
Interpretation of "Several Opinions on Strict Energy Efficiency Constraints to Promote Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in Key Areas" No. 3 Improve energy efficiency standards and promote the transformation and upgrading of the petrochemical industry

author:National Development and Reform Commission

The petrochemical industry covers many fields of production and life, and is an important pillar for the smooth operation of the national economy. Promoting the petrochemical industry to carry out energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation according to the advanced level can reduce energy consumption and carbon emission intensity in the industrial field, effectively curb the blind development momentum of "two high" projects, and promote energy conservation and carbon reduction and green transformation in key industrial fields such as petrochemicals.

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and other 5 departments, along with the "Several Opinions on Strict Energy Efficiency Constraints to Promote Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in Key Industries", simultaneously issued the "Action Plan for Promoting Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in Key Petrochemical Industries (2021-2025)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), which put forward the action goals, key tasks and work requirements for energy conservation and carbon reduction in key industries such as oil refining, ethylene, synthetic ammonia, and calcium carbide, which will effectively improve the energy efficiency level of China's petrochemical and chemical industries and promote industrial transformation and upgrading. Promote the carbon peaking target to be achieved as scheduled.

First, the petrochemical industry has great potential for energy conservation and carbon reduction

China's synthetic ammonia and calcium carbide production ranks first in the world, and its refining capacity and ethylene production rank second in the world. In 2020, The output and apparent consumption of major chemicals in China increased by 3.6% and 4.6% respectively. With the sustained, stable and healthy development of the national economy, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the demand for petrochemical products will continue to grow, but due to product attributes and process characteristics, the unit energy consumption of petrochemical products is higher, and the total energy consumption of the industry is larger. Carrying out energy conservation and carbon reduction actions in the petrochemical industry is conducive to alleviating the current situation of high energy consumption in some areas and freeing up space for energy use.

Second, promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction in the petrochemical industry has a good driving effect

Since the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", the average annual energy consumption growth rate of the petrochemical industry has shown an overall downward trend. The energy utilization efficiency of key industries such as oil refining, ethylene, synthetic ammonia, and calcium carbide has been continuously improved, and the unit energy consumption of products in 2020 has decreased by 4.4%, 7.8%, 8.7%, and 6.7% respectively compared with 2010, but there is still a large space for energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation. Promoting the transformation of energy conservation and carbon reduction in four key industries such as oil refining, ethylene, synthetic ammonia, and calcium carbide, and digging deep into the energy conservation and carbon reduction potential of the petrochemical industry, is of great significance for controlling the total energy consumption of the industry and achieving the carbon peak carbon neutrality goal on schedule.

Third, energy efficiency standards are an important basis for energy conservation and carbon reduction in the petrochemical industry

In the context of carbon peak carbon neutrality, the energy consumption quota standards for some petrochemical products can no longer meet the development needs of the industry's technological progress and energy supply security, and it is urgent to improve the energy-saving and carbon-reducing standard system. The "Plan" determines the benchmark level of energy efficiency in various industries by benchmarking the advanced energy efficiency level of domestic and foreign production enterprises, and guides enterprises to implement energy conservation and carbon reduction transformation. On this basis, with reference to the current national energy consumption standards, the energy efficiency benchmark level of each industry is scientifically delineated as the benchmark threshold for enterprises to implement transformation. At present, the proportion of production capacity in the petrochemical industry that reaches the benchmark level is about 10%, and the proportion of production capacity below the benchmark level is about 30%. By encouraging enterprises to implement potential transformation according to the benchmark level, we will strive to achieve a production capacity ratio of more than 30% of the benchmark level in the refining, ethylene, synthetic ammonia and calcium carbide industries in 2025.

Fourth, energy efficiency standards are a strong support for the transformation and upgrading of the petrochemical industry

At present, some production capacity has a long time to build, is economically poor compared with new installations, has high energy consumption and carbon emission intensity, and has been in a state of suspension or semi-suspension for a long time, and it is urgent to eliminate exit or integrate and upgrade. Strict energy efficiency standards can encourage large and small enterprises to move closer to the advanced level, carry out targeted and appropriate technological transformation, and improve the overall energy efficiency level of the entire industry. The "Plan" proposes to strictly implement the "Industrial Structure Adjustment Guidance Catalogue" and other industrial policy provisions, guide the orderly withdrawal of inefficient production capacity, promote the total scale of calcium carbide production system of 100,000 tons / year and below, a single set of 300,000 tons / year and below ethylene devices to accelerate the withdrawal, while guiding enterprises with energy efficiency below the benchmark level to implement transformation and upgrading with reference to the benchmark level requirements, which is conducive to accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the petrochemical and chemical industry.

Fifth, the petrochemical industry energy conservation and carbon reduction need to be scientifically and orderly classified and promoted

The "Plan" considers the relationship between development and emission reduction, whole and part, and requires the main responsibility of compaction, the improvement of the working mechanism, and the clarification of the implementation path. The first is to establish a list of technological transformations. Find out the energy efficiency of oil refining, ethylene, synthetic ammonia and calcium carbide enterprise projects, set benchmarks, drive backwardness, and strengthen supervision. The second is to carry out transformation in a sound and orderly manner. Formulate the overall implementation plan for the technological transformation of enterprises in key petrochemical industries, clarify the timetable and road map, and strictly prohibit projects from being launched in violation of regulations and building before approval, so as to ensure the stable operation of the economy and the stability of social and people's livelihood. The third is to strengthen supporting supervision and management. Strengthen source control, consolidate territorial supervision responsibilities, do a good job in daily supervision, establish and improve the monitoring and evaluation system for energy consumption and carbon emissions, and improve the energy conservation and carbon reduction supervision system in the petrochemical industry.

Sixth, the petrochemical industry energy conservation and carbon reduction need to strengthen policy guarantees

To carry out energy conservation and carbon reduction in the petrochemical industry, it is necessary to avoid "one-size-fits-all" management and "sports" carbon reduction, and rely more on market mechanisms to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction. To this end, the "Plan" proposes a series of policy safeguards. The first is to revise and improve industrial policy standards, adhere to high standards and classification guidance, closely track the advanced level at home and abroad, scientifically set the energy efficiency benchmark level, and revise the energy consumption quota standard for key products in a timely manner. The second is to adopt market-oriented and rule-of-law means, strengthen the coordination of industrial policy standards, and use green electricity prices, energy-saving reviews, joint disciplinary action for untrustworthiness, etc., to promote the classification of enterprises to implement transformation and upgrading. The third is to give play to the incentive role of fiscal and financial policies, implement preferential tax policies for energy conservation and carbon reduction, actively develop green finance, encourage enterprises to carry out energy-saving and carbon-reduction technology transformation, and demonstrate the application of energy-saving and low-carbon technology and equipment. (Petroleum and Chemical Industry Planning Institute, Cedar)

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