
Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

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Sexual assault occurs all over the world, but it seems to be particularly serious in Japan.

In 2009, there were thousands of cases of sexual harassment on trains in Japan, of which only 286 were filed.

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

A 2018 survey by the Japanese government showed that more than two-thirds of female civil servants in Japan have experienced some form of sexual harassment.

Of these, more than 58% of female complainants said:

"If we refuse certain special requests from our male boss, at work,

We may be treated unequally. ”

In Japan, many people will call the satyrs who flirt with women "idiots".

Women who flirt with men are called "idiots",

To put it bluntly, the female rogue, in the crowded subway, the "idiot" searches for his ideal target,

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

Moving slowly in the crowd, once close to their prey, they will immediately take the newspaper and become the "Golden Horse Award Film Emperor",

While pretending to look at the newspaper, while using the newspaper to cover up,

Extend your hand to women, but the status of women in Japan is very low, and many Japanese women know that they have been sexually harassed.

I didn't dare to resist too fiercely, so I could only move a few steps to the side, because if I called the police,

Not only may they be ridiculed and treated with indifference by the Japanese police, but their reputations may also be ruined.

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

It is this kind of forbearance that makes those "idiots" more and more bold,

If women avoid their salty pig hands, they will not give up,

Instead, it is directly forward to continue their own harassment, and almost no one will lend a helping hand, as long as the woman is in the car,

The satyrs never stopped, and when the tram arrived at the station, the women hurried off, and the satyrs went to the next carriage.

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

Continue to search for your prey.

The University of Tokyo in Japan once conducted a survey that spot checked three universities in Tokyo.

Found that more than 86% of female students have been sexually harassed in the subway and batteries.

Investigators also sampled three private high schools and found that more than 73 percent of high school female students had also been sexually harassed in the subway.

When interviewed, a female student said:

"Hopefully, the government will enact laws that give harsher penalties to those who sexually harass, in addition,

It is also desirable that carriages dedicated to female passengers can be provided and that the Government will find ways to alleviate traffic congestion at work,

Let the subway and trams be less congested, and try to give those idiots as few opportunities as possible. ”

Not only female students, but also a survey was done by Waseda University in Japan.

Found that more than 2/3 of female civil servants have experienced some form of sexual harassment and that this proportion is rising every year,

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

The same harassment is not all women, it may also be men,

For example, Japanese actress Seiko Matsuda once sexually harassed her dance partner for men.

Finally, the male dance partner was given 8 million yen to mediate privately, and the matter did not make a big fuss.

The reason why those "idiots" are so bold has something to do with Japanese law.

In Japan, even if the sexual harasser is caught on the spot, if it is the first time,

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

Sexual harassers will be fined 50,000 yen (about 2,800 yuan),

Of course, if it is a habitual offender, it is possible to be sentenced to detention for up to 6 months,

Such punishment is not painful for many sexual harassers, because in Japanese society,

Many sexual harassers do not feel ashamed of their actions.

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

After being caught, I just feel that I have bad luck, not to mention what I know is wrong and can be changed.

Although sexual harassment is more common in Japan, Japanese women also want to do a lot of tricks.

For example, in the summer, it is the time when the sex wolves frequently appear, and many Japanese women are eager to wear beautiful clothes.

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

But they are also often worried about becoming the prey of the satyrs, so many Japanese women will buy a lot of books on "wolf prevention".

A few bottles of anti-wolf spray and electric rods were stuffed in the bag, and some women put a few condoms directly in the bag.

Just in case.

Because sexual harassment is so common in Japan, at night, many men are stimulated by alcohol in bars.

Will have no scruples, according to Japanese media reports,

On the evening of September 26, Aramiko, a female college student in Tokyo who was handing out leaflets on the street, was harassed by a drunken Japanese official.

Although the man was arrested, the victim woman was also severely traumatized.

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

In Japan, you can hardly find a woman who has never been harassed.

Many Japanese women who have been violated generally have one thing in common.

That is, when they are being stalked or violated by satyrs, they have no sense of resistance at all.

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

Fear of provoking sexual harassers to be beaten, blindly knowing only obedience and silence,

Many Japanese women are frequently followed when they return home from work, and once they are targeted,

The number of times they have been harassed by the same man may be as many as a hundred times, and these Japanese women who do not know how to resist.

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

What do they do?

Smart Japanese insurance companies also see business opportunities inside, and many young Japanese women often buy "sexual assault insurance".

Of course, this insurance certainly cannot prevent the occurrence of sexual harassment incidents, but it can "clean up" these young girls.

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

Because in the past, this kind of aftermath work was generally managed by the Japanese government.

The Japanese government stipulates in law that if a woman is raped and thus leads to pregnancy,

Then the government of the victim's place of residence must give the victim a sum of money.

The victim can take the money to have an abortion,

But this policy was implemented for a while, and it was found that it did not work, because the number of victims was too large.

Japan's finances were soon stretched to the limit, and it was really impossible to come up with money.

As a result, more than 28 county governments in Japan have made it clear that they will no longer pay for these victimized women.

Suddenly, many Japanese women panicked.

Many Japanese insurance companies have seen the business opportunities inside and launched "sexual assault insurance".

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

Unexpectedly, this insurance is very popular, and more and more Japanese women choose to buy it.

According to conservative estimates, just three months after the introduction of "sexual assault insurance", more than 3.6 million Japanese women placed orders.

Many people buy it for peace of mind, but can this insurance really be "insured"?

It is clearly not,

If insurance can get compensation, the most important thing is that the insurance company can confirm the fact that women have been violated.

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

This means that women must come up with evidence of their own abuse.

It is also impossible for Japanese women to predict when they will be sexually harassed, and insurance companies have figured out how to do it.

That is, installing cameras in women's homes and signing confidentiality contracts with women,

Multiple high-definition cameras will be installed in the bedroom, toilet, and doorway of the woman's home.

If women are stalked or violated, even if they are bad people with colored guts, they run to their homes.

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

Insurance companies can also get evidence, and women who are victims can also get compensation, which means that

If the insured woman is accidentally pregnant if she is raped, the insurance company will give the victim woman a sum of money.

The victim woman can take this money to have abortions and recuperate, or she can use this money as pocket money.

If the sexual harasser is caught, the victim woman can also enjoy free lawyer consultation and representation services.

Although the insurance company said that the sky was crazy, the premise was that there must be evidence of women being sexually assaulted.

In the end, it is because the Japanese government has evaded responsibility.

But how safe is this insurance?

Japanese girls are popular to buy "sexual assault insurance", is this a blessing or a curse?

Imagine if a woman even had a camera on the toilet, who would protect her privacy?

In other words, once there are a few satyrs in the insurance company,

The video was leaked,

Who will protect the rights and interests of these victimized women?