
Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments


Happy Halloween

Today is the "ghost festival" of the West

I'm a lawyer,

True color starred in "unlucky ghost"!

Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments

Staying up late and working overtime is the norm,

Being angry with the person should be.

Helpless always "see the hell"...

Sorted out a few lawyers "see the devil" moment,

See if you have it...

Midnight Bell

Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments

At more than 3:00 a.m., Lawyer Chen's WeChat kept ringing, and when he opened WeChat in a hazy way, the customer sent more than 10 60-second voice messages... So Lawyer Chen spent more than 10 minutes, a paragraph of voice points to listen, extracted valid information from the customer's words and replied, the whole process down, people have been awake, there is no way to fall asleep again...

Lyppo "exorcising ghosts" magic tricks

Legal treasure speech recognition, automatic speech to text, convenient for lawyers to quickly read the important information of the customer's voice, and give a reply, as early as possible to fall asleep.

Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments

Evidence of disappearance

Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments

When Lawyer Li opened the trial, he flipped the bag he carried several times, looked for most of the day, could not find the evidence materials prepared before, and finally stated the facts without substantive evidence, the judge "blackface" on the spot, and the trial ended in failure.

Lawyers can add evidentiary materials to the system in advance, name and classify evidence, make a list of evidence with one click, and mark the source, object and content of the evidence material and submit it to the judge. Ensure that in the course of the trial, in the face of the judge's questioning or the opposing lawyer's questioning, they can promptly find the corresponding evidence page, carry out smooth evidence presentation and cross-examination work, obtain the judge's approval, and win the trial.

Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments

Time and space are confused

Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments
Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments

The lawyer misremembered the time of the interview with the client, arrived at the agreed place only to find that he had seen the wrong date, and wasted time by running in vain, causing the customer to be dissatisfied, losing the case entrustment, and suffering heavy losses.

Lawyers only need to open the legal treasure calendar, interview customers, court and other important schedules in advance, the system will send information reminders before the designated time, computers and mobile phones can receive, to avoid losses caused by forgetting, but also give lawyers enough time to prepare, harvest customer praise.

Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments

Transient amnesia

Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments
Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments
Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments

Lawyer Guo revised the information of the pleadings of case A the day before yesterday, and yesterday revised the content of the letter in case B, and in the end, he actually forgot when he had modified the materials and what contents he had modified... The materials of the two cases can only be revisited to find out where the changes have been made.

After the lawyer casually modifies the case-handling materials, send back to Atroitbao, the system will pop up prompts for logging, then immediately write the **year **month** day modification *** (content), reduce the probability of forgetting errors, and prepare the case materials in advance.

Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments

The work of lawyers is very special, like a tree hole, receiving all kinds of negative energy to pour out, and like a mirror, illuminating the world, personal emotions are susceptible to the influence of various people and things, good and evil, and often not understood, unconsciously, lawyers have become "invincible". As an "exorcist", Lu Bao helps lawyers "exorcise" the "demons" (obstacles) in the process of handling cases, assists lawyers in handling cases, and obtains the recognition of clients.

Happy Halloween to lawyers!

There are fewer "demons and ghosts" on the way to handle cases

Halloween, take stock of the lawyer's "hell" N moments

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