a cotton coat, no change of cotton shoes and knee pads, and the coolness of the whizzing came to my feet.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

In the fiery Sanya feel a handful of ice and snow wonders, experience the Nordic fairy tale style, is definitely a unique experience, the ice and snow world is not large, including Nordic country town, ice field phantom, ice cave magic sound, ice skating track, ski resort, ice sculpture viewing area and so on.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

There are still many contents in the scenic spot, Such as Nanhai Goddess Square, Totem Avenue, Yazhou Ancient Street, Love Valley, Science and Technology Amusement Hall, Li Village, Miao Zhai, Qingming River Map, Water Play Area, Snack Square, Ghost Domain Horror...

There are some place names that are so familiar, and there are some that are so fresh to experience.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

There are also a series of outdoor performances, pot village carnival, through the flash mob, Hawaiian style, Cheng Fu zhao son-in-law, Li coconut picking performance, let you from the moment you enter the eternal love, the eyes can not stop.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

It is worth mentioning that the performance of "Great Earthquake" truly reproduced the tragic scene of the Wenchuan earthquake, with landslides and cracks, houses collapsing, and 3,000 cubic meters of flood pouring down in an instant...

One after another, the real stories and touching pictures show the boundless love of the Chinese nation for earthquake relief.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter
The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

The mother who desperately protected her children, the bride-to-be in the wedding dress, and the living individuals of life were forever left in the ruins of Wenchuan when the earthquake came 10 years ago.

The correct way to open in winter, eat and drink in Sanya for a warm winter

In times of crisis, Fang Xian's love is boundless. Rescue teams from the People's Liberation Army, firefighters, doctors, nurses and other rescue teams rushed to the disaster area at the first time. The earthquake relief that is not afraid of hardships and dangers and the mighty mountains and rivers proves how difficult it is to rejuvenate the country! In the face of any difficulties and obstacles, the Chinese nation cannot be conquered!

The audience was not only immersed in the sadness of eternal separation, but also touched by the spirit of disaster relief, crying and crying for a while, and being proud of being a son and daughter of China for a while. During the 25-minute performance, the applause continued and the amazement continued.

Hangzhou's "Songcheng Ancient Love" has achieved extraordinary success, and "Sanya Ancient Love" is another series of works by famous director Huang Qiaoling. With the theme of local human history and unique customs and customs, it will perform a big drama that shocks the world and weeps ghosts and gods! In their words, a person is "a must-see show of a lifetime."

The performance began with a big-screen introduction, and suddenly the stage was an action performance of real stage skills, which brought us to the survival scene of hainan ancestors in Sanya 10,000 years ago - Luobidong culture.

The first "Deer Return" "Favorite Phoenix Linbaodi, Sanya Difficult to give up deer back." The long history and the touching love story of the deer return scene drama make us feel as if we are in the natural style of Hainan.

The second scene of "Lady Xian" Mrs. Xian is the first chinese hero to establish the first political institution in the history of Sanya- Yazhou, so that Hainan Island, which has been isolated overseas for 600 years, returns to the embrace of the motherland.

History is always full of magic and coincidence. The Grand Theater where we are located today was built on the fiefdom of Madame Sin in that year! Listen, the sound of drums and horns traveling through time and space... It was a performance that made me cry, the stage effect deeply touched me, and the peach blossoms flying in the theater shocked me even more. This is also the Chinese hero "Lady Xian", which was evaluated by Premier Zhou, whether it is stage design or actor performance, it has shown a shocking effect.

According to the "Chronicle of Yazhou", the port of Sanya became a transit station of the "Maritime Silk Road" in the Song Dynasty, and we saw that China's porcelain, silk, and tea were transported overseas, and the poetry of the ancient porcelain road was dazzling. Spices from the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf are also gathered here, and the "Maritime Silk Road" is also known as the "Ancient Porcelain Road".

During the Tang Tianbao period, the senior monk Jian Zhen encountered a hurricane at sea and drifted to Sanya in order to promote the Dharma for the fifth time to cross the Fusang. During his stay in Sanya, Jian Zhen built the Dayun Temple and spread the Culture and Farming Techniques of the Central Plains in the local area, which won the love of the local Li, Miao, and other ethnic groups. But he did not forget his mission for a moment. In 753, he embarked on another arduous journey. The transformation of the panorama we seem to see the distant past under the stage, the real picture of the truth in the sea with the waves and the waves, the wind and rain, and the struggle to overcome dangers.

The stunt performance was shocking, the palms of my hands were sweaty, and the wonderful performance ushered in thunderous applause.

When we watched the stage Hainan scenery, suddenly, several bikini beauties appeared on the giant suspended transparent film above our heads, the white transparent film was like the sea, and the bikini beauties were like mermaids swimming in the sea, and for a time countless people stood up and traced the figure of the mermaid with their mobile phone cameras, clicking and taking pictures.

We have traveled through tens of millions of years in one day, and the scene at the end of "Beautiful Sanya" highlights Hainan's sea coconut groves and Li Miao culture, as well as Hainan's specialties and delicious food, and the high-skilled light, sound, and electrical technology techniques have repeatedly awakened the audience's eyeballs. Hainan To build an international tourism island has attracted the attention of the world, more and more foreigners come to Hainan for vacation tourism, and Hainan has become a place of world tourism and cultural festivals.

This beautiful tension, visual and real design, let the audience sigh again and again, this wonderful performance, let the tourists understand the ancient customs of Hainan, it gives us not only blooming tidbits, but also some shocking historical stories.

I sincerely admire every actor and dancer here, who has penetrated the performance into the bone marrow and deeply infected every visitor who comes.

The fiery atmosphere followed by enthusiastic music and dance steps. The crowd that follows the song and dance, the melody that beats around the campfire, the intimate interaction on the stage, everything will vividly express the warm atmosphere of this warm winter...

The interaction with tourists has driven the atmosphere of the whole scenic spot, and people are not just watching the performances in a restrained manner, but really rejoicing with their rhythms and paces. This is a bustle that I have never seen in other scenic spots.

This trip is destined to be a different encounter, in this cold winter of the country, only here is the enthusiasm of fire.

After watching the performance, there are also many special shops in the scenic spot, you can take a look, take a look, or very suitable for taking pictures, you can also buy some souvenirs to send to friends and relatives.

【Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone】

Among all the scenic spots in Hainan, Nanshan is relatively far away, and it takes an hour to get there from the city. And who makes it the southernmost mountain in China.

But this is a must-see stop when you visit Sanya.

It has too many dazzling labels on it - the first air quality in the country, the first seawater quality in the country, the Buddhist holy place, and the 5A scenic spot.

A knowledgeable friend on the side told me that the South Mountain in shoubi south mountain is also here.

At that time, I asked: Ah, what did Shoubi Nanshan say here? What else does this have to do with Buddhism?

A friend who was traveling with me took out a small blackboard to teach me a lesson -- according to the Buddhist scriptures, Guanyin Bodhisattva, who saved the suffering and saved the suffering, made twelve wishes in order to save all sentient beings, the second of which was the "Wish to Live in the South China Sea."

In order to promote Buddhism five times to Japan, Master Jian Zhen, a famous great monk of the Tang Dynasty, drifted to Nanshan for the fifth time, lived here for a year and a half, built a Buddhist temple, preached the Dharma, and then made the sixth eastward crossing to Japan and finally succeeded. Nanshan Temple is also the youngest temple approved by the State Council for the first time after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

When I came to the gate, I was attracted by this north-south dynasty building, and there were no two words written on the gate.

My friend pushed me down: What's the matter? This is the only way to do it!

I exclaimed: Divine horse? Is the Gate of No Two Laws really a Door of The Dao?

My friend triumphantly gave me science popularization: In Buddhism, the norm of understanding things is called the Dhamma; the saints who have attained enlightenment here are also called doors. Buddhism has 84,000 Dharma Doors, and the Non-Dual Dharma Gate is the highest state. When you enter this door, you enter the holy land of Buddhism.

In order to better interpret this realm, the Nanshan Scenic Area built the gate of the scenic spot in accordance with the style of the architecture of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and named it the Gate of The Two Laws.

The "No Two" outside the gate and the "One Truth" inside the Gate were both written by the famous calligrapher Mr. Gu Tinglong.

"One reality" is the counterpart of "no two".

I really didn't expect that behind a door, there is such a profound cultural connotation.

Entering the gate of the scenic spot, you only need to walk to reach the Guanyin Statue on the Sea, and this 108-meter Guanyin statue really shocked me.

There are three sides of the statue, and from the front of each statue is a statue of Guanyin, holding a lotus flower on one side, a Buddhist scripture on the other, and a Buddha bead on the other. Each has a different meaning: the front is a hand-held Sutra Guanyin, which embodies the Prajnaparamita of Guanyin, that is, the wisdom virtue. The sutra represents the six hundred volumes of the Prajnaparamita Sutra, which means that Guanyin "self-discipline, wisdom and compassion and double luck", can not only be self-interested, contemplate the state of unhindered and attain self-reliance, but also be altruistic, look at the opportunities of all sentient beings and become free, and enlighten the wisdom of all sentient beings with Prajnaparamita. On the right is Guanyin, holding a rosary bead, which embodies the liberation virtue of Guanyin, that is, completely getting rid of ignorance and all kinds of shackles, reaching the realm of great freedom and freedom, and expressing the same compassion spirit of "all beings chanting Buddha, Buddhas reading all sentient beings". On the left is a lotus guanyin in hand, embodying the Dharma virtue of Guanyin.

It is worth mentioning that guanyin on the sea is 15 meters higher than the Statue of Liberty.

Dear, don't come and worship. The square is crowded with praying tourists, and after a few days of playing, nanshan is the most touristy place.

When I was still indulging in the grandeur of Guanyin on the sea, my friend grabbed me: "Go, let's go and see the treasure of Hainan's town island." ”

Get on the scenic tour bus and go directly to the place where the golden jade Guanyin is enshrined.

This world-famous and exquisite statue of Guanyin is not only a statue treasure with national style and the spirit of the times, but also a rare treasure in the history of contemporary arts and crafts and the history of Buddhist statue art.

It is the most expensive statue of Guanyin in the world, worth 192 million yuan. Composed of four parts: Guanyin Golden Body, Buddha Light, Thousand Leaves, Pauline, rosewood carved Sumire base, consuming more than 100 kilograms of gold, more than 120 carats of South African diamonds, thousands of red sapphires, emeralds, corals, turquoise, pearls and more than 100 kilograms of jade and other rare treasures, up to 3.8 meters.

The Buddha statue was created by the traditional Chinese "court gold craftsmanship", one of the world's unique handicrafts, and was created by a generation of arts and crafts masters in China who worked hard and took two years to create.

Because of its high value and exquisite workmanship, it has a very special significance in the fields of art, culture and religion, and is proudly called "the treasure of the town island" by the people of Hainan.

After seeing the Golden Jade Guanyin, we began to walk freely at Nanshan Temple, which is very large, after all, it is the largest Buddhist dojo newly built in China in the past fifty years, and it is also the largest temple in southern China.

If you want to talk about attractions, that's a lot. The Thirty-Three Guanyin Hall here is currently the largest and most exquisite indoor Guanyin group statue in the world, with a length of 50 meters and a weight of 15 tons. Here, it is okay to sit on a futon and copy a scripture by hand.

The Dragon Fifth Master Wealth Shrine is located in Sanya The land of the Dragon Vein Treasure Cave in Nanshan, and enshrines the fifth son of the Dragon King of the South China Sea, Shengyan, that is, the "world's first god of wealth" - the Dragon Fifth Master. There are small fortune charms on both sides of the Temple of Wealth, which can be picked up by yourself.

In addition, there are also Buddhist special attractions such as Renwangmen Gate, Tushi Inner Courtyard, and Golden Hall in Nanshan Temple, and each place can be served for free three times.

It takes about 80 minutes to turn inside the temple to reach the next attraction. At this point, the cultural landscape in the scenic spot has basically come to an end.

For Guanyin, the post-90s have a different emotion, really see her, know her, mainly in "Journey to the West", she has repeatedly helped Goku through the disaster, and I have also tirelessly counted the number of times she appears in the catalog of the book.

When you really come to Nanshan and see the Guanyin on the Sea and the Golden Jade Guanyin, and then go to see the "Journey to the West", the memories in my mind are all the Guanyin on the sea, her magnificent waves, her solemnity and kindness, and her exquisiteness.

Whether you like Guanyin in "Journey to the West", or Guanyin in "The Legend of the White Lady", or even Guanyin in "Baolian Lantern", the most memorable Guanyin in reality will definitely belong to Sanya Nanshan.

【Slow Tour west island】

In this city of flowers in all seasons, every day and even every moment of staying here will have a picturesque view. And West Island is one of the favorite attractions I've visited in Sanya. Nature has blessed this southernmost city in China with the most pleasant climate, the purest air, the laziest sunshine, the bluest blue waters, the softest beaches, and the most delicious seafood.

West Island, also known as Tortoiseshell Island, West TortoiseShell Island, located in Sanya Bay, Sanya City, Hainan Province, the whole island area of 2.8 square kilometers, the island is now divided into east, west, middle and new four small fishing villages, more than 700 residents, more than 4,000 residents, generations of fishing for a living, is the second largest island in the coast of Hainan Province after Dazhou Island. 8 nautical miles from Downtown Sanya, xiaoqi port, the gateway of land transportation on the west island, can be reached by speedboat or cruise ship in 10 minutes or 15 minutes respectively.

Hawksbill turtles, also known as Wenjia and Thirteen Ridged Turtles, are large and fierce carnivores in the ocean, often haunting coral reefs, mainly preying on fish, shrimp, crabs and mollusks, but also eat seaweed.

The tour of The West Island is mainly sightseeing and entertainment. Tourists mainly in the sea sports, from Sanya Bay pier by speedboat to the West Island, after playing by speedboat return, generally do not spend the night on the island. Sea Amusement World integrates a variety of marine leisure and entertainment sports, including fishing, diving, motor boats, parasailing, banana boats, dynamic speed boats, glass boats underwater sightseeing, etc.

West Island is located in the continental marginal area of different stages of development of the Western Pacific Crust, and its bottom structure is consistent with the bottom structure of Sanya City. The peaks become islands, and the flat land rolls into waves. The West Island, which was originally closely linked to the continental shelf of Sanya, has undergone vicissitudes and changes, and has undergone several ups and downs to become such an island that is "isolated overseas and has no contiguousness." The East Island and the West Island are a pair of peak islands connected by veins.

West Island's Maritime Entertainment World makes full use of The West Island's sun, sea water, beaches, coral reefs, tropical ornamental fish and other tourism resources, and offers recreational activities such as diving, underwater sightseeing, sea fishing, and motor boating. The tourism development of the West Island focuses on the utilization of maritime tourism resources, while the development of land tourism resources is not much, only on the island to build winding roads, in the vicinity of the sea to build some conch models, set up amusement facilities and bars and other service facilities.

The sea area around West Island belongs to Sanya National Coral Reef Nature Reserve and is one of the world's recognized diving resorts. The western sea is a special diving sea, with a depth of 10-20 meters, clear blue water and high visibility. There is a wide variety of sea creatures, and you can see beautiful staghorn corals, crown corals and colorful tropical fish such as lionfish, clownfish, green coats, angelfish and other tropical fish, as well as a wide variety of marine life such as starfish, anemones, sea urchins, and conchs.

Compared to the beaches of the West Island in the Great East China Sea, the beach is cleaner and softer, and this should be regarded as a relatively small place. I heard that there is a wedding photography base located here. In Sanya, taking a wedding dress is indeed a good choice, and the blue sky does not need ps at all.

Niuwang Island is located in the southwest of the West Island, because the shape resembles a cow's nose, so it is also called Niubi Ridge.

The long walkway, with mountains on one side and sea on the other, may only be deeply felt by the beauty of this place if you are immersed in the scene.

【Sanya Food Recommendation】

Travel and food are inextricably linked, just like a couple is like a pair of brothers. A trip, if there is no food embellishment, then this trip is not perfect.

Sanya can be described as a gastronomic paradise, with a delicious seafood, a variety of Hainan local dishes, and more healthy private dishes.

Sauce sauce here for everyone to sort out a Sanya food collection, if you come to Sanya travel, so eat right!

Joy Ocean Seafood Buffet: Rainforest Restaurant Sea Eat Sea Drink

This time in Sanya, I did not go directly to the market to buy seafood, but to eat at the Joy Ocean Seafood Buffet Restaurant. This is an outdoor open-air seafood buffet restaurant where you can feel the romantic rainforest atmosphere! There are man-made rivers and fountains surrounded by green coconut trees, and the dining environment is romantic.

Joy Ocean Rainforest Restaurant is all self-service, roughly divided into seafood area, Japanese sashimi area, seafood hot pot area, barbecue area, liquor and beverage area, stew area, fruit area, dessert area.

Giant Boston lobsters, emperor crabs, shrimp with thick arms and other precious seafood are located in this area, and the seafood is freshly slaughtered and very fresh! Look for this area, and you can get your money back with a few bites of each one!

Mud carp, salmon, tuna, shrimp, sweet shrimp, Arctic shellfish, sushi rolls are all in this area, recommended that you eat shrimp and sweet shrimp, the taste is sweet and soft glutinous, delicious!

This is probably the restaurant with the largest choice of drinks in any cafeteria I've ever eaten! There is a big table full of alcohol, beer, liquor, cocktails! The juice is also very sincere, all of them are freshly squeezed juices, fresh and nutritious and delicious! There are also carbonated drinks, canned coconut water, and canned juice in the freezer, so you can drink as much as you want!

Friends who love to eat seafood, promised me that I must come here to eat, the environment is light and luxurious, whether you are a couple dating, or a family gathering, a business banquet is ok! The restaurant is very popular, remember to book your seats in advance, otherwise you will have to wait a long time!

Although seafood is said to be an indispensable food for travel in Sanya, you can not only eat seafood, you can try authentic Hainan cuisine, search for Hainan cuisine restaurants in Sanya on the Internet, and the front of the line is Qiongxiang Pavilion.

The restaurant is well decorated, with birdcage decoration and light-colored walls, which has a kind of petty bourgeois literary atmosphere. The three of us ordered a total of 4 dishes and 1 main course and 1 dessert, and the three of us ate a lot.

Hainan must eat seafood lees vinegar, which is a dish with soup and is also a local snack in Hainan. The best thing about Hainan must eat seafood lees vinegar is its acetic acid, which is made of acetic acid fermented from the lees produced during the winemaking process as a soup, and then there are some duck blood, shells, kelp and other dishes in the pot

Cumin Hainan East Goat Steak, East Goat through the chef's special secret, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the taste is very good.

Grandma handmade tofu, traditional handmade tofu, stewed in a secret sauce, the tofu is tender and fragrant.

Step by step to rise shrimp balls: first attracted by the spiraling exquisite plate, and then impressed by the crispy and tender taste on the outside, handmade with fresh shrimp, a great sense of satisfaction in one bite.

Osmanthus mango rolls, soft glutinous intestinal powder wrapped in local fresh tropical mango, the outer skin is very smooth and smooth, sweet but not greasy, the taste is very good. This dish is also an after-dinner dessert!

This Hainan cuisine restaurant is 80 yuan per capita, delicious and not expensive, it is an authentic Hainan cuisine restaurant, it is worth having a meal with friends!

A piece of tofu private dish: antique health food

A piece of tofu private dish is Sanya Gold Medal long-established restaurant, last year to Sanya in the Great East Sea once, this time came to the Friendship Road shop, close to the Coconut Dream Promenade!

The restaurant decoration style is antique, the hollow wooden windows, festive lanterns, the environment is very good.

Mom mixed vegetables, this is a refreshing cold mixed dish, under the wine, the taste is great!

A smoky piece of tofu is the signature dish here, complete with three secret sauces for a light and elegant taste. The choice of ingredients is organic, green and healthy, the taste stick, the tofu is made of its own stone grinding, the material is very healthy, can supplement nutrition without being monotonous.

Internet celebrity pop coconut flower roll, is also a signature dish, can make the picture scroll into this kind of creativity is only this store, before eating there will be waiters to say auspicious words, hands to smash the roses scattered on the flower rolls, like a painting.

Duck with jam, growing so big, I really ate better than roast duck for the first time, a bit of jam salty and sweet taste.

At 7:30 p.m., the chef brother will also present beautiful songs, this brother is really versatile, to the diners to send a warm and fun.

Courtyard Coconut Chicken: Three coconuts in one pot of soup

Coconut chicken has gradually become the most representative internet celebrity food in Hainan, every time you come to Sanya, you can't miss the food is coconut chicken hot pot, any season to Sanya will come to eat coconut chicken hot pot. This time, the coconut chicken in the small courtyard above the cape yard was chosen.

The environment as a whole is an open courtyard, surrounded by tall coconut trees and other greenery, and there are artificial flowing water and small bridges around it, as if it were a tropical rainforest. In such an environment, there are also some tables, which are not only suitable for friends to eat, but even couples dating, which will seem very emotional.

The nature-style dining environment, with some cartoons of Hainan characteristic scenery on the walls, and a group of friends sitting around eating authentic food, is a happy thing.

A family of three ordered a small courtyard coconut chicken set for 2 people, the price was favorable, the portion was sufficient, and the three of us felt that it was enough.

The waiter was very enthusiastic about making the seasoning for us, there was a master specially in cutting coconuts, three coconuts a pot of soup, plus a bottle of pure water, after boiling, add coconut chicken, drink a mouthful of soup soup is too fresh and sweet!

Pure hand shrimp slip: especially fresh, after cooking the taste is smooth, without adding dipping sauce to feel very fresh and sweet.

Black pork egg yolk dumplings: especially love to eat Hainan's pork dumplings, dumplings are full of flavor, not greasy at all, babies also love to eat!

Hainan sweet potato: The taro here gives me the feeling that even if it is cooked for a long time, it will not rot thoroughly, and it tastes very good, and Yaoyao babies like to eat it!

Mushroom platter: the best match for eating hot pot.

Crab: Eat it with a sense of ritual

As the name suggests, Crab is a crab-themed restaurant. But unlike the Small Courtyard Coconut Chicken, Crab is an indoor restaurant in a light blue single-family building. There is a man-made creek and fountain outside the restaurant, surrounded by coconut trees, blue sky and white clouds, creeks, such a dining environment is very pleasant.

The main color of the interior of the restaurant is Morandi green, which I like very much, it looks very literary and tall.

Walking into the restaurant, you will be greeted by a large fish tank filled with fat crabs. The crabs inside attract Yaoyao's eyes.

When the crab opened, I saw that my friend had eaten this restaurant and could finally come to eat it, and it did not disappoint.

Egg yolk fried crab: crab full of a large plate, the portion is very sufficient, crab meat is very sweet, after eating crab, the egg yolk is used for bibimbap, fragrant crying.

Ding'an Black Pork Dumplings: Zongzi is a must-eat every time you come to Hainan, and the salty aroma of egg yolks and black pork are absolutely matched.

Shrimp sauce sweet potato leaves: Before eating are fried, they used homemade shrimp paste, very under the rice, a person ate most of the plate.

Durian Melaleuca: Delicate on the palate and rich in flavor. My family does not eat a mouthful of durian, and she has finished a thousand layers herself.

It is worth mentioning that the qing supplement cool sent by the restaurant is also very delicious, really worthy of being praised by Su Shi as "picking qiong pulp on the coconut tree, holding a bowl of white jade incense" food, if you can order, I really want to come again.

2020 is an extraordinary year, this year we have experienced a lot, it is time to plan new year's day and Spring Festival travel to relax yourself, Sanya is a good choice, to start a beautiful island food journey, I hope this food guide can help you!

【About the property】

Traveling, eating, drinking and having fun, accommodation is naturally the first. As a tourist city, Sanya Hotels of various grades are simply not too many, including Yalong Bay, Haitang Bay, Sanya Bay and so on.

Yalong Bay is home to the ocean, sand, sunshine and rival any internationally renowned tropical coastal resort.

Haitang Bay is an emerging tourist destination.

Sanya Bay is more convenient in terms of transportation and is relatively close to the airport high-speed rail station.

【About Transportation】

1. Aircraft

In fact, to sanya is most concerned about traffic problems, Sanya Phoenix Airport is not far from Sanya city, there are direct flights to Sanya all over the country.

Tickets are more expensive from December to February, so we must buy tickets in advance if you have a good itinerary. Generally fly directly to Sanya is more expensive, you can choose to fly Haikou, but Haikou to Sanya high-speed rail tickets need 100 yuan, everyone according to the actual situation to compare the purchase, want to save trouble on the direct flight to Sanya!

From Phoenix Airport to the city, you can also take the airport bus, the departure time is 9:30-20:00, every hour, 20:00 - the end of the flight, every half hour, that is to say, as long as there is a flight to the port, there are civil aviation buses waiting in the terminal building out of the port (under normal circumstances, the last bus pick-up time is 00:30).

Airport taxi to the city if about 50 yuan, Sanya taxi is more convenient, ride-hailing software orders on someone to take orders, wave to stop!

2. Train

Sanya Railway Station is the southernmost railway station in China, there are direct trains to Haikou and Sanya throughout the country, if you can't buy a special ticket, or a relatively close area from Hainan, taking the train to Sanya is also a very economical choice.

3. City transportation

Many hotels (resorts) have free sightseeing buses to the city and attractions, which can be said to be very convenient, but such hotels are expensive, and the cost is of course included in the price.

It is also more convenient to take the bus in the city, there are more than ten bus lines, the operation time is basically from 6 a.m. to about 11 p.m., and the fare is mostly as long as 2 yuan. And Sanya City only has a north-south main street - Jiefang Road, shopping, food, take the bus is also very convenient, the frequency of the bus, basically have seats, the conductor driver is also very enthusiastic, if you want to really feel the city of Sanya, or take the bus here.

But unfortunately, almost all of Sanya's famous attractions are not in the city, and it costs about 7-10 yuan for each person to take the bus to each attraction. There are also many private private line minibuses, which are also about 10 yuan in price.

In fact, if there are more people traveling together, it is still recommended to rent a car, the cost of sharing is not very expensive, and it is very convenient to go to scenic spots and eat. Friends rent a car on average 80-100 yuan a day, cost-effective!

Sanya Travel Tips:

1, as little as possible with cash, valuables kept well. Now the technology is very developed, mobile phone payment is very convenient. Therefore, when traveling outside, try to choose to bring less cash. At the same time, when traveling, cameras, computers and other valuables should not leave the body as much as possible and be properly kept.

2, ticket category: determine the travel time, choose the means of transportation in advance, plane or train, it is best to download a travel app, so that booking tickets is more convenient.

3. Digital: SLR camera, mobile phone, laptop, portable hard disk, charger, mobile power supply, plug board.

3, Sanya's beach is very beautiful, the sun is also very beautiful, but people want to be beautiful to use sunscreen, SPF 30 or more sunscreen is a must, moisturizing spray and hydrating mask is best to bring.

4, to Sanya is definitely going to the sea, swimsuits, swimming glasses, earplugs must be prepared. A change of clothes, sun umbrella, sun hat, sunglasses, and beach slippers should also be brought.

5, travel, commonly used drugs should be prepared, such as anti-allergy drugs, cold medicines, fever drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, antidiarrheal drugs, antidiarrheals, painkillers, Band-Aids, eye drops, disinfectant cotton balls, etc.

6, ID card do not forget to bring, there are a variety of documents for discounting, mobile phones, cameras will not be reminded much, but spare batteries and various chargers, do not forget.


Travel time, always short, four days of Sanya tourism fleeting, there are food, beauty and characteristic culture. If you have time, get out and about.

There are some things that you don't do now and will never do. Next stop, I'm ready to go again.