
"Hackers" Arrested Hefei police cracked a case of damaging computer information systems

author:Beiqing Net

Zhongan Online Zhongan News Client News A network company in Hefei "offended" the other party because of business transactions, and as a result, the server was "hacked" many times, and the company suffered serious losses. What people did not expect was that this "hacker" was not a master of computers, but a "three-entry palace" personnel with only a junior high school education. A few days ago, the Economic Development Branch of the Hefei Municipal Public Security Bureau cracked a case of damaging computer information systems in the "Clean Net 2021" special operation and arrested a "hacker".

On July 8, 2021, Fang X, the head of a network company in Hefei, reported to the criminal police brigade of the Jingkai Branch that his company's website had been attacked several times in half a year and used this to blackmail the company's money. After receiving the report, the Jingkai Public Security Sub-Bureau set up a special case team to carry out an investigation with all its might. Through in-depth research and judgment of the clues involved in the case, the police quickly locked the real identity and hiding place of the suspect Zhang Mou. On July 22, the Jingkai Public Security Sub-Bureau dispatched the elite forces of the criminal police brigade and the network security brigade to Weihai, Shandong Province, and successfully arrested the criminal suspect Zhang Mou.

After investigation, Zhang's parents ran a sewing machine accessories store in his hometown in Shandong, and with the development of the Internet, Zhang also followed the trend and opened an online store on a platform. In order to expand the benefits, Zhang Mou found a single brushing company to brush orders for his own online store to help refresh the business volume and praise rate. Soon, Zhang's online store was detected and closed by a platform after it was detected. Zhang Mou was resentful, thinking that he was paying, and these network companies not only did not do a good job, but caused trouble for themselves. Zhang mou asked these companies to return the money, otherwise he would "retaliate" against these companies.

"When I was talking to this network company about the brushing business, the other party was more rushed, and I was harboring a belly fire at that time", hefei this network company became the first target for Zhang to attack. Zhang mou has had many traffic attack website records before, so Zhang mou returned to his old business, purchased traffic to attack member accounts, and used the platform to launch traffic attacks. "Traffic attacks create huge garbage traffic in an instant, consume host resources on a large scale, and cause network blockages, or even interruptions, and inaccessibility of visited websites," said Gao Ge, a police officer of the Cyber Security Brigade. After Zhang attacked Fang's website, he called Fang and asked Fang to "spend money to eliminate disasters".

In half a year, Zhang launched a total of 3 attacks on the network company, 7 times asked for money, a total of more than 12,000 yuan. The police found that Zhang attacked more than 10 websites nationwide and illegally profited 50,000 yuan from them. In addition, Zhang mou also "collected apprentices" on the Internet and taught hacking methods.

At present, the Zhang mou has been criminally detained by the bureau, and the case is in the process of further handling. (Intern Liu Haizhi Zhang Feiya Reporter Zhang Yipu)