
No need for enterprise declaration Chengdu High-tech Zone has taken the lead in introducing a policy "declaration-free" cashing mechanism in the field of foreign trade and economic cooperation

author:Cover News

Cover reporter Yang Jinzhu

Recently, the bank account of Chengdu Pengzhan Hui Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chengdu Pengzhan Hui") received 50,000 yuan of policy support funds. Unlike in the past, this money was directly issued by the Chengdu High-tech Zone through the policy "declaration-free" cashing mechanism.

No need for enterprise declaration Chengdu High-tech Zone has taken the lead in introducing a policy "declaration-free" cashing mechanism in the field of foreign trade and economic cooperation

"Gaoxintong" enterprise service platform

"In the past, we declared the incentive policy, need to go through the active declaration, government department review and verification and other processes, this year we did not submit any declaration materials, from the initial screening, publicity, and then to the policy cash funds to the account, before and after a total of less than half a month, very efficient and convenient." The relevant person in charge of Chengdu Pengzhan Hui Company said.

What makes enterprises praise is the policy "declaration-free" cashing mechanism piloted by Chengdu High-tech Zone in the field of foreign trade and economic cooperation.

On December 24, the reporter learned from the Chengdu High-tech Zone that in order to implement the central "six stability" and "six guarantees" policies and create an efficient and convenient business environment, in November this year, the Chengdu High-tech Zone piloted the exploration of the policy "declaration-free" cashing mechanism in the field of foreign trade and economic cooperation, exempting enterprises from various declaration materials such as industry and commerce, taxation and a large number of business documents that need to be submitted, changing "enterprise declaration" to "active delivery policy", and providing an efficient, fast and low-cost policy implementation mechanism for enterprises that meet the policy conditions.

It is reported that in the process of implementing the "declaration-free" policy, Chengdu High-tech Zone issued a total of more than 8 million yuan of policy support funds to 74 enterprises.

Explore innovation

Pilot policy declaration exemption and redemption mechanism

The Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment, which came into effect in January this year, clearly stated that "the state encourages and supports all regions and departments to actively explore original and differentiated specific measures to optimize the business environment within the framework of the rule of law in light of actual conditions".

As the main front of Chengdu's economic development, Chengdu High-tech Zone has gathered more than 220,000 market entities, including nearly 150,000 enterprises and more than 56,000 science and technology enterprises. If the traditional policy declaration model is followed, many enterprises need to go to multiple departments to issue certificates, collect and copy relevant business supporting materials and organize and bind them in a limited time. At the same time, because some enterprises do not know enough about the policy, it is easy to miss the policy declaration time.

"In order to facilitate enterprises and continue to optimize the business environment, we have been thinking about how to use new technologies such as big data and the Internet of Things to actively match relevant policies with corresponding enterprises, so as to achieve 'no need for enterprise declaration, and direct allocation of incentive funds if they meet the conditions'." The relevant person in charge of the Economic Operation Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone said.

"The total amount of this project is relatively small, which allows us to innovate and explore while ensuring the safety and efficiency of financial funds." At the same time, the back-end workflow is more stringent, and the design of each link of process design, legality review, enterprise screening, review and identification has been repeatedly discussed and the opinions of relevant departments have been solicited to ensure the safety and effectiveness of each financial fund. The above-mentioned person in charge introduced.

Data support

Ensure that policies are delivered fairly and equitably

In the process of specific operations, how to ensure that the policy implementation process is fair and just?

According to the relevant person in charge of the Economic Operation Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, in the process of policy implementation, in accordance with the requirements of the relevant capital documents of the superior, a cash plan that meets the direction and conditions of policy support is specially formulated, and the coordination and cooperation between various departments is realized through the "high-tech" enterprise service platform of the high-tech zone, and the qualification verification of the enterprise industry, commerce, taxation and environmental protection of the enterprise in the past is quickly completed, and the relevant business data system provided by the provincial and municipal departments and public service platforms is used to screen out the list of enterprises that meet the policy conditions, and through the official website of the Chengdu High-tech Zone 2. The one-stop enterprise service platform notifies the preliminary screening of shortlisted enterprises.

Subsequently, the opinions of high-tech industry and commerce, taxation, environmental protection and other departments were collected again through the "high-tech" enterprise service platform, and after deliberation and approval, the list of enterprises that received incentive funds was announced to the public.

Chengdu Great Wall Development Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Great Wall Development"), founded in Chengdu High-tech Zone in 2016, is a leading export enterprise of smart meter products in China. From January to November this year, under the guidance of the relevant departments, Great Wall Development actively resumed work and production under the guidance of relevant departments and continuously expanded overseas markets, achieving growth against the trend, and the output value increased by 30% year-on-year.

The person in charge of the company told reporters that after the second day of the announcement this year, the company received 120,000 yuan of policy incentive funds. He said that the "declaration-free" cashing mechanism has greatly facilitated enterprises, and he hopes that the mechanism can be promoted in other fields.

Service upgrades

Build the "High-tech Pass" enterprise service version 2.0

The relevant person in charge of the Economic Operation Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone said that the current rapid development of new technologies such as 5G, big data, blockchain, and cloud computing has also brought new opportunities for enterprise service work. This exploration pilot in the field of foreign trade and economic cooperation is an innovative exploration of enterprise service work in Chengdu High-tech Zone.

This is also a test of the "High-tech Pass" enterprise service platform. It is reported that in the process of policy implementation, various departments in Chengdu High-tech Zone submitted review suggestions in parallel through the "high-tech" enterprise service platform. In July this year, the "High-tech Pass" enterprise service platform has completed the second phase of upgrading, through the addition and improvement of the "Appeal Pass", "Policy Pass", "Activity Pass", "Market Pass" and "Financial Pass" and other sectors, to help enterprises achieve more matters online and less running.

In recent years, Chengdu High-tech Zone has always taken the optimization of the business environment as the "No. 1 reform project", with enterprises as the center, market as the guide, and service as the starting point, and constantly optimized the international business environment.

Since the beginning of this year, Chengdu High-tech Zone has continued to improve the "1+7+N" enterprise service work system, deepened the 4A enterprise service high-tech brand of "all-region, all-weather, all-industry, all-dimensional", launched a "one-window" policy declaration and acceptance service window, "high-tech salon" and private enterprise seminars and other enterprise service work, continued to optimize the business environment, and boosted the construction of Chengdu High-tech Zone into a national high-quality development demonstration zone and a world-class high-tech park.

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