
Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it

author:Noshi Wushan

Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it

Chinese is a brief description of the scientific text that follows the previous part

Continue to analyze the phases and comparisons of water manifestation morphologies and the words they are related to.

"Explanation of Words": "Water, 凖也." A trip to the North. Like all the waters flowing together, there is also a slight yang qi. ”。 The flow of liquids to equalize the weight of the form is the paradigm of the word "water".


"Explanation of Words": "Note, irrigation also." From the water, the main voice. ”。

"Explanation of the Text": "Lord, the Lord of fire in stirrups." From [凵下土], pictogram. From, , , also sound. ”

(See "Chinese is a brief description of science I. 07))

The superposition of the three paradigms of 凵, earth, and earth: the fire of judas lamp leads into the paradigm of the main word of the lamp.

The superposition of the two paradigms of water and the main one: there is a paradigm that leads the water guide into the dictatorship of the word.

Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it


"Explanation of Words": "Eliminate, exhaust." From the water, the sound of shaw. ”。

"Shuowen Jiezi": "Xiao, flesh and bones are similar also." Whisper from the flesh. Not like its predecessor, so it is known as "not Shaw" also. ”。

(See "Chinese is a Brief Description of Science, No. 79))

The two paradigms of small and meat are superimposed: flesh and bone are slightly similar and seem to be the paradigm of Xiao Zi.

The superposition of the two paradigms of water and shaw: if the water is divided and gradually reduced or even exhausted, it is the paradigm of elimination.

Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it

Dive: Variant Writing "濳"

"Shuowen Jiezi": "濳, wading in the water also." A hidden one. A Han water for the dive. From the water, the sound of the water. ”。

"Shuowen Jiezi": "朁, Zeng Ye." From the dawn, the sound. The poem says: 'The dawn is not afraid of the light. ’”。

"Explanation of Words": "曰, word also." From the mouth bout. Also like breath out also. ”

(See "A Brief Introduction to the Chinese is Science, No. 93)"

The two paradigms of mouth and B are superimposed: the words in the mouth are like the paradigm of the word.

"Shuowen Jiezi": "兓, 朁朁, Rui Yi also." From Erzhuo. ”

"Explanation of The Words of the Sayings": "兂, Shou Zhen also." From man, dagger like hairpin shape. ”

Oracle "Man" (

Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it

"Man, the most precious of the nature of heaven and earth." This script resembles the shape of an arm shin. ”。 Its oracle bone characters resemble the shape of a human salute on the side. The form of a man's adult crown ceremony is the 籀文 (or oracle bone")

Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it

The paradigm of the word "person".

"Explanation of Words": "Dagger, phase and comparison also." From the anti-human. ”。

(See "Chinese is a Brief Description of science, No. 71))

From the anti-human phase with the comparison is "dagger (

Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it

)" word paradigm.

Or to call this "dagger" a "fork", a "fork". Because of the name of the form. The seal is right like its fork. The left is like the one who has reached it.

Man, dagger two paradigm superposition: compared with the Jude woman adult bundle hair fixed hair tip long thing ruo chao is the paradigm of the word.

Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it

The superposition of the two paradigms of 兂 and 兂: If the sharp intention is still bound to make the two people bend themselves to praise, it is the paradigm of the word.

Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it

The superposition of the two paradigms of 曰 and 兓: The paradigm of the word 朁字 is the paradigm of the word 朁 in terms of the meaning of the meaning of the outside sharp and the secret passage of the song.

Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it

The superposition of the two paradigms of water and water: the one who is underwater dark and the one who is in the underwater is the paradigm of the word 濳.

Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it

The reduction of the variant character "濳" to "潜" is simplified according to the provincial pen specifications of the ancients (variant characters, synonymous characters) calligraphy.

Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it


"Shuowen Jiezi": "Mixed, Feng Liu also." From the water, kunsheng. ”。

"Explanation of Words": "Kun, Tongye." From the day, from the ratio. ”

(See "Chinese is a brief description of science one of one zero))

The superposition of the two paradigms of the day and the ratio: if the sun goes down and it is clear that it is close to the same, it is the paradigm of the Kunzi character.

The superposition of the two paradigms of water and kun: if the sun goes down and it is clear that they are close to each other, they are involved in the water and the abundance of flow is the paradigm of mixed characters.

Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it


"Explanation of Words": "Soak in water." Out of the mountains and yang Pingle, northeast into Si. Sound from water, package. ”

"Explanation of The Words of the Sayings": "Bao, like a man who is pregnant, is in the middle, and the elephant is not formed." The vitality begins with the son. The Son, born of man, also. Thirty on the left of the male and twenty on the right of the female, both stand on the throne, for the couple. He was born in October. The male rises to Yin, and the female rises to Shen. Therefore, the male suffocation is Shi Yin, and the female suffocation is Shi Shen Ye. ”

(See "The Logical Orientation Behind the Composition of the Chinese Text, Part I. 66)"

The superposition of the two paradigms of 勹 and 巳: 巳 in the middle of the elephant is not formed by the Jews, which is the paradigm of the wrapped character.

The two paradigms of water and package are superimposed: the person who is wrapped in floating water gushing is the paradigm of bubble words.

Chinese text composition is one of the logically oriented studies behind it

P. 2144: "(Bubble) soak in water. Out of the mountains and sunny flat music. Northeast into Si. Sanyang-gun Hiraku, see Former Zhi. Marquis of Zhiyun. Soak in water, northeast to Pei into Si. The water is injected into the Surabaya chapter. Huanggou and Pingle County to the east. And the east and right are soaked in water. The source of the water is also abundant. On the water, it is a big river. To the east is the north of the city. It is also to the south of the ancient city of The County. It is also to the east of the ancient city of Chengcheng County. It is also east of the ancient city of Shan Father County. And east of Pingle County. Soak in water on the right. Since the bottom of the abundance, bubbles are commonly known. Hence the geographical chronicle. Pingle, soaking water out. It is also east of the ancient city of Fengfeng County. It is also to the south of the ancient city of Pei County. In the south of the city to the east of the si. Geography. Soak in water from the northeast of Pingle to the pei into the Si also. According to the present-day Pao River flows from present-day Shan County in Shandong Province to the north of Feng County, Jiangsu Province. And east of Pei County. Southeast of the city. To Si Ting Yi and join in Si. From water. Packet sound. Pitts cut. According to today's custom, BaoHe. The ancient sound is in three parts. And flow also. Or floating also. ”