
The 10th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition National Competition kicks off and will be divided into seven major industry competitions

author:China News Network
The 10th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition National Competition kicks off and will be divided into seven major industry competitions

The scene of the opening ceremony. Photo by Hu Yixin

Hangzhou, October 12(Reporter Hu Yixin) On October 12, with the opening ceremony of the 10th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition biomedical national competition held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the national competition of this competition will be kicked off one after another.

It is reported that more than 33,000 enterprises have registered for this competition, which is larger than ever. After the regional preliminary competition, a total of more than 1,500 outstanding enterprises have been shortlisted for the national competition, which is divided into seven major industries: biomedicine, new generation information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials, new energy, new energy vehicles, and energy conservation and environmental protection. The National Biopharmaceutical Competition was the first national competition of the year.

Create a national open innovation platform

As a national innovation and entrepreneurship competition, since the establishment of the China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in 2012, it has been held for 10 consecutive sessions, with a total of more than 240,000 enterprises and teams registering to participate.

4931 scientific and technological "rising stars" in the field of biomedicine, after 37 local competitions, 340 were finally shortlisted for the national biomedical competition. New oncology therapies, new anti-cancer drugs, precision medicine... The participating enterprises compete on the same stage in different subdivision technologies and different application scenarios, and through the "racecourse" of scientific and technological innovation, they learn from each other, learn from each other's strengths, and improve together.

Zhang Weixing, secretary of the Party Committee of the Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that the China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition takes the discovery, cultivation and service of science and technology innovation enterprises as its own responsibility, and is committed to promoting various innovation elements to gather together to enterprises and empowering technological innovation for enterprises. After ten years of development, the competition has become a national open innovation platform that allows innovation elements to gather freely and flow fully, and has become an ecological acceleration platform for the continuous emergence and growth of science and technology innovation enterprises in the whole society.

Life and health is one of the three major highlands of science and technology built by Zhejiang Province, and a number of outstanding enterprises in the field of life and health have emerged in Zhejiang, forming new formats and models such as digital medical, mobile medical treatment and smart medical care.

Zhang Weixing said that Hangzhou has good development conditions in the field of biomedicine, and by making full use of the national platform of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Hangzhou is vigorously promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of biomedicine, promoting the deep integration of digital technology, artificial intelligence and biomedicine, life and health industry, which will add new momentum to the construction of common prosperity and make new contributions to people's life and health.

Discuss the development of life and health industry

At present, the position of the field of life and health in the strategic development of global countries is further increasing. Facing people's life and health, China's scientific and technological innovation is supporting the high-quality development of the biomedical industry, new drug creation, vaccine research and development, telemedicine... The life and health industry is constantly emerging new growth points.

At the Life and Health Industry Development Summit Forum, Shi Yigong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of West Lake University, made a keynote speech on the theme of "Frontier Basic Research Promotes the Development of Pharmaceutical Innovation", expounding the importance of basic research from 6 cases of basic frontier research that triggered revolutions in the field of biomedicine.

Shi Yigong also said that cutting-edge basic research is the foundation of biomedical innovation, but only basic research is far from enough, basic research, pharmaceutical company transformation, clinical experiments need to be combined together, is a strong driving force for innovative pharmaceuticals.

Zhang Yuntao, chief scientist and vice president of Sinopharm China Biotechnology Co., Ltd., introduced that from "running with" to "running together", and even individual varieties "leading" in the world, China's vaccine industry is developing at a high speed.

Summarizing China's experience in the rapid research and development of new crown pneumonia vaccines, Zhang Yuntao said that this is due to the full investment of China's national system and all walks of life, as well as China's mature research and development technology platform and innovative research and development system.

Hu Xubo, managing partner of Qiming Venture Capital, believes that China is becoming a "big market" in the biomedical industry, only a large market is likely to produce large companies, and China is likely to cultivate globally competitive enterprises.

Hu Xubo explained that compared with the United States, China's research and development costs are relatively low, accounting for only about one-third of the United States; in terms of talent, in the past 5 to 10 years, a large number of overseas talents have returned to China from overseas to start a business. In addition, China's development in the CRO (Pharmaceutical R&D Contract Outsourcing Service Provider) industry has also provided impetus for the development of biomedical enterprises.

It is reported that on October 13, the 10th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Biomedicine National Competition will officially start, when the "excellent enterprises" in the biomedical field will be judged. Winning companies will have the opportunity to advance to the national finals and compete with other participating companies in other fields for the final championship place. (End)

Source: China News Network