
On October 19, the United States leaked the new crown real hammer? The British prime minister claims not to be anti-China, and India is doing something in southern Tibet to leak the new crown hammer in the United States? After banning Huawei, Johnson said he was not anti-China, and India deployed drones in southern Tibet

author:Hear the word about the world

So far, nearly 750,000 people have died in the United States, and the new crown epidemic is still spreading across the United States. However, looking back at what the United States did during the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, it is indeed full of doubts, on the one hand, it refuses to open biological laboratories including Fort Detrick to the outside world, on the other hand, it continues to play political tricks on the issue of the origin of the new crown, and frequently throws the epidemic problem to China. One can't help but wonder what the United States is hiding in such a cover-up.

On October 19, the United States leaked the new crown real hammer? The British prime minister claims not to be anti-China, and India is doing something in southern Tibet to leak the new crown hammer in the United States? After banning Huawei, Johnson said he was not anti-China, and India deployed drones in southern Tibet

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > the U.S. leaks the coronavirus hammer? </h1>

#以色列情报网: The United States studies and leaks the new crown # At the same time that the United States continues to throw the pot at China, more and more evidence shows that the United States and this global epidemic are inseparable, and a recent intelligence from the Israeli dark web even directly shows that the United States has studied and leaked the new crown virus. According to the Global Network reported on October 19, the database of a software "Pegasus" controlled by Israeli intelligence agencies was leaked again, and the leaked content turned out to be the call records of US soldiers and contained information related to the new crown virus.

All indications are that the new crown virus had spread in the United States long before the seventh military games were held in Wuhan, China, and another shocking truth was found from the exposed call records of American soldiers - American scientists leaked the new crown virus while studying the spread of artificial viruses. As the saying goes, if people don't know what to do, if all the previous inferences about Fort Detrick are just speculation, then the exposure of this intelligence is basically a "hammer" of the matter, and then the world should launch a claim against the United States.

On October 19, the United States leaked the new crown real hammer? The British prime minister claims not to be anti-China, and India is doing something in southern Tibet to leak the new crown hammer in the United States? After banning Huawei, Johnson said he was not anti-China, and India deployed drones in southern Tibet

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" after > blocked Huawei, Johnson said he was not anti-China</h1>

#British Prime Minister says he is not anti-China # At present, Biden is feeling headaches about the domestic epidemic situation, Johnson is not much better, and his country is also deeply involved in the "stagflation crisis", at this time, the United Kingdom has once again offered its affection to China. According to the Observation Network reported on October 19, British Prime Minister Johnson bluntly said in an interview on the 18th that "he is not anti-China", and also claimed that although the two countries have "difficult dialogue", "bilateral relations can still prosper", in fact, johnson said similar things as early as February this year, when he called himself "I am a fanatical pro-China faction".

If there had been no previous crackdown on Huawei 5G, the elimination of CGN and a series of British sanctions against China, it may have really believed Johnson's lies about China. Facts have proved that the United States and Britain are a hill, and its so-called "friendly" statement toward China is nothing more than a sugar-coated shell, and Johnson's choice to make such a statement the day before the London Investment Promotion Conference is obviously another intention, Bloomberg reported that the British move directly showed that it "does not want to refuse investment from China."

On October 19, the United States leaked the new crown real hammer? The British prime minister claims not to be anti-China, and India is doing something in southern Tibet to leak the new crown hammer in the United States? After banning Huawei, Johnson said he was not anti-China, and India deployed drones in southern Tibet

To put it bluntly, this is a typical "smashed pot and still want to eat", such a practice Australia has also been playing out in recent days, Australian foreign investment chairman Owen has also said that "continue to welcome Chinese investment", while the Australian authorities are still everywhere to set limits on Chinese enterprises; in addition, the so-called "do not reject Chinese investment" in the United Kingdom also indicates that it must be in the "non-strategic" field, and the boundary of "non-strategic", Johnson did not say clearly.

Obviously, the olive branch extended by London this time is not solid, and although Johnson claims not to be anti-China, what he has done is nothing but confrontation with China. Not long ago, the three "Anglo-Saxon" brothers of the United States, Britain, and Australia also formed an "AUKUS" military alliance aimed at countering China. In this way, it is indeed difficult to make people believe in the sincerity of its cooperation, perhaps Chinese companies have just invested, and the United Kingdom has repeated the same technique to suppress it again, so for Johnson's overtures, we cannot only listen to his words, but also watch his deeds.

On October 19, the United States leaked the new crown real hammer? The British prime minister claims not to be anti-China, and India is doing something in southern Tibet to leak the new crown hammer in the United States? After banning Huawei, Johnson said he was not anti-China, and India deployed drones in southern Tibet

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" > India deployed drones in southern Tibet</h1>

In addition to these US and Western countries' uneasiness and kindness toward China, some of China's neighbors around China are also eyeing China, and after the Indian military's cross-border provocations were successfully countered by the Chinese side, they still insisted on "unreasonable and unrealistic" demands at the thirteenth round of military commander-level talks. According to the Global Times reported on October 19, the Indian military has deployed a large number of "Heron" drones imported from Israel in the Sino-Indian border area, and claimed to be used to monitor China day and night.

Earlier, Indian Deputy Prime Minister Nadu also visited China's southern Tibet region on the 13th of this month, which was strongly reprimanded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and this time he once again set his sights on the southern Tibet region, which can be said to be a further provocation of China's sovereignty. Regarding this batch of new equipment, the Indian media did not hesitate to praise, claiming that the height of the drone can reach 10,000 meters and the maximum speed can reach 200 kilometers per hour, which is enough to deal with any "harmful behavior" of the PLA. However, the Indian military seems to have underestimated the combat readiness of the PLA, and China's anti-missile systems such as the S-400 and Hongqi-9B are enough to destroy India's so-called "complete" air combat system.

On October 19, the United States leaked the new crown real hammer? The British prime minister claims not to be anti-China, and India is doing something in southern Tibet to leak the new crown hammer in the United States? After banning Huawei, Johnson said he was not anti-China, and India deployed drones in southern Tibet

China has always insisted on settling disputes peacefully through dialogue, but judging from India's current non-cooperation attitude, it is not excluded that China will take tough measures to ensure national security and territorial integrity when necessary. Of course, whether it is the Sino-Indian border or the situation in the Taiwan Strait, China's attitude has always been clear, and the PEOPLE's Liberation Army's determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity will never change.