
If you want to "big white teeth", you must also be optimistic about the risk

author:Bright Net
If you want to "big white teeth", you must also be optimistic about the risk

Citizen Zhang Lin from about 12 years old after changing her teeth is yellow, which has a great impact on girls who love beauty, and never dares to speak loudly when talking to others, nor does she dare to laugh when she is happy, for fear of showing her big yellow teeth. "I have consulted tooth whitening many times, but in some hospitals and dental clinics, when I heard that I had to grind off part of my teeth, I was scared to stop. Zhang Lin told reporters that seeing that the wedding date is approaching, looking at the mouth full of large yellow teeth in the mirror, after more than a month of ideological struggle at home, she finally made up her mind to come to the hospital again to consult tooth whitening.

Zhang Lin came to the Stomatology Department of the Headquarters of Qingdao Municipal Hospital, and received the treatment of Lu Shulai, deputy director of the Oral Medical Center, after understanding Zhang Lin's concerns, she told Zhang Lin: Don't worry at all, there is now a whitening method without grinding teeth, called "teeth whitening". In simple terms, this whitening method actually belongs to a kind of bleaching, that is, some chemical factors with bleaching effect are applied to the surface of the teeth in a safe way, so that the teeth become white and white naturally. The treatment process is convenient and fast, and it can be perfectly white in about an hour, and it is painless. After listening to the doctor's introduction, Zhang Lin was suddenly in a cheerful mood and gladly accepted the treatment plan. Director Lu conducted a comprehensive examination of her mouth, treated the existing gingivitis and other problems, gave clean teeth cleaning, etc., and then made an appointment for a week to be treated in the hospital. A week later, Zhang Lin arrived as promised, and after completing a set of standardized teeth whitening treatment operations, Xiao Zhang was pleased to see the "big white teeth" she wanted.

"At present, the commonly used teeth whitening technology mainly includes tooth surface polishing, scaling, all-porcelain crown, porcelain veneer, cold light whitening technology and teeth whitening technology. Some need to polish and wash teeth, some need to grind a thin layer of tooth tissue on the lip surface, some have a long treatment time, high cost, and some have certain damage to tooth enamel, and the whitening and maintenance effect is different. The specific choice of which method needs to be selected according to the basic situation of personal teeth and whitening needs. Deputy Director Lu Shulai introduced that teeth whitening does not require teeth grinding, the damage to teeth is small, and the postoperative sensitivity is lower, which is the most advanced tooth whitening technology at present, which has high technical requirements for doctors, and must strictly control the treatment time under the operation of professional doctors. The patient can whiten on the basis of oral health, if there is gingivitis, periodontitis, caries, tooth defects and other diseases, must first carry out basic treatment. Therefore, she warned everyone that some online shopping whitening kits, safety can not be guaranteed, it is not recommended to try at home, it is best to choose a regular oral medical institution for treatment. Finally, experts remind that after whitening teeth, you need to pay attention to protection, avoid drinking tea, coffee, cola, red wine and other dark foods and drinks within 24 hours; daily use of whitening toothpaste can reduce the coloring of teeth after whitening; avoid exposing teeth to the stimulation of too cold and too hot within two weeks. Guanhai News/Qingdao Morning Post reporter Yang Jian

Author: Yang Jian

Source: Qingdao Morning Post

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