
CLP Optics Valley helped Hulan's economy take off


Since CLP Optics Valley settled in Hulan in December 2019, various work such as industrial park construction and enterprise investment promotion have been carried out in a planned manner.

CLP Optics Valley helped Hulan's economy take off

CLP Optics Valley Harbin Company

On the afternoon of October 25, CLP Optics Valley Harbin Company held a monthly work meeting to comprehensively summarize the work carried out in October and deploy the work priorities in November, and all the company participated in the meeting.

At the meeting, each department reported on the completion of key tasks in October and the work plan for November. Guo Jun, deputy general manager of the company, listened to the work reports of the heads of various departments, and commented on them one by one, and put forward specific requirements for the outstanding problems in the work.

Mr. Guo pointed out: First, each department should further clarify its own work functions, carefully sort out the job responsibilities of each employee in each post, and clarify the work goals and tasks to the post. The second is to learn from brother companies and benchmarking enterprises, grow and improve together, find out the gaps, and learn from the advanced experience of others to make up for their own deficiencies. The third is to continue to organize and carry out enterprise internal training activities, focus on investment promotion, and actively promote the implementation of corporate culture.

CLP Optics Valley helped Hulan's economy take off

Monthly meetings

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