
Stray Dog Milk Candy and My Story

author:Stray dog milk candy and cats

I was still opening the shop as usual, and suddenly a puppy with cow spots came to me, and I glanced at it, and the puppy kept twisting and singing to please me. Then the child's father brought him something to eat, and that was the feeding, and he lay in my house and did not leave.

The child came back from school and saw the puppy begging me with joy to adopt. Because of the loss of the black tiger in the early stage, I did not want to keep a pet.

When the store closed at night, it hid under the table in front of the door, and I went home.

When I came to open the shop the next morning, it saw me swooping up like a loved one, wagging its tail enthusiastically and begging me, so I softened again.

Took it to the pet store and bought a kennel, rope and dog food and lice medicine

When I got home, I took a bath and blew him clean, and I still looked like a cute little milk dog

The child came back from school to see that I agreed to adopt the puppy, the sisters jumped up happily, together for the little guy to name, according to its characteristics Dad said called "cow", because he and the spotted cow is as good-looking, and then the sister said that the cow is not good, then call it milk candy, Wangzai granny candy, may its future life be sweet and happy.

Stray Dog Milk Candy and My Story

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