
To lead children to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons, they must open their hearts and "adapt to local conditions"

author:Parenting neighbors
To lead children to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons, they must open their hearts and "adapt to local conditions"

Nurture neighborly dreams

To lead children to increase their insights and broaden their horizons, they must open their hearts and "adapt to local conditions" and let new things enter the vision of life.

Insight refers to the ability of individuals to identify what they see in life, and is the most basic ability to adapt to social life.

Vision refers to the range of vision. By extension, it refers to the depth and breadth of a person's observation and consideration of problems, the broader the vision of the person, the greater the achievement, the narrower the vision of the person his deeds will not be great, for example, the person sitting at the bottom of the well can only see the sky as big as the wellhead...

To lead children to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons, they must open their hearts and "adapt to local conditions"

Living is learning

Insight and vision come from life

As the saying goes: "Everywhere in life is to pay attention to learning", insight comes from life, creation comes from life, inspiration comes from life. Newton, one of the founders of modern physics, was able to discover the gravitational pull of the earth precisely because he paid attention to life everywhere and deeply thought about why the apple must fall downwards instead of floating into the sky; Watt, known as the "father of the steam engine", became interested in "why the lid of the pot was lifted when boiling water" at the age of eight, and it was to answer this question Watt began to study it, and eventually improved the steam engine, promoting the great progress of human social productivity.

The main line and important cornerstone of the famous educator Mr. Tao Xingzhi's educational thought are "life is education, society is school, and teaching is one".

1. Life is education

(1) Life has the significance of education, the role of specific education;

(2) Life determines education, and education cannot be separated from life;

(3) Education serves the transformation of life and plays an active role in the practice of transforming life;

(4) "Life is education" is a critique of traditional education divorced from reality and life.

2. Society is the school

(1) In order to reform the dialectical relationship with society, that is, society determines the school, and the school serves the society

(2) Tao Xingzhi advocates that society is the school, in order to reform the shortcomings of school education divorced from social reality, and to run schools into a force that promotes social progress, promotes social development, and improves people's lives;

(3) Tao Xingzhi includes the whole society and the whole life in the category of life education, so as to link social education, family education, and lifelong education, and constitute a complete large education system, that is, a social lifelong education system;

3. Teaching is one

(1) "Teaching and doing unity" is both a life law and an education law. In order to avoid blind doing, blind learning, and blind teaching, it is pointed out that "labor is hard" in order to unify theory and practice;

(2) This principle puts "doing" in the first place, which is completely in line with the epistemological idea that "action is the beginning of knowledge, and knowledge is the completion of action";

(3) One of Tao Xingzhi's intentions in advocating "teaching and doing one" is to change the drawbacks of traditional education from reality, and to shift the teaching of learning as "word paper basket, dead reading, and dead book reading" to the track of re-cultivating students who can use "living knowledge" and have "action ability", "life ability" and "creative ability".

Insight is the basis of personal cognition of the world, is the process of individuals abstracting the image of the objects they see and corresponding to specific cultural symbols to form memory and recognition ability, insight comes from life practice, such as 500 years ago people can not understand how to build more than 100 floors of houses, travel can take planes, communication can use base stations and mobile phones...

To lead children to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons, they must open their hearts and "adapt to local conditions"

Observation is the main source of insight

Observation is the most basic way to increase insight

Life is to deal with the people and things that exist around us, to complete the transmission of information with peers, and to use the material resources around us to meet the needs of self-growth. Therefore, life is inseparable from observation, observation is the premise of adapting to social life, such as observation can find and avoid danger, observation can know whether the thing in front of me can be used by me, observation is the most important basic skill for human beings to adapt to social life. Therefore, in the process of accompanying children to learn and grow, we must guide them to observe more, such as observing and recognizing different animals, plants, and minerals, understanding whether their peers are friendly to themselves through observation, and finding the life resources urgently needed for their own growth through observation...

It is often said that "the eyes are the windows of the soul", and the individual's cognition of most things is done through observation, and the ability to observe things greatly affects the foundation of life growth. The root cause of different people having different understandings of the same things, forming different cognitions, making different behaviors, and ultimately producing different fruits of labor lies in observation. The ability of individuals to observe and perceive the world opens the first step in the differentiation of life between people, some people see the gorgeous colors on the surface of things, some people see the meticulous structure inside objects, and some people find the harmonious coordination between objects and the surrounding environment... Observation is an important way for individuals to "see" growth, observation allows individuals to perceive the relative position of external things, the size of objects, rich colors, peculiar shapes, beautiful line structures... The ability to observe is the most important way for individuals to obtain knowledge and information.

Observation is the basis of human cognition of nature, and observation includes reading books, film and television materials, and observing the physical objects of nature. Nowadays, books and film and television materials have become very popular, and almost all the content you want can be found and bought. In addition to books, film and television materials, the most direct observation is to observe and recognize the surrounding environment of life, such as the countryside is rich in plants and animals, the key point is that you need to cognitively understand the growth characteristics of each living organism, the requirements of the living environment, etc., rather than just their growth as a natural phenomenon, which is why agricultural experts become experts, they deeply understand the growth characteristics of plants and the requirements of the growth environment.

To lead children to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons, they must open their hearts and "adapt to local conditions"

Reading is the most convenient way to link wisdom

To increase your knowledge and broaden your horizons, you must break down the barriers of thinking

It is often said, "Thinking dominates consciousness, and consciousness determines behavior." "If a person always understands a problem based on his past experience, then he will always miss something that is not within the scope of experience. The ancients said: "If you are poor, you think about change, and if you think about change, you can make sense." "The essence of every progress in history and the great development of science and technology is a change in thinking and concepts. To increase your insight and broaden your horizons, the first thing is to open your own thinking, so that those new things can enter and be accepted, do not rush to deny everything, first try to understand, try, and work hard.

"Ground-digging bee" story: The ground-digging bee is a very intelligent-looking insect. It anesthetizes the crickets, drags the incapacitated crickets into the hole, and then lays eggs so that its larvae can grow up eating the cricket. There is a detail in it that when the ground-digging bee brings the cricket back to the cave, it first places the prey at the mouth of the cave, and then goes to the hole to investigate and make sure everything is safe before dragging the cricket into the cave. Scientists were once amazed at the intelligence of the ground-digging bee, so they did an interesting experiment on this detail. When the bees dug into the burrow to investigate, the scientists took the prey an inch farther away. They found that when the bee came out of the hole, it would drag the prey back to the mouth of the hole, put it down, and then re-enter the hole to scout. The scientists repeated the same action more than 40 times, and the ground-digging bee just didn't drag its prey directly into the hole.

The stubbornness of the "ground-digging bee" is that the barriers of thinking have not been broken, and why not some human behavior? Someone said: "Some people's lives are repeated more than 30,000 times in the same eating and drinking environment." "The stereotype of thinking is the biggest obstacle to the growth of life, such as mentioning learning, it is necessary to go to school and have books, in fact, it is not, the things that can be learned in life are in the list, conversation, travel can be learning.....

Movie "The Shawshank Redemption": Brooks, the librarian, spent more than fifty spring and autumn in Shawshank Prison, and when he received multiple unsuccessful parole requests, he was not crying with joy, but in fear, he had long been accustomed to life in prison and did not want to change. He held his fellow inmates hostage with a fruit knife and tried to remain in prison through crime, but eventually his conscience made him put down the knife in his hand, pick up his suitcase, and walk out of the prison gate. But it wasn't long before he committed suicide, and the habits he had developed in prison were not adapted to life outside of prison, and he could not get rid of them. "Habit becomes nature", the things that are accustomed to become part of our daily life, they are closely related to us, and good habits can help people lead to the road to success and realize the ideals of life. Thinking is the window of the soul, the window opens the fresh sunlight to shine into the atrium, learning to grow is to open the heart so that more and better knowledge can enter the treasure house of self-knowledge. Therefore, to lead children to increase their insights and broaden their horizons, they must open their hearts and "adapt to local conditions" and let new things enter the vision of life.

To lead children to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons, they must open their hearts and "adapt to local conditions"

The mission of raising neighbors: to be a sparring partner and consultant on the road to children's growth.

The vision of nurturing neighbors: let there be no small and difficult old people in the world.

Children's growth is like a century-old tree, which needs to experience wind and rain. For parents, you need to be patient enough to accompany them. Accompanying children requires care, and companionship is more than just care. When many people choose to go home to accompany their children, I choose to come to Beijing to do a career to accompany more children - to cultivate neighbors: to promote social harmony with neighborhood friendliness, to promote social moral education, and to promote the healthy and happy growth of everyone. Explore a set of public welfare and inclusive education undertakings that solve the problem of "one-child syndrome + intergenerational education" in the form of neighborhood mutual assistance, and work with parents to "tailor" children's growth plans to provide children with games, cooperation and shared growth space... That is, the community neighborhood education service ecosystem.

To lead children to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons, they must open their hearts and "adapt to local conditions"