
The little spider has a scary face Expert: it will not bite people without provoking it

author:Red Star News

Recently, Chengdu netizens "@Last Roast suckling pig" caught a small spider. This little spider grinned with teeth, crossed his eyebrows, and looked fierce and evil. "What the hell is this bug?" Under the attention of netizens, Zhao Li, director of the West China Insect Museum, recognized its real body - the black spotted garden spider.

The little spider has a scary face Expert: it will not bite people without provoking it

Black-spotted garden spider

"Many spiders have markings similar to human faces, but there are few species of human-faced spiders in the garden spider family, and most of the face spiders are crab beads." Zhao Li told the Red Star News reporter that the spider's face pattern is actually a protective color, like the stripes of a zebra, visually destroying the contours of the body, in order to make it difficult for predators to find spiders hidden in the grass.

What is the habit of this spider? Zhao Li introduced that they like to form a circular net between the mountains and forests, and form a thin net on the surface of the nearby leaves as a nest to lurk in it, and when the prey is thrown into the round net, they quickly get out of the nest to catch and drag it into the nest for food. Although it is not common, it is actually widely distributed, and it is distributed in Liaoning, Jiangxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi and other regions. It is found in a wide area from India to Papua New Guinea. This spider was discovered and named as early as 1886.

The little spider has a scary face Expert: it will not bite people without provoking it

Is this spider poisonous? Zhao Li believes that most spiders are poisonous, but it generally does not bite people. Lin Jie, a spider scholar at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, pointed out that the black-spotted garden spider shown in the picture is not very toxic, and generally only if it is provoked, it will bite people. They hide during the day and prey on them at night, so they are rarely seen during the day.

Red Star News reporter Dai Jiajia provided a picture by the interviewee

Edited by Wang He

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The little spider has a scary face Expert: it will not bite people without provoking it

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