
Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:

author:Succulent in size

Succulents know that entering the summer succulent state will become worse. The tight plant type will be loose, the leaf fullness will decrease, the bright color will fade, and some people will accidentally wear skirts or spread into flatbread.

But in the small editor to see the summer succulent state deteriorated is not tight, because as long as you survive the summer, the autumn will come back, and the succulent will be dressed up again. Proper maintenance will also have a more surprising state.

Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:

Nothing bothers you more in the summer than the shell worms. This kind of insect pest can be said to be invincible, and few succulents have not been harmed by insects. Why the tick is the lingering shadow in the heart of the editor, mainly lies in the super fecundity and tenacious vitality of "Jack".

There are several types of succulents, the common succulent shells are mainly gray-white shield shell insects, this type of insect shell insects have wax glands, so they can secrete wax, parasitize on the back of succulent leaves or near the petiole of the stem, and the stem, to nibble or stab into the plant to extract sap for a living.

Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "Jack" is so maddening, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics:</h1>

First, the harm is great

When the insects multiply in large numbers, the adults use needle-like mouthparts to pierce the stem and leaf tissue to extract sap; and the larvae or eggs are also attached to the leaf surface, which will cause the growth of the leaf tissue to be hindered; in addition to causing irreversible damage to the leaf surface, it will also cause wilting, and even the whole plant will die.

In addition to the direct damage to the plant, when the insects are flooded, a large number of adults nibble on the stem tissue or stab into the damage wound, and secrete honey-like sticky substances will also induce fungal diseases such as bituminous coal disease, which further aggravates the damage to the plant.

Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:

Second, high concealment

Insects generally multiply between succulent leaves, on the back of leaves, and near the stalks, and are therefore not easily detected. And because of its small size and camouflage, the color is also camouflaged, which is easy to ignore. Especially the family balcony maintenance, feel that it is not easy to be infected will relax their vigilance.

Some succulent leaves are more closely arranged, and with the cover of dead leaves formed by leaf depletion, it is necessary to look closely or look up at the back of the leaves to find the insect shell. Either it will not be discovered until it is found that the plant is abnormal, or it may not be found after it has been flooded.

Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:

Third, it is highly contagious

The highly contagious nature of the insect is mainly due to its strong reproductive ability, and adult females can reproduce multiple generations a year. Males are reptile and winged. When the female lays eggs and the eggs hatch into nymphs, after a short period of crawling, find a suitable position that is, a fixed life, this area will form a shell, and will become its breeding place to continue to reproduce.

Therefore, when there are individual insects, do not be careless, check it immediately. Because although you see a bug of different kinds, you don't know that at this time, some undiscovered place has been flooded with bugs. The plants that have been seriously damaged have also been significantly damaged.

Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:

Fourth, it is difficult to kill

The insects can withstand high temperatures, can also tolerate certain low temperatures, and can move normally at about 5 degrees. After killing, it may disappear for a period of time, but after a long time, it will flood again as the temperature environment is suitable.

In addition, because the insects can secrete wax and have the protection of the shell, the resistance to drugs is strong, and it is difficult for general agents to enter the body, and it is difficult to prevent and control. Therefore, once it occurs, it is not easy to remove clean.

Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > so once a tick is found, how to deal with and kill it? </h1>

First, isolation is the first priority

When a plant infested with a tick is found, the affected plant should be immediately isolated from other succulents, and the plant with the tick should be placed away from other succulents and flowers. Lest adults crawl to infect other plants (which may have already been infected).

Isolation is also best possible with a considerable distance, and the crawling of the male of the insect shell is still more obvious. Balcony maintenance should be changed, and the distance is too close to reach the significance of isolation. At this time, it is mainly insecticidal, and as for the light and state, it can be put aside.

Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:

Second, the investigation and killing must keep up

After the discovery of the insect shell, it should be killed in time, and the adult insects and the larvae or eggs in the infected area should be cleaned up and killed. According to the different maintenance conditions, different methods of killing can be adopted:

1, indoor balcony maintenance, the taste of pesticides are more mindful or afraid of pesticide components residues. On the one hand, the larger adult insects are cleaned with fine objects such as forceps or toothpicks; then diluted alcohol is sprayed to kill the smaller nymphs, while the shell parasites are wiped and the eggs are thoroughly cleaned. The alcohol concentration is limited to 75% or slightly diluted, and alcohol is not suitable for root irrigation.

2, outdoor maintenance, ventilation is relatively good, you can directly use pesticides for spraying. To ensure complete killing, especially in the gaps in the leaves, it is necessary to spray continuously once a week or every two weeks. In order to avoid its drug resistance, it is recommended to use more than two insecticides for alternating killing. Pay attention not to rain after spraying insecticides, and do not spray water, so as not to reduce the efficacy of the drug.

Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:

Third, abandon it decisively

In addition to isolation and timely killing, it is necessary to abandon the kind of insect infestation that is more serious.

On the one hand, because the insect infestation is already relatively serious, even if it is difficult to raise it back by killing; even the roots have been flooded, even if the insect pests on the stem are killed, it is still impossible to avoid the gradual withering and death of the plant in the later stage.

Second, this kind of damage is more serious, and there will be many eggs left in the roots and pot soil, and even adult insects. Although it has been killed, it is very easy to relapse in the later stages. In addition to the need for insecticidal disinfection of the pot, it is recommended that the pot soil should not be retained and discarded at the same time.

Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > how to do a good job of insect shell prevention on a daily basis:</h1>

1. Ensure light and maintain ventilation. The environment is well ventilated, and the light is dry enough to be suitable for the breeding of insects, and it is not easy to flood the insects.

2. Clean up the dead leaves in time, especially the leaves that have dried out at the bottom (except for the dead leaves such as egg roses and mountain roses), and the leaves that fall on the pot surface, should be cleaned up in time to avoid becoming the breeding place of the insects.

3, when there is a headshot or long flower arrow to pay special attention, most of the time the leaf heart, the new side bud is easy to become the site of the infestation of the insect is also because these places are relatively delicate, suitable for the insect mouthparts to stab into the parasite.

4. After buying a new plant with soil, it is recommended to also check more and spray prevention. Because the breeding base will be regularly sprayed to kill, it has an inhibitory effect on the infestation of insect pests. Once you buy it back, once you relax, you will take the opportunity to breed and flood.

As for the prevention method that everyone often says that you can bury small white medicine, the benevolent person sees the wisdom of the wise, and it is determined according to their own situation. Personal experience has a certain effect, but it is impossible to determine whether it is because of the effect of burying small white medicine.

Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > other matters about the killing of ticks:</h1>

First, what pesticide to use, choose according to your own situation.

Many people in the circle use the National Light's Silkworm Bizhi. This insecticide is very effective, and when sprayed, the adult can be seen to quickly lose mobility and fall from the blade. But there are also those who think that this taste is unacceptable and can easily produce medicinal injuries. It is therefore recommended to be available at the appropriate dilution concentration.

There is also the German Bayer Emela (70% imidacloprid). It is a highly effective, absorbent, broad-spectrum, low-residue insecticide. It has a good systemic and gastric toxic effect. Although it kills insects slightly slower, it usually takes about a day to let adult insects die, but it is effective for a long time.

There is also a dow Yinong 50% flufenacilamine nitrile, this insecticide also has a broad-spectrum killing effect, with low toxicity and high efficiency and long shelf life; and it has a variety of modes of action such as touch killing, infiltration and internal absorption, as well as the characteristics of insecticide broad spectrum and no interaction resistance.

Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:

Second, the use of pesticides for killing, pay attention to a few points:

1. It is necessary to take drugs regularly and continuously, and cannot kill once the adult insects are found to be gone. Generally, it takes 3-4 sprays to play a better killing role.

2. It is not advisable to spray water after spraying, which will lead to the dilution of the drug to reduce the efficacy of the drug, and it will also be easy to recur.

3, it is not recommended to dilute the roots with insecticides for multiple times, on the one hand, the impact on the roots is unknown, on the other hand, the summer root irrigation is also easy to cause the potting soil to be too wet.

Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:

The above is a personal experience and advice on the prevention and treatment of ticks for your reference. You are also welcome to share and supplement your experience and suggestions on the control of ticks.

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Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:
Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:
Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks:
Let the meat friends talk about how to control the discolored "shell insects", all you want is here "Jack" is so mad, mainly because the insect infestation has the following characteristics: Then once the shell insect is found, how to deal with and kill it? How to do a good job in the prevention of ticks in daily life: Other things about the killing of ticks: