
Hubei Yunyang: Go all out to "recharge calcium" for discipline inspection "recruits"

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Hubei Channel

In order to shorten the "blank period" in the business of the newly entered discipline inspection and supervision system personnel, in the past few days, the Discipline Inspection Commission of Yunyang District, Shiyan City, Hubei Province, has adopted the forms of "micro-classrooms," "passing on help," and "clean packages" to make every effort to "recharge and replenish calcium" for discipline inspection "recruits."

"Micro Classroom" energy. Incorporate 25 contents such as Xi Jinping's important expositions on comprehensively and strictly administering the party and anti-corruption work, the interpretation of party discipline laws and regulations, the supervision and discipline review process, and the safety of case-handling procedures into the training scope of new discipline inspection system personnel, and adopt the method of hiring experts and organizing discipline inspection backbones every Monday night to teach new discipline inspection system personnel in turn in the form of distance teaching, replenish the "calcium" of the spirit, and enhance professional capabilities.

"Pass on the help" to improve the quality. From the trial room and 7 discipline inspection and supervision rooms, 16 backbone business cadres were selected as the "helpers" of 31 new recruits. Adopt methods such as organizing new recruits to go deep into the case-handling department to observe, follow the class in the trial room, ask questions for advice, and cooperate with teachers and apprentices to handle cases, face-to-face and point-to-point to improve their actual combat capabilities to ensure high-quality and efficient future work.

"Cheap package" refreshing. Every Friday night, new recruits are organized to study the "25 Articles of Discipline Cadres and Supervisors", the "Fifteen Prohibitions" and "Eleven Prohibitions" for discipline inspection cadres, and strict requirements are set on them from six aspects, such as politics, work, case handling, confidentiality, honest administration, and life. Take the four warning education films such as "Untouchable Disciplinary Red Line" and "Striking Iron Must Be Hard by Itself" as compulsory courses for new recruits, watch them every Friday and turn in their experiences on Mondays, warning them to tighten their nerves at all times and build a solid line of defense against corruption.

It is reported that as of now, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the district has opened 5 "micro-classes", 16 "helpers" to guide "recruits" to handle 16 cases, cooperate in handling 11 cases, and organize new recruits to carry out discipline and law education 5 times. (Wang Xiaojun, Liu Li, Chen Yafei)

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