
The ancient event of Liaoyang - Jin Dynasty


Jin Dynasty

274 (10th year of the Western Jin Dynasty)

Sima Yan, the Emperor of Jinwu, adopted the suggestion of Wei Wan, the assassin of Youzhou, and divided 5 counties including Liaodong, which belonged to Youzhou, to Pingzhou. Liaodong County administers 8 counties, with Xiangping as the first county, and the county is restored (abolished in the Eastern Han Dynasty) and the prefecture and county system is implemented. He also set up a lieutenant to manage the ethnic groups in the northeast of the Heilongjiang River Basin and the Korean Peninsula from the north of Pingzhou to the present. Jin System, Pingzhou Assassin and Lieutenant of Dongyi. The Pingzhou Assassins managed the local administration, and the military was still under the control of the military governors of Youzhou.

277 years (three years in Xianning)

The Jin Emperor Sima Yan made Sima Rui the King of Liaodong, and Liaodong County was changed to Liaodong Kingdom. In 283 (the fourth year of Taikang), Sima Rui was made the King of Donglai, and the Eastern Liaodong State was withdrawn, still as a county.

311 (Yongjia 5th year)

The Xianbei people Su Lian and Mu Jin avenged the killing of Li Zhen, a lieutenant of Dongyi who was killed by The Taishou Pang Ben of Liaodong Province, and attacked the counties of Liaodong County, killing the people. Xianbei Dadan defeated Sulian and Mujinbu with his cavalry, restored Liaodong Commandery , and returned to Dazhicheng (大枝城, in modern Western Yi County).

319 (2nd year of Daxing in the Eastern Jin Dynasty)

Lieutenant Dongyi and the Pingzhou assassin Shi Cuiyi joined forces with Goguryeo, the Xianbei Duan clan, and the Yuwen clan to attack Murong's forces. Murong Xi sent troops to attack Pingzhou Prefecture, captured Liaodong Commandery, and occupied Xiangping. Cui Yi, the last Governor of Pingzhou appointed by the Jin Court, fled to Goguryeo with his remnants. The Liaodong region was divided between murong clans. The Jin court then ordered "to undertake the control of Haidong" and was made the highest governor in the northeast region, with ten thousand households. In December, Murong Xi ordered his son Murong Renzhen to guard Liaodong.

333 (Xianhe 8th year)

In May, Murong Xi died, and his son Murong Hui (慕容皝) took the throne, and the Former Yan state was established (in 337 as the King of Yan).

370 years (Taihe 5 years)

Former Yan Emperor Murong Wei was destroyed by Former Qin Emperor Fu Jian. Liaodong Taishou Han Chou surrendered to Former Qin, and Xiangping belonged to Former Qin for more than 10 years.

384 (9th year of the Reign of the People's Republic of China)

Mu Rong rebelled against former Qin and restored the country and established Later Yan. There are 6 counties including Liaodong in Pingzhou, and Xiangping and Juyu Counties still belong to Liaodong County, Pingzhou.

403 (Yuan Xing 2nd year)

Goguryeo occupied parts of present-day Liaoyang, and built a mountain castle in Dongshan, a village at the gate of the present city, 60 miles east of Xiangping City. During the Goguryeo period, it was called Baiyan City, and later renamed Yanzhou, Shicheng, etc., and is now called Yanzhou City.

404 (Yuan Xing 3rd Year Later Yan Murong Xiguang 4th Year Goguryeo Guangkai Tu King 13th Year)

Goguryeo opened up the Civil Unrest of Later Yan and occupied all of Liaodong and Xuanju Counties. Changed Xiangping to Liaodong City. In 405 and 406, Later Yan counterattacked twice, but neither was successful.

The ancient event of Liaoyang - Jin Dynasty
The ancient event of Liaoyang - Jin Dynasty
The ancient event of Liaoyang - Jin Dynasty