
One One Ecological Encyclopedia - Emperor Scorpion

author:One One Ecology

The monarch scorpion genus arthropod phylum, acehnids, scorpions, is a very unique creature. It is about 8 inches (about 20 centimeters) long and is one of the largest scorpions in the world. There are many subspecies of the genus Monarch, and the African Monarch Scorpion includes the Tanzanian Red-clawed Monarch Scorpion, the Cameroonian Dictator King Scorpion, and the Gambia Monarch Scorpion. This species was discovered in 2006 in Ghana. Despite their large size, they feed mainly on termites or other small invertebrates. Their venom is not very toxic to humans. Instead, a certain compound contained in the venom was shown to be used to produce a drug to treat heart disease.

[Other names] Emperor Scorpion, Emperor Scorpion, True Emperor Scorpion, General Giant Scorpion

One One Ecological Encyclopedia - Emperor Scorpion

【Boundary】Animal kingdom

【Gate】Arthropod phylum



【Family】Scorpion family

One One Ecological Encyclopedia - Emperor Scorpion

【Planting area】 The most important thing is to raise the monarch scorpion is temperature and humidity, although the monarch scorpion can tolerate an environment below 20 degrees, but it is best to be 25 degrees or more, and the humidity must be maintained at about 60%, so if you only spray water, you must pay close attention to the humidity in the box.

One One Ecological Encyclopedia - Emperor Scorpion

【Morphological characteristics】 The monarch scorpion is large and thick and round, the claw is semi-circular, the surface is very rough and uneven, and the poisonous needle at the tail end is red. The following is an introduction to the body structure of the monarch scorpion's back, eyes, snout, foot, poisonous needle, side, claw, stomata, ctenophore, hair cluster, etc.: The back of the scorpion: Composed of pieces of dorsal armor, the flat back is conducive to hiding in the slit, and the newly born juvenile scorpion will climb to the back of the female scorpion. Scorpion eyes: grow above, which is conducive to observing the movement of the four directions. Scorpion's snout: When eating, the two claws of the snout come to tear the prey apart and suck its body fluids. Scorpion Foot: The scorpion has four pairs of foot legs, located on the side of the scorpion's body, and has claws at the front of the foot to facilitate climbing. Side of the scorpion: The only part of the scorpion's body that is not protected by a shell. Scorpion claws: used to catch prey and enemies, the shape and size will vary depending on the species. It will be used to find suitable objects to place sperm pods Scorpion-specific ctenophores: grow on the scorpion's abdomen. Scorpion's hair cluster: is an organ used by scorpions to sense their surroundings. Scorpion stomata: it is the respiratory organ of the scorpion, and its arrangement, number and position help to identify the scorpion species.

One One Ecological Encyclopedia - Emperor Scorpion

Scorpion Length Method: Most of the length of the kiss to the anus is measured.

One One Ecological Encyclopedia - Emperor Scorpion
One One Ecological Encyclopedia - Emperor Scorpion

【Growth habit】Growth and shelling characteristics Due to the slow metabolism of the monarch scorpion, its growth rate is relatively slow. Scorpions are incompletely perverted animals, and their growth must rely on shelling, and scorpions will grow much larger after each shelling. Adult monarch scorpions are generally about 17 cm long, and adults can grow to more than 30 cm. Monarch scorpion is a rainforest species, rainforest species of imperial scorpion growth slower than desert varieties, in terms of its shelling time, the interval between each shelling of young scorpions is shorter, compared to the adult scorpion will grow with the size of the body, the longer the shelling time, after shelling the new shell becomes harder, the time to resume eating is also longer. In terms of hulling time, the interval between each shelling of juvenile scorpions is shorter, and the adult scorpion will grow longer with the growth of body size, and the time required to resume eating is also longer. The shelling of the scorpion begins with the snout, followed by the extraction of the claw and the tail, the process of withdrawing the tail The scorpion will rest for a period of time, and will lie down after completion, and the scorpion body is quite fragile at this moment. The shelling process of the scorpion begins from the snout and gradually withdraws the claw and the tail In the process of pulling out the tail, the scorpion will be in a lying state for a period of time after the scorpion completes its lying state, which must not be touched at the moment, the scorpion body at this moment is quite fragile, can not move it, so as not to cause harm (note fragile, forbidden to touch, and do not need to feed, but need to replenish water). The predatory behavior is quite widespread, as long as it eats what it eats, it will hunt, generally limited to moving prey smaller than the monarch scorpion, and occasionally the monarch scorpion will eat the carcasses of larger insects. The environment should maintain proper temperature and humidity when feeding, and food residues must be cleaned up in time. In terms of temperature, it is generally 26 ~ 29 ° C, 21 ~ 24 ° C at night, and the humidity is maintained between 60%. 【Geographical distribution】The distribution of scorpions is extremely extensive, from tropical rainforests to deserts in Africa, almost all tropical regions can be seen.