
【Circular Exposure】Circular on two typical cases of "formalism and bureaucracy" problems

author:New Saihan V

In order to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on further correcting the "four winds" and strengthening the construction of work style, in accordance with the arrangements of the higher-level Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission and the district committee, the Saihan District Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission carried out the "formalism and bureaucracy" centralized rectification work in depth, and investigated and dealt with a number of violations of discipline. The two typical cases investigated and handled are hereby reported as follows:

I. Yun Changsheng, secretary of the party branch of Moban Village in Yulin Town, used epidemic prevention and control funds in violation of regulations

During the epidemic prevention and control period in February 2020, Yun Changsheng, secretary of the party branch of Moban Village, a former naima, yulin town, used epidemic donations without holding a relevant meeting, violating the provisions of the Saihan District Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Water Conservancy Bureau's "Notice on Regulating the Financial Handling of Materials and Funds Donated by Society and Individuals in Administrative Villages During the "New Coronavirus Prevention and Control" Period". As the secretary of the village party branch, Yun Changsheng did not hold relevant meetings to personally decide major issues, which had a negative impact on the prevention and control of the epidemic. In March 2021, Yun Changsheng received a severe warning from the party.

2. Chen Yali, an internal staff member of the Executive Bureau of the Saihan District People's Court, and Yuan Xiaowei, a clerk, failed to perform their duties in the process of enforcing the judgment compensation

In May 2018, Chen Yali, an internal staff member of the Executive Bureau of the Saihan District People's Court, failed to freeze the enforceable deposits in a timely manner during the property information inspection and control of the judgment debtor, resulting in the judgment debtor withdrawing the money, causing the applicant an economic loss of 9,200 yuan. Yuan Xiaowei, clerk of the Executive Bureau of the Saihan District People's Court, as the undertaker of the enforcement case, did not transfer funds to the applicant in a timely manner when there was money in the bank account of the person subject to enforcement. The acts of the above two people have damaged the rights and interests of the applicant and caused adverse effects. In May 2021, Chen Yali was punished by the administrative secretary, and Yuan Xiaowei was punished with a severe warning from within the party.

The above-mentioned cases have exposed the problems of inaction and disorderly behavior of individual party members and cadres in the course of performing their duties, and party members and cadres throughout the region should draw lessons from them, take the case as a lesson, and resolutely put an end to the occurrence of such problems. Party organizations at all levels under the district should further enhance their political standing, profoundly promote the centralized rectification work of "formalism and bureaucracy," seriously rectify the "four behaviors" of party members and cadres' inaction, slow action, false behavior, and chaos, further change their work style, and continuously enhance the satisfaction of the masses. (Party Style Supervision Office)

Editor: Kewei Liu

Preliminary: Zhang Shuning

Review: Guo Jianguo Hu Haibo

Final Judge: Wang Xin