
Test drive zero-run T03 endurance Charging efficiency far exceeds expectations

author:Suzhou zero run Chen Xu

In recent years, although consumers have become more and more receptive to new energy models, there are still many small partners who feel that electric daddies are difficult to serve, including Xiaobian I. Even if the tide of the new four modernizations swept in, I still have reservations about electric vehicles. Because I have also driven several electric vehicles before, but either the price is too inaccessible, or the battery life is too crotch-pulling, and the charging speed is grinding. However, after a few days of getting along with zero-run T03, an A00-class pure electric car owned by the new power car company Zero Run Car, it made me have a big change in my attitude towards the 80,000-level pure electric car. Want to know how I put "true incense" to the end? Let's take a look at my face punch transcript.

Endurance favorability UP

When I first got this zero-run T03, the battery life was 60KM, but I had to go back to the company (south to west of Shenzhen) to go on a high-speed, and the whole journey was 30KM. As we all know, electric vehicles run at high speed, battery life discount is certain, but there is no way, I think is to slow down, no matter how to shrink will not be waist chopped, right? But in fact, after I drove a distance, I found that the power consumption was not large, and I slowly began to speed up. After arriving at the company, the mileage is still more than 20 KM, which is not much different from the actual mileage, which is a surprise to me.

Charge favorability up

Although the electricity is not exhausted, I think about charging it first, and after opening the charging port, I found that this car still has a fast charge. I ran from the remaining 20 KM to a full 403 KM, which only took a little more than an hour, and this charging speed directly changed my view of pure electric cars. In addition, the previous high-speed cruising range has not been attenuated, and the core indicators of the scooter car are passed in my area. Think about if there is really such a car, the endurance can be played, the charging speed is also fast, then usually whether it is commuting to work or running high-speed travel around, you can rest assured, or very convenient.

Appearance, machine favorability UP

Before this price of pure electric car, I have also test driven a few, the appearance is criticized more, because it is really too cute, which makes me a 1 meter 8 rough guy how to open? In contrast, the zero-run T03 (parameter | picture) is not too flattering to female consumers in appearance, the design of the whole vehicle is a bit British, the waist line across the side of the car with 15-inch wheels, but also adds a sense of sport, whether for female users or male users, will not feel violated.

Test drive zero-run T03 endurance Charging efficiency far exceeds expectations
Test drive zero-run T03 endurance Charging efficiency far exceeds expectations
Test drive zero-run T03 endurance Charging efficiency far exceeds expectations
Test drive zero-run T03 endurance Charging efficiency far exceeds expectations

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