
56 Fan Wen (Primary School) | Advanced Narrative Method is to Make the Composition Full of "Lens Sense"

author:Small new writing class
56 Fan Wen (Primary School) | Advanced Narrative Method is to Make the Composition Full of "Lens Sense"

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2 min

Text | Da.Qian

Essay title

What do you usually like to play? Has there ever been a particularly fun and impressive time? Remember how you played it, think about it in your mind like a movie, and then write it down, using the correct punctuation marks when writing.

After writing it, read it aloud to see if the content you wrote expressed the happy mood at that time, communicate with your classmates, share your happiness with them, if there is something that your classmates can't understand, you can try to modify it to make others understand.

Please take the title of "That Time I Had a Real Fun".

56 Fan Wen (Primary School) | Advanced Narrative Method is to Make the Composition Full of "Lens Sense"

The picture | panoramic vision

Writing instruction

Question: This is an assignment in the third grade book of the ministry, the purpose of which is to let students learn to fully describe a fun story.

"That time" tells us to choose one thing or an experience to write, "play" prompts us to choose something to play to write, and "really happy" asks us to write happy emotional experiences.

When writing, write the process of things clearly, and at the same time be able to express your feelings and feelings.

Idea: The beginning - the full text of the general leader, you can directly describe the beginning of the matter, you can also use some famous words and famous sentences to lead to the things to be described.

Intermediate - Write the process clearly according to the order of development of things, especially pay attention to the description of the action.

Conclusion - Summarize the whole text, express your feelings, feelings or gains

56 Fan Wen (Primary School) | Advanced Narrative Method is to Make the Composition Full of "Lens Sense"

Writing Tips: (1) Pay attention to writing down the course of things clearly, with causes, processes and results.

(2) Focus on creating a happy atmosphere, which can be achieved through psychological description or verbal description.

(3) The process of playing should be specific and vivid, which requires increasing the sense of picture of the text. Therefore, it is possible to refine the action description, cut the "big action" into many "small actions", so that the reader has a sense of experience and substitution, like watching a movie shot.


It was a pleasure to play that time

Guo Siting

On National Day, my mother took me to the amusement park to play, which was the happiest I had.

(Straight to the point, explain the cause of the matter, always start the whole text.) )

We lined up first to buy tickets, and there were so many people queuing up to buy tickets, and it looked like a long queue from a distance. After buying our tickets, we headed straight for the Ferris wheel. Looking up, the colorful carriages dotted on the huge discs, I couldn't help but sigh: "This is also too high!" ”

56 Fan Wen (Primary School) | Advanced Narrative Method is to Make the Composition Full of "Lens Sense"

With a nervous mood, I sat on the Ferris wheel, spinning and rising, and my heart began to beat faster. When they reached the top, the people and cars in the amusement park became smaller, like small sesame seeds sprinkled on the ground. The beauty of the entire amusement park also amazes me, which is really amazing.

It is said that when the Ferris wheel reaches its highest point, a wish will be made quietly and it will come true. As for what wishes it is, I will not tell you. When the Ferris wheel slowly turned down, I was still frightened and reluctant to come down.

(The people in line are like dragons, and the people and cars in the amusement park are like sesame seeds, these two metaphors make the article more vivid.) The little author's eyes are like a small camera, taking us to experience the Ferris wheel project together. At the same time, psychological descriptions are added, leading us to feel the excitement and excitement of the play process with her. )

Then, we went to sit on the "Heroic Pride", which spun 60 times before stopping, and when I sat inside, I felt like I was about to be thrown away, clutching the armrest tightly, stabilizing my body, and gritting my teeth.

56 Fan Wen (Primary School) | Advanced Narrative Method is to Make the Composition Full of "Lens Sense"

The people around me were out of control, and only the screams in my ears were louder and louder, making my ears deaf. When it stopped, I felt light-headed, my legs trembling, and when I came down, I could barely stand and almost fell to the ground.

(Describe the screams of the people around you, expressing how you feel throughout the project, while adding detailed action descriptions to reproduce the experience process, and have a strong sense of substitution.) )

There are also thrilling projects such as "flying in the air", "pirate ships", "roller coasters" and other thrilling projects in the amusement park, as well as non-thrilling projects, such as bumper cars, carousels, etc. There is also a 4D cinema that integrates sound, light and electricity technology, which is very novel.

(Playing project after project is very organized.) Two items are written in detail in the front, here is omitted, and the details are combined to make the amusement park tour appear more abundant)

56 Fan Wen (Primary School) | Advanced Narrative Method is to Make the Composition Full of "Lens Sense"

This time I had a lot of fun and felt very excited, these rides let me broaden my horizons, exercise my courage, and next time I will come to play.

(Conclude with a summary of the full text, expressing your mood and harvest)


Da. Qian, a first-line Chinese teacher in primary schools, has rich experience in teaching Chinese character pinyin, unique and interesting teaching methods, which have made tens of thousands of children fall in love with Chinese characters and pinyin; signed author of the "Reader • New Language" primary and secondary school reading and writing education platform; "Reader • New Language" Story Research Institute Curriculum Research and Development Teacher; Recitation Expert; Happy Learning Advocate.

Responsible editor 丨 Zhang Ziqing

Intern Editor 丨 Zhang Qiong

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