
Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

author:Konoh E-Renko

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If the Internet industry has an internal hot search list, what topics will dominate the list recently?

Meta-universe, NFT absolutely on the list, capital is hot, technology giants compete for layout, is a well-deserved new "top stream", these two hot words even successfully fired into the entertainment circle, a small number of artists took the lead in "tasting".

TVB Huadan Feng Yingying became the first person in wireless to eat crabs. Step into the art world and enter the NFT with your own crystal bracelet.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

Originally, Feng Yingying only designed 25 physical bracelets, but by chance, she came into contact with the NFT and connected the work to the NFT platform with the help of a professional team.

Everyone can purchase the crypto wallet of the relevant bracelet on the platform, get the concept sketch of The Feng Yingying bracelet, and then the buyer can use this object as a ticket to visit the offline art exhibition and redeem the physical bracelet.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

Not only that, many celebrities also spent thousands of dollars in the form of NTF to buy sky-high virtual goods, and Yu Wenle spent 430,000 US dollars to buy pixel villain avatars.

Why do so many celebrities have a lot of respect for NTF?

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

First of all, let's understand, what is an NFT?

The NFT, full name Non-Fungible Token, translates Chinese as a non-homogeneous token, representing ownership of scarce digital goods.

Anything can be NFT, it can be a network artwork, a small video, an avatar... Like tangible assets, they can be bought and sold, with unique characteristics that cannot be copied.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

Even the first tweet of the founder of Twitter was NFT-esque

For example, NBA star Curry bought an unremarkable ape head for 55 virtual currencies, that is, $180,000 (about 1.16 million yuan). The works are from the Boring Ape Club, which sells a total of 10,000 different NFT ape works.

According to the story, this group of apes has long achieved financial freedom and has nothing to do every day, so they set up a club, and after buying an avatar, they can join their community.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

By the way, Curry also spent 5.7 virtual currency, that is, 116,000 yuan, to buy an NFT companion dog with a basketball frame tied to his ape in the community.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

This strange thing quickly appeared on the hot search, many people came with a long press to save, easily got the idol of the same model, a neat row of apes appeared in the comment area.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

Wait, how exactly is the uniqueness of NFTs guaranteed?

To put it simply, the avatar owned by the library is like a real banknote with a number, other real banknotes will certainly not collide with it, and the outside and its collision number are all fake banknotes, and blockchain technology is a "money detector" to identify authenticity.

In addition, actress Xu Jinglei also has an NFT avatar of another project, the keywords of this project are "future", "science fiction", and all the avatars have a "cyberpunk" flavor.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

According to rumors from the outside world, this avatar is a gift from a friend to Xu Jinglei.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

Yu Wenle, who has just been exposed to NFTs this year, is an avid NFT enthusiast.

He believes that NFTs can represent the general trend of the future, and is very optimistic about the prospects of this new field, and at one point he had 79 NFT works in his hands, worth more than ten million US dollars.

Among them, the more expensive is a pixel avatar, Yu Wenle spent a huge amount of nearly 3 million yuan to buy it, the avatar comes from the old predecessor of the NFT, the keywords of the series of avatars are "pixel", "punk", a total of 10,000 punk characters were issued to the outside world.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

Yu Wenle also replaced the INS avatar with this pixel villain

In addition to some popular projects that everyone knows, he has also dabbled in many low-priced unpopular projects, of course, not much to buy, and only one of the unpopular projects has been bought to test the water.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

Of course, where there is a buyer, there is a seller. More and more celebrities are starting their own NFT business.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

Yu Wenle frantically bought NFT works while selling these private collections through auctions.

In September this year, Yu Wenle and a luxury auction company cooperated to hold an online auction, with a total transaction value of 120 million Hong Kong dollars, successfully setting a new record for the highest amount of online auction in Asia, and part of the auction proceeds will be donated to charity.

The following is the highest priced work, which sold for 33.85 million Hong Kong dollars↓

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

The following work, the transaction price is 9.61 million Hong Kong dollars ↓

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

In short, the works sold are condensed into one word, that is, "expensive", and Yu Wenle has created 8 NFT works, but outsiders cannot view them now.

Reasonable guess, he will build his own NFT brand in the future?

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

In addition, in April this year, the wine estate founded by Yao Ming launched a new wine brand and its limited edition NFT collection.

Each NFT corresponds to a bottle of physical wine, and there is also a certificate signed by Yao Ming.

One of the most concerned is lot 11, the number 11 has a special meaning for Yao Ming, he is wearing the No. 11 jersey in the NBA to break out of the sky.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

The music circle has also come to join in the fun, And Karen Mok just held a concert tour some time ago, and she also said that this is the last large-scale ticket tour.

What if some viewers miss it?

Karen Mok revealed that she will draw 50 concert highlights and launch them in the form of NFTs, so that other music fans can reminisce about these beautiful moments together.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

The musician Chen Yiren overheard this new word in the chat room and was quite interested in it. He immediately shared the message with other musicians, but they were not interested.

Thinking about it, Chen Xiangren decided to try it himself, putting the original single "Nobody Gets Me" on the online platform for sale, and after selling, only the buyer could listen to the song.

Chen Xiangren revealed that the current life of musicians is not good, and his income is decreasing year by year, so he wants to explore new ways and change the status quo.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

Hu Yanbin cooperated with the music platform to launch the 20th anniversary of "The Monk" vinyl NFT, with a limited edition of 2001 copies, and each commemorative vinyl NFT has a unique serial number.

The pre-sale was extremely hot, with nearly 80,000 people participating in the lottery booking, and it was sold out as soon as it was released.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

It can be seen that a fanatical internet game is being staged...

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

The celebrity effect helped the NFT out of the circle, and in this way, it entered the public eye.

It can be said that it not only satisfies the psychology of celebrities who want to walk in the forefront of the crowd and play cool and handsome, but also has the value of investing in digital assets.

However, the sentence that investment is risky is not casually said, celebrities are not necessarily investment vanes, otherwise there would not be so many stars who have been deceived by pseudo-rich people→ pseudo-rich people pit a number of Hong Kong stars, leading to 400 million fraud cases?

Although many technology giants are chasing NFTs, it is still in its embryonic stage and is still far from maturity.

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

For this new field where the concept is greater than the reality, ordinary people are best not to rush into it, and investment must be cautious and cautious, and do not be easily harvested by the sickle lifted by capital.

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Sister E replaced the new Logo! Dear girlfriends look for the genuine version ↓↓↓

Celebrities also bump into the Internet outlet?

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