
The pace of progress never stops

author:2021 Dawning Social Practice Team

Time is rushing, and the research activities of the Shuguang Social Practice Team of the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Lingnan Normal University are almost over. The members of the research team help each other during the period, unite and love each other, help each other, carry the flag to investigate, go to eat together when resting, and spread their arms in the lively square at night, wave their postures, study seriously together, and laugh together! At the same time, the online team members also worked together silently and cooperated with the members of the research team!

The pace of progress never stops

Pleasant time

Although the activity must stop, the forward pace of learning the red spirit will never stop! Although the research activities are only a few days, they are like a thousand political and history classes in normal times.

In Lin Yuanxi's former residence, the members of the research team felt that Lin Yuanxi was always able to adhere to his original intention and selflessly paid patriotic feelings for the Communist Party of China, and experienced the revolutionary spirit engraved in this old mansion.

In Wenchangli, the plaques on the walls show the first members of the Communist Party of China in Yangjiang, their pursuits, their beliefs, and their sacrifices! The stories and suicide notes of the revolutionary martyrs make people tear up, let everyone feel that the fruits of victory are not easy to come by, and inspire us to move forward more courageously.

At the Beishan Martyrs' Cemetery, the revolutionary martyrs' patriotic feelings of responsibility, the national integrity of treating death as a homecoming and preferring to die unyieldingly, the heroic spirit of not fearing violence and fighting to the end in blood, and the belief in victory that they are indomitable and tenacious are infected by us.

At the Memorial Hall of the Siege and Annihilation War, we should understand and learn from the heroic struggle of the revolutionary martyrs, not afraid of sacrifice, and use their blood to fight for the spirit of a happy life for future generations.

This event not only learned about historical stories, but also about Chinese society, Chinese soul, temperament and spirit. Through the deeds of the revolutionary martyrs, we feel more deeply that our motherland is stronger and rising today, and today's peaceful, harmonious, and happy living environment is not easy to come by, and it is the blood and life of generation after generation of revolutionary martyrs that have been bought, making us love our happy life today, love our motherland even more, and love our party even more.

Apply the spirit absorbed in this "Red Research Tour" to future work and study, take practical actions, inherit the legacy of martyrs, work hard, and constantly innovate! Constantly spur yourself to be diligent in thinking, diligent in studying, with the spirit of being diligent and self-motivated, not afraid of suffering, not afraid of tiredness, with full emotions and a good mental state to meet every challenge in life and work, and strive to become a reserve army of the party.

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