
frightened! Pick up the rat poison on the ground and eat it as a snack

author:Bright Net

Recently, a 10-month-old baby in Liling mistakenly ate rat poison as a snack when playing at his grandparents' house and was sent to Hunan Provincial Children's Hospital for emergency rescue. Due to the timely delivery of medical treatment, the child's current situation is stable.

Mom stepped forward to stop it, but it was too late

The baby who mistakenly ate rat poison was named LeLe (pseudonym), and a few days ago, his mother took him to his grandmother's grandfather's house to play.

"I was cleaning, and Lele was crawling on the ground and playing. After a while, I found that Lele was putting something in his mouth, and hurried forward to stop it, but it was too late, and the child had swallowed it. Lele's mother said that when she saw that it was rat poison, she was immediately frightened. The child then developed vomiting, convulsions and other symptoms, and she quickly dialed 120 for help.

Subsequently, Le Le was rushed to Hunan Provincial Children's Hospital and diagnosed with rat poisoning. After the doctor's active treatment, Lele's condition has been basically stable, but whether the toxins in the body have been completely cleaned up needs further observation.

Lele's mother told reporters that there were rats in his parents' house some time ago, so the old man placed rat poison in the crack of each door. Recently, the parents were not at home, and they did not know that she would take the child home, so the rat poison in the family did not have time to put away.

Children's accidental eating is mostly related to parental negligence

The reporter visited the emergency pediatric department of the provincial hospital and the central hospital and learned that incidents of accidental eating by children like this occur from time to time. Some children mistakenly took rat poison, some mistakenly took antihypertensive drugs, hypoglycemic drugs, and some swallowed metal foreign bodies.

Zhao Chengshun, director of the Department of Pediatrics at the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that almost every incident of accidental eating by children is related to the negligence of parents. "Children have a certain ability to move, but at the same time they are seriously lacking in discernment, so guardians must accompany passport materials uninterruptedly, because many of the tragedies of accidental eating occur during those few seconds of regulatory gaps." For example, when a parent changes clothes or answers a phone call, the child may swallow a foreign body by mistake. ”

Parents should not put drugs, detergents, paints, cosmetics, organic solutions, etc. within the reach of children for convenience, and always check whether the various parts of children's toys are loose and falling off. Do not use discarded beverage bottles of detergent or chemicals to avoid giving your child the illusion of being edible.

If a child is found to be swallowing a foreign body, parents should be sent to the hospital immediately, and it is not recommended that parents without any medical background induce vomiting on their own, so as to avoid the child's misinking and regurgitation of toxicity to other organs in the body. When escorting a poisoned child to the hospital, parents must pack the remaining poison and carry it with them, which can provide effective clues for the doctor's diagnosis, so that the doctor can conduct clinical screening of the toxic ingredients in the shortest possible time, and timely and accurately formulate a treatment plan so as not to delay the treatment time and effect. (Zhuzhou Evening News reporter Yang Lingling)

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