
Top ten unpopular suspense and brain-burning movies, you don't want to miss it again, there is always one you haven't seen

author:Gentleman suspense movie

Sisters (1973)

Top ten unpopular suspense and brain-burning movies, you don't want to miss it again, there is always one you haven't seen

Director: Brian de Palma

Starring: Margot Kidd / Jennifer Schotter / Charles Dean

Genre: Suspense / Thriller / Horror

Country: United States

Runtime: 93 min

IMDb: 7.0

Brian de Palma, a master of cinema that has never been recognized, is best known for making suspense films and crime thrillers. Representative works include "Razor's Edge", "Witch Carrie", "Scarface Star", "Iron Face Selfless", "Crisis Lamb", "Dawn of the Love Owl", "Black Dahlia", "Excerpt Revision", "Mission Impossible", of course, effective imitation of Alfred Hitchcock's thriller horror crime film "Sisterly Feud", his research on Hitchcock techniques has long reached the level of twisting the chest, a perfect tribute to "Horror" + "Rear Window".

Blood Simple (1984)

Top ten unpopular suspense and brain-burning movies, you don't want to miss it again, there is always one you haven't seen

Directed By: Joel Cohen

Starring: John Gates / Francis McDormand

Genre: Suspense / Thriller / Crime

Runtime: 99 minutes

IMDb: 7.7

The Coen brothers wrote and directed the suspenseful crime thriller, and Zhang Yimou adapted the film from "Three Guns Shooting Surprise". A Hitchcock-style crime feature film, full of black humor and a twisting plot setting, it pioneered a narrative style that not only enabled the Coen brothers to achieve their own style, but also had a profound impact on many contemporary American films. The director simplifies the whole story to the extreme, presenting the audience with a simple story and a unique shooting method with complex and changeable logical possibilities.

The Last of Sheila (1973)

Top ten unpopular suspense and brain-burning movies, you don't want to miss it again, there is always one you haven't seen

Director: Herbert Ross

Starring: Richard Benjamin / Dane Cannon / James Cubburn

Runtime: 120 minutes

IMDb: 7.4

Herbert Rose's "The Game of Ghosts" is highly regarded, an underrated suspense masterpiece in the category of Benguet's speculative detective films, and if you like to read Agatha Christie's mystery novels, you will love it. The wife of a big movie personality was killed by a car a year ago, and in order to find the cause of death, he invited friends related to his wife's death to his yacht, where they played a game, and people died inexplicably. The dramas of revenge, murder, and death are staged one by one on the cruise ship, and is the murderer really among the six guests?

Kill List (2011)

Top ten unpopular suspense and brain-burning movies, you don't want to miss it again, there is always one you haven't seen

Directed By: Ben Vitelli

Starring: Michael Smiley / Neil Muskell

Type: Horror

Country: United Kingdom

Runtime: 90 minutes

IMDb: 6.3 points

The 2011 suspense horror film directed by Ben Vitley, director of The Fire Deal, was hailed as the "strangest", "scariest" and "most unexpected" British horror film of all time. The tone of the film's opening will make the audience mistake it for a post-Iraqi gangster movie, but as the story progresses, the overall style of the film officially changes to a horror film, and the sharp change in style also makes the film look different.

Don't Look Now (1973)

Top ten unpopular suspense and brain-burning movies, you don't want to miss it again, there is always one you haven't seen

Director: Nicholas Roig

Starring: Julie Christie / Donald Sutherland

Genre: Suspense / Horror

Country: United Kingdom / Italy

Runtime: 110 minutes

IMDb: 7.3 points

Nicholas Logue is one of the cinematographers of David Lynn's epic masterpiece Lawrence of Arabia. He began his career as a director in 1968. In 1973, he made the suspenseful horror film "Venetian Doubt", which showed his unique talent and made the world look at it. The director is very patient in constructing a suspenseful case using shots with symbolic and symbolic meanings. The film's narrative, soundtrack, and editing are unconventional. The film enlightened many filmmakers and is considered to be a shot by shot teaching the audience how to make a movie and cut a film. Time Out magazine ranked first in the "100 Best British Films of All Time".

Loft (2008)

Top ten unpopular suspense and brain-burning movies, you don't want to miss it again, there is always one you haven't seen

Directed By: Eric Van Loy

Starring: Ken de Bouer / Philippe Petes / Matthias Schönel

Genre: Romance / Suspense / Thriller / Crime

Country: Belgium

Runtime: 118 minutes

Belgian suspense crime films with a playful spirit. The magic of director Eric Van Loy is that through the ups and downs of the narration, the tone of the film is firmly nailed to the suspense genre, but through the hand of various techniques, the vicious stimulation and human nature exploration are attached. This perfect script, directed by it, is full of cunning. In the process of the whole film, it constantly challenges the audience's intelligence and attention, and after the mystery is announced, it still leaves room for the audience to reminisce, and can't help but lament the darkness and coldness brought by moral defects.

The Hidden Face (2011)

Top ten unpopular suspense and brain-burning movies, you don't want to miss it again, there is always one you haven't seen

Director: Andrés Bais

Starring: Kim Gutierrez / Clara Lago / Martina Garcia

Genre: Suspense / Thriller

Country: Colombia / Spain

Runtime: 97 minutes

Andrés Baiz wrote and directed his own suspense thriller. The film has no bloody scenes, but uses a large number of suspense and thriller plots, pointing to the dark side of human nature, making people afraid of the story itself and the good and evil of human nature. This tone of exposing the scars of human nature is the same as most of the film adaptations of Stephen King's novels. The plot is cleverly conceived, a thriller that looks ghostly, slowly moving towards daily life, and finally showing the dark side of ordinary people's hearts, pointing directly at the hidden demons of human nature, this psychological thriller makes the film a surprise production for the audience. Although the most outstanding thing about the film is the clever plot design, it is not inferior to similar films in the rendering of the eerie atmosphere on the technical level.

The Vanishing (1988)

Top ten unpopular suspense and brain-burning movies, you don't want to miss it again, there is always one you haven't seen

Director: George Sluydze

Starring: Bernard-Pierre Donadijo / Jean Bervoyz

Country: Netherlands / France

Runtime: 107 min

George Sluyzer directs a suspenseful crime thriller in which a Dutch couple drives to the south of France on a tour, and while the husband is refueling the car at a gas station, the wife mysteriously disappears and the local police do not believe his words. When he returned home, he thought that something was wrong with his left and right, so he traced back step by step, hoping to catch the kidnapper. Three years later the answer was clear, but it shocked him beyond acceptance. The film plunges the camera into the dark spots of the human psyche, and the production is exquisite. The Criteron Collection commented: "You endured nearly 100 minutes of foreshadowing in this film, and the last 4 minutes will definitely shock you, and if I had to choose the 10 best finales ever, I would vote for it."

Green for Danger (1946)

Top ten unpopular suspense and brain-burning movies, you don't want to miss it again, there is always one you haven't seen

Director: Sidney Giriad

Starring: Sally Gray / Trevo Howard / Rosamond John

Runtime: 91 minutes

IMDb: 7.6

Sanderney Greenland directs a suspense thriller set in a london country hospital where a postman dies mysteriously during an operation, attended by doctors and nurses. The murderer was hiding among the medical staff, who was it? What was his motive? The final mystery is solved by a shrewd police investigator. Surprisingly, you will be proud of the fact that there are too few characters involved and feel that you can guess the development or outcome of the plot, but unexpectedly, the plot setting of the film makes you not succeed, and although there are few characters, everyone has a distinct personality and is full of shape.

Witness for the Prosecution (1957)

The originator of suspense films, Junjun highly recommended

Top ten unpopular suspense and brain-burning movies, you don't want to miss it again, there is always one you haven't seen

Director: Billy Wilder

Starring: Tyrone Bower / Marlene Dietrich / Charles Lawton

Genre: Suspense / Crime

Runtime: 116 minutes

IMDb: 8.4

Billy Wilder directed the suspense crime film, starring Tyrone Boway, Marlene Dietrich and Charles Lawton. Based on the original book by detective novelist Agatha Christie, it tells the story of a British criminal defense lawyer defending a murder suspect. Whether it's a script, a director, or a solo performance, it's almost impeccable. Witty lines and wonderful court arguments, wonderful. Even guessing the final result before the finale doesn't make the movie any less exciting.

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