
The Standing Committee of the Fifteenth Municipal People's Congress held the 2nd meeting Ding Wei attended the meeting as an observer Liu Chenyan presided over the meeting

author:Qinhuangdao News Network

Qinhuangdao Daily reporter Sun Xuemei

On October 28, the Standing Committee of the 15th Municipal People's Congress held its second meeting. The meeting was presided over by Liu Chenyan, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and attended by 31 members of the standing committee of the municipal people's congress, including Lian Ruyan, Liu Fuming, Yang Tielin, Sun Zhichuan, Guo Aimin, Yang Xuegong, secretary general, and 31 members. Municipal Government Mayor Ding Wei and Vice Mayor Gao Xiangyang, Director of the Municipal Supervision Commission Han Xiaoming, Municipal Intermediate People's Court President Zhang Li, Municipal People's Procuratorate Procurator Huang Yingjie, and relevant comrades of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and the Municipal Supervision Commission attended the meeting as observers.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Work Conference of the Central People's Congress. Liu Chenyan pointed out: On the occasion of the 100 th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the party Central Committee held a work conference of the Central People's Congress for the first time in the history of the party and the history of the people's congress system. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech is the general program, general policy and general observance for doing a good job in the work of the people's congress in the new era, and has strong political leadership, leadership of the times and scientific guidance. Studying, studying, publicizing, and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech well is the primary political task of all comrades in the people's congress system, and it is also the fundamental guarantee for doing a good job in the work of the people's congress in the new era. Liu Chenyan demanded that the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress should profoundly grasp the great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance of the Central People's Congress Work Conference, unswervingly and clearly adhere to the party's overall leadership over the work of the people's congress, consciously unify thoughts and actions with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, implement it in the whole process and all aspects of the work of the people's congress, and assume the historical mission entrusted to the work of the people's congress in the new era with practical work results. It is necessary to combine the study and implementation of the general secretary's important speech and the spirit of the central people's congress work conference with the current in-depth study and education in party history, propaganda and education in the "four histories," and "I do practical things for the masses, and take it as an important political task at present and for some time to come." The members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and the members of the special committees should take the lead in in-depth study, regard the study, study, publicity, and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially the general secretary's important thinking on upholding and improving the system of people's congresses, as compulsory courses and basic skills, focus on learning, understanding, and doing practical work, and transform the spirit of the meeting into practical actions to promote the work of the people's congress. It is necessary to combine the study and implementation of the general secretary's important speech and the spirit of the central people's congress work conference with the central work of the municipal party committee and the people's yearning for a better life; based on the duties of the people's congress, we should adhere to the orientation of problems, conduct in-depth investigation and study, earnestly resolve the conspicuous problems that the masses are anxious and anxious about, comprehensively improve the ability to perform duties according to law and serve reform and development, and do a solid job in legislation, supervision, decision-making, appointment and dismissal, and other work. It is necessary to deepen the work of the members of the Standing Committee in contacting deputies and deputies with voters, continuously improve the quality of handling motions and suggestions, and earnestly ensure that the people have something to call for and that we have something to respond to. It is necessary to combine the study and implementation of the general secretary's important speech and the spirit of the central people's congress work conference with doing a good job in the key work of this year, earnestly enhance the sense of responsibility, strengthen follow-up supervision, and ensure the fulfillment of all the set goals and tasks for the whole year. In conjunction with the requirements of provinces and municipalities on implementing the spirit of the Central People's Congress Work Conference, organize and carry out activities such as theoretical study and practice study and discussion. In connection with the series of activities to commemorate the 40 th anniversary of the establishment of the Standing Committee of the Qinhuangdao Municipal People's Congress, sum up the laws and valuable experience of work, on the basis of adhering to the principle of abiding by laws and regulations, pay attention to the innovation of work content and methods, comprehensively enhance the level of work of the Standing Committee, set an example in the front of the whole province, call the brand of the Qinhuangdao People's Congress, and strive to build the organs of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress into political organs, organs of state power, work organs, and representative organs that reassure the party and satisfy the people.

The meeting commented on the investment promotion work of the Municipal Foreign Affairs and Commerce Bureau. The meeting listened to the report of the Municipal Bureau of Foreign Affairs and Commerce on the work of attracting investment and the evaluation and investigation report of the work evaluation and investigation team of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and conducted a satisfaction evaluation by secret ballot. On the basis of full investigation in the early stage, the members of the Standing Committee fully affirmed the relevant work achievements of the Municipal Foreign Affairs and Commerce Bureau, and put forward opinions and suggestions. The meeting demanded that the Municipal Bureau of Foreign Affairs and Commerce should take this work review as an opportunity, combine the opinions and suggestions put forward by everyone in the review, carefully analyze the causes and crux of the problems, put forward rectification measures and directions for rectification and reform in a targeted manner, and report the rectification plan and rectification results to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress before the end of November and the end of December, respectively, and the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress will follow up and supervise the implementation.

Editor: Li Zhicai

Editor-in-charge: Liu Fuqing

Supervisor: Wang Xun

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