
What are the 12 species of ornamental fish that do not die? Which fish can be easily raised by novices? 1, Peacock Fish 2, Guanbei Clear Medaka 3, Moonlight Fish 4, Tang Fish 5, Zebra Fish 6, Golden Triangle Lamp 7, Four Belts Ofs without Beard 8, Anchovy 9, Big Fin Fish 10, Soldier Catfish 11, Spotted Swordtail 12, Blue Samsung

author:Positive water less than one

Recently, the A zheng fish breeding persuasion guide did not dissuade many people, but attracted many novices who wanted to raise fish, but they did not have the ability to raise fish, nor were they very aware of the habits of various fish. So how do these novices raise fish and what kind of fish do they raise? Listening to Ah Zheng's words, I recommend that novices first raise fish that are easier to raise, and then after their cognition gradually rises, they may raise other more difficult fish. So what are the 12 species of ornamental fish that do not die? What kind of fish is best for beginners?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >1, peacock fish</h1>

What are the 12 species of ornamental fish that do not die? Which fish can be easily raised by novices? 1, Peacock Fish 2, Guanbei Clear Medaka 3, Moonlight Fish 4, Tang Fish 5, Zebra Fish 6, Golden Triangle Lamp 7, Four Belts Ofs without Beard 8, Anchovy 9, Big Fin Fish 10, Soldier Catfish 11, Spotted Swordtail 12, Blue Samsung

Peacock fish

Peacock fish is arguably the most famous tropical fish. Even if thrown into a bucket, you can explode a tank of fish. Commonly known as the little prince of the burst cylinder. It can be seen that his reproductive ability and ability to get started are very strong. Like the moonlight fish, the peacock fish is also a fetus. The ability to reproduce is very strong. I raised 4 peacock fish, which increased to more than 60 in just half a year.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >2</h1>

What are the 12 species of ornamental fish that do not die? Which fish can be easily raised by novices? 1, Peacock Fish 2, Guanbei Clear Medaka 3, Moonlight Fish 4, Tang Fish 5, Zebra Fish 6, Golden Triangle Lamp 7, Four Belts Ofs without Beard 8, Anchovy 9, Big Fin Fish 10, Soldier Catfish 11, Spotted Swordtail 12, Blue Samsung

Look at the back of the medaka

Guanbei Medaka is a relatively hot fish recently, he can be raised in a container with a very shallow water depth, will not jump the tank, for the landscaping fish tank is very suitable for raising this fish. And he is very skinny, and resistant to high temperature and cold, A Zheng's balcony has some Guanbei qing medaka, no oxygen, no filtration, and it is particularly good.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >3, Moonlight Fish</h1>

What are the 12 species of ornamental fish that do not die? Which fish can be easily raised by novices? 1, Peacock Fish 2, Guanbei Clear Medaka 3, Moonlight Fish 4, Tang Fish 5, Zebra Fish 6, Golden Triangle Lamp 7, Four Belts Ofs without Beard 8, Anchovy 9, Big Fin Fish 10, Soldier Catfish 11, Spotted Swordtail 12, Blue Samsung

Moonlight fish

Moonlight fish can survive even in harsh environments, and breeding is also very worrying. It is the first recommendation in "Iron Fish". That being said, it cannot be completely left unchecked. Change the water 1 to 2 times a month, or make up the evaporated water. Moonlight fish are very resistant to hunger, and the maximum is half a month. However, if they are not fed all the time, it is difficult for them to grow up, and it is recommended to feed them every day as much as possible.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >4</h1>

What are the 12 species of ornamental fish that do not die? Which fish can be easily raised by novices? 1, Peacock Fish 2, Guanbei Clear Medaka 3, Moonlight Fish 4, Tang Fish 5, Zebra Fish 6, Golden Triangle Lamp 7, Four Belts Ofs without Beard 8, Anchovy 9, Big Fin Fish 10, Soldier Catfish 11, Spotted Swordtail 12, Blue Samsung

Tang fish

Very resistant to low temperatures, very good to raise, although the group swimming effect is not very good, but it is indeed online, domestic native small fish forever classic. Because of the red tail, it is also called "red tail fish". Tropical fish are particularly strong and itchy fish, prefer neutral to weak acidic water quality, life expectancy of about 2 to 3 years.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >5, zebrafish</h1>

What are the 12 species of ornamental fish that do not die? Which fish can be easily raised by novices? 1, Peacock Fish 2, Guanbei Clear Medaka 3, Moonlight Fish 4, Tang Fish 5, Zebra Fish 6, Golden Triangle Lamp 7, Four Belts Ofs without Beard 8, Anchovy 9, Big Fin Fish 10, Soldier Catfish 11, Spotted Swordtail 12, Blue Samsung

Green fluorescent zebrafish

Zebrafish is one of the skinniest fish I've ever seen. It's a must-have for beginners, and sellers often send these fish. Cheap and affordable. The requirements for water quality are very low, and the requirements for temperature are also very low. And they are more fierce fish, eating, can swallow the feed that is larger than his mouth, so remember that the feed is too big, so as not to kill them

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >6, golden triangle lamp</h1>

Freshwater fish, the origin of the water quality of 6.0 ~ 6.5 weak acidic water, hardness less than 12 soft water, water temperature 23 ~ 28 °C (data from the World Fish Database).

The suitable water temperature of the golden triangle lamp fish is about 22 ~ 26 ° C, the pH is about PH5.0 ~ 7.5, and the hardness of the water quality is about 2 ~ 10 ° N. The Golden Triangle Lightfish prefers to move in the middle layer of the water and is an oviparous fish. Daily rearing can be fed some flakes of feed as well as smaller active baits.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >7, four bands without beard </h1>

He has four distinct black lines on his body and is lively and active. Water from weak acid to weak alkali can survive, very good feeding, life expectancy of about 3 to 5 years. Be careful not to polyculture with fish with long fins, otherwise you may bite off the fins of other fish!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >8, anchovies</h1>

Anchovies are tropical fish that are easy to raise, which is not too high in water quality, temperature, and adaptability, and the temperature of the water can survive above 18 degrees. Winter does not need to be heated, just do not love to swim, but in the water, be sure to pay attention to the new water temperature and the old water temperature is consistent, the size of the fish is small, mild, it is best not to change, like other fish food: red worms, water fleas and dry feed.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >9, largefin carp</h1>

Acidic soft water must be given during rearing for healthy growth and reproduction. Broodstock eat fish eggs, so breeding is still difficult, fish eggs are sensitive to sunlight and easy to break. It can be polycultured with other fish species, but there is a special breeding.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >10, genus Warcomy</h1>

They dig sand for food, and their beards are used to trap food, which is the characteristic of these fish. This species has a gentle personality and is easy to raise, with an average lifespan of 3 to 5 years.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >11, spotted swordtail</h1>

It has a very eye-catching bright red color and is a very popular fish for ornamental aquariums! The artificially cultivated spotted sword tail has many different colors, the common ones are red and yellow, and the fish tanks of fish lovers often have spotted sword tails.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >12, blue Samsung</h1>

This is also different from Blue Manlong. When I was a child, it was light blue, and there were two dark spots on the back of the body. After a year or two of breeding, the whole body began to appear dark blue, blue, green, thick and light like ink paintings; Particularly artistic. Especially the big males, especially beautiful.

Fish farming discouragement guide, if your husband wants to raise fish again, please be sure to share this video with him

Beginner fish farming pit avoidance guide, please avoid these 14 pits, easily raise goldfish, and share fish farming experience

If you want to raise goldfish well, first raise these 18 good habits! Learned to remember, you want to raise death is difficult

The above is A Zheng's personal experience, insights, for reference only, more cute pets, aquatic experience sharing, please pay attention to The water less one, thank you very much!!!