
Han listening to the calendar丨53 Throw your ears and eyes play mahjong without jumping off the building

author:Chinese Character Dictation Conference
Han listening to the calendar丨53 Throw your ears and eyes play mahjong without jumping off the building

Idiom detailed explanation 丨 pouring ears and eyes

Pronunciation: qīng ěr dài mú

Source: Eastern Han Dynasty Bangu's "Book of Han and The Biography of Jia Shan": "Let the people of the world wear their eyes and see, and listen with their ears." ”

Interpretation: Tilt your ears, listen carefully with your ears sideways; wear your eyes and look up. Listen carefully and look up. Describe eagerness.

Inside and outside

Playing mahjong does not jump off the building

In the past two days, there is a news on Baidu: an old man on the roof of a residential building wants to jump off the building, and everyone can't be persuaded. A senior old policeman had a clever move and asked the old man what he needed, and the old man actually proposed: "You accompany me to play mahjong." "The police accompanied the old man to play a few rounds of mahjong, lost several times, the old man was in a good mood, and then talked about the reason for jumping off the building." It turned out that the old people and children were all in Guangdong, usually a person, and recently found out that they had a serious illness, and they were mentally hit, so they couldn't think about it.

Han listening to the calendar丨53 Throw your ears and eyes play mahjong without jumping off the building

Parents and other children in the world are all ear-to-ear, and children accompany their parents, but they are often perfunctory. Parents in the hometown call, it seems that the time is always wrong, play in the morning, the child rushes to the subway to work, the hand can not draw the phone, noon call, the child says to eat, play at night, the child says overtime, and then later, people will say that I am so easy to rest will let me quiet down, you can not send WeChat ... Lonely parents hold back many words every day and can't find the gap in the chat, and busy children are busy every day, hoping that the family can save themselves snacks.

Han listening to the calendar丨53 Throw your ears and eyes play mahjong without jumping off the building

In 2013, China's empty nest elderly population exceeded 100 million. As the parents of the first generation of only children continue to enter the elderly, the number of empty nesters in China will increase to more than 200 million in 2030, the traditional concept of filial piety will gradually disintegrate, the population flow will intensify, and how should the elderly parents support them? Especially when busy children say with a straight face: "Who is not hard, we are also empty nest youth, do not expect parents to help, only want to change their lives through their own ability", the old people are almost speechless.

Han listening to the calendar丨53 Throw your ears and eyes play mahjong without jumping off the building

Perhaps everyone should believe in the government, look forward to the introduction of a more sound pension insurance system, look forward to the development of the aging industry, and the elderly consumer market will be better developed. But the old people will snort and say, we don't need money and don't need others to take care of it, we just want you to come back and see... Young people smile bitterly, the lines that often go home to see are too old, travel expenses, overtime, marriage promotion, gifts... Parents who can't afford to go back to home, the emotions piled in their hearts are transformed into harder work, and as a result, their parents and hometown are farther away from them...

Wen 丨 Lu Xiaoming

Han listening to the calendar丨53 Throw your ears and eyes play mahjong without jumping off the building
Han listening to the calendar丨53 Throw your ears and eyes play mahjong without jumping off the building

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