
The three best hams in China, have you ever eaten them?

author:A lost life

After the ham is processed, it is fragrant when it is not cooked, and it is also full of color and flavor after it is cooked. Today's recommended ham is famous, Xiaobian is sure that at least 1 is what you have eaten

The three best hams in China, have you ever eaten them?

Xuanwei ham, Xuanwei ham is produced in Xuanwei County, Yunnan Province, with a history of more than 250 years. Its appearance is upright, large and small, fat and moderate, the meat is tender, it is fragrant to eat, it is famous at home and abroad with its unique flavor, as early as the beginning of the twentieth century, it was marketed at home and abroad, and won many international awards. At present, the local area also uses Sherwin-Williams ham to process into a variety of foods, mainly including: canned cloud legs, cloud legs lunch meat, cloud legs mooncakes and cloud legs milk candy

The three best hams in China, have you ever eaten them?

Jinhua ham, due to the different raw materials used and processing seasons and pickling methods, Jinhua ham has many different varieties. For example, pickled in the middle of winter, it is called the winter leg; the leg is repaired into a crescent shape, called the moon leg; the front leg is processed, rectangular, called the wind leg; hanging between the pot stove, often smoked by bamboo leaves, called smoked legs; pickled with white sugar, called sugar legs; and marinated with dog legs, called shu legs. It is said that Zong Ze (Ren), a famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty, was the grandfather of the ham industry; some legends say that he brought his hometown pork to the imperial palace after being marinated and presented to the emperor, and the emperor saw that the open leg meat was crimson like fire, that is, he named it "Jinhua ham"

The three best hams in China, have you ever eaten them?

Rugao ham, compared with Jinhua ham, Rugao ham is slightly salty, and the fine weight is more fat, and the meat quality is slightly older than Jinhua ham. Rugao ham is characterized by: thin skin and fine claws, beautiful shape (shaped like a pipa or bamboo leaves), with bright colors, salty and fragrant beauty and other unique styles, with color, incense, taste, shape "four must". Ham has a high nutritional value and is rich in protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other ingredients. Select local healthy breeding pigs with thin feet, thin skin and tender flesh, and a gross weight of about 60 kilograms, wash the fresh legs, and according to their size, fat and thin into bamboo leaf shape or pipa shape. When salting is strictly controlled during pickling, it is washed and dried in time after marinating, and then stored for fermentation. Storage and fermentation is a key process for ham with special qualities, with a fermentation cycle of 5-6 months

The three best hams in China, have you ever eaten them?

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