
The wife brushed a single and was defrauded of 6,000 yuan, and people often lost on a "greedy" word

author:Ah Bao has been working hard

Have you ever been scammed? I myself am a careful and cautious person, and I can never believe that there is a good thing in the world that has dropped pie in the sky, so the cheater can only be in vain in my body, but I did not expect to take every precaution, but it still happened to the people around me!

The wife brushed a single and was defrauded of 6,000 yuan, and people often lost on a "greedy" word


Last Sunday we two couples on vacation, just in the afternoon I went out alone to buy things for more than an hour, my wife was cheated of more than six thousand yuan, she was introduced by a friend into a brush single group, just made dozens of dollars, I also reminded her not to get these things again, when the time to be deceived will not be worth the loss, but she does not believe, said that she knows, and also made some money, if the advance is not done, and then I did not care much about this matter, just remind her a few words will not be enough!

The wife brushed a single and was defrauded of 6,000 yuan, and people often lost on a "greedy" word


She said that day she added a person who sent a task to the group as usual, the person asked her to put the next software, clicked into the window that only had a search URL, and then sent her a link, asked her to copy and paste it, and then popped up a payment order. Jump to the payment interface shows 0.00, she did not think much about it to pay out, and then go to see her balance is less than three thousand, she is afraid that I scolded her and did not dare to tell me, hurriedly to ask the person who sent the task, the person said that the system is wrong, let her pay again, you can return the money, she also did it, and then to see less than three thousand, this time she panicked, realized that after being deceived, she called me, I immediately reported to the police after I came back, but this money is difficult to find again, just let her buy a lesson, but for our kind of family, this lesson is indeed a bit big!

The wife brushed a single and was defrauded of 6,000 yuan, and people often lost on a "greedy" word


Now the scammer's trick is really endless, I hope this lesson can make everyone wake up, do not easily believe in this kind of lying can make money, you think of others' little commission, and others are thinking about how to empty your pockets, scammers are often using this bit of people's greed, step by step to lead you into the trap, then regret it is too late!

The wife brushed a single and was defrauded of 6,000 yuan, and people often lost on a "greedy" word

I'm Ah Bao, like my article remember to pay a little attention to yo! Let's discuss and communicate together!