
Hunan Leiyang is pointed to teachers apportioning blood donation indicators and linked to performance Municipal Education Bureau: Previously considered and incomplete has been adjusted

author:Upstream News

Recently, Jiang Hong (pseudonym), a teacher in Leiyang City, Hunan Province, reported to the upstream news (weChat: shangyounews) reporter that the Education Bureau of Leiyang City issued a notice in late September that schools completed the blood donation target in proportion and gave appropriate deductions of performance points to (schools) that did not complete the task well, but in the allocation of blood donation tasks, the education bureau organs were "voluntary".

"Comrades have inquired about this matter before, and they have already replied and adjusted." On the morning of October 9, Zhang Xiaoyong, director of the Education Bureau of Leiyang City, said in an interview.

"We advocate unpaid blood donation, but it is not tied to teacher performance." On October 9, Zhou Xuguang, head of the Sports and Health Unit of the Leiyang Municipal Education Bureau, introduced that they had remade the target number of blood donation tasks and notified the schools.

The Education Bureau issued a document apportioning blood donation indicators and linked to performance

According to the "Notice on Doing a Good Job of Unpaid Blood Donation in 2020" issued by the Leiyang Municipal Education Bureau provided by Jiang Hong to reporters, the unpaid blood donation work will be included in the annual assessment category, and the performance appraisal points will be appropriately deducted for those who do not complete the task well.

The "Notice" also assigns specific tasks to all types of schools at all levels under the Leiyang Municipal Education Bureau. Its annex shows that the target task of unpaid blood donation in 2020 is 800 person-times, in addition to the education bureau, 114 schools in the education system of Leiyang City have allocated blood donations according to the proportion of about 7% of the number of teachers and staff, the least Shaming School has allocated 1 person-time, and the largest number of Schools in Leiyang has allocated 30 person-times. However, the blood donation task allocation column of the Municipal Education Bureau of Leiyang City shows "voluntary". The Notice calls for the completion of this work by the end of October.

"Once the unpaid blood donation is divided into indicators, it will be linked to the school's year-end performance appraisal, and ultimately affect the income of teachers." Jiang Hong mentioned that the school has been assigned a blood donation target, but the education bureau is voluntary blood donation. Jiang Hong believes that the Education Bureau's approach is unfair to the majority of teachers.

Teacher Wu, a local teacher in Leiyang, said: "Unpaid blood donation is a good thing, it can save others, but it should be carried out according to my own wishes and if my physical condition permits." ”

Hunan Leiyang is pointed to teachers apportioning blood donation indicators and linked to performance Municipal Education Bureau: Previously considered and incomplete has been adjusted

Leiyang Education distributes blood donation tasks to schools and is linked to performance. Image credit/courtesy of the interviewee

Education Bureau: Not linked to performance, adjusted

On the morning of October 9, Zhang Xiaoyong, director of the Education Bureau of Leiyang City, said in an interview with reporters: "This matter has been replied to and adjusted. He mentioned that unpaid blood donation is a current need and a good thing. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Many teachers have not seen how our bureau operates, thinking that the bureau does not donate blood, but only asks the grassroots to donate blood, which is not the case." Zhou Xuguang, director of the Sports, Art and Health Unit of the Leiyang Municipal Education Bureau, said that we have readjusted the distribution of the list, allocated a target number to the organs according to the proportion of heads, the same proportion as the school, and have already sent out the new plan. "After the grassroots donate blood, the organs will definitely donate blood."

Zhou Xuguang said that at present, there are more than 9,000 teachers in the city's education system, and the number of municipal education bureaus is more than 190, and the target number is uniformly distributed according to the proportion of about 6%.

"Unpaid blood donation work, at the time of the meeting, greeted the principals of each school, and it is not linked to any evaluation, and unpaid blood donation is an advocacy." Zhou Xuguang mentioned that the content of "giving appropriate deductions for performance appraisal points for those who do not complete tasks well" mentioned in the "Notice" is that they are not well considered, "but they really did not do that, no teacher will be affected by half a point, and when we published the document, we wanted to put some pressure on the school." ”

"We advocate unpaid blood donation, and also ask school leaders to pay attention to this area, do more work, and teachers who are fit for age can participate." Zhou Xuguang said.

Upstream journalist Xiao Peng

Hunan Leiyang is pointed to teachers apportioning blood donation indicators and linked to performance Municipal Education Bureau: Previously considered and incomplete has been adjusted