
Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

author:Old Devil Clip

Film and television works on terrorist attacks all explain the understanding of terrorism in their own way, and every terrorist is also committing terrorist acts in his own way, but what is common is that terrorism has caused disasters for ordinary people and tragedies for families, and even trauma for the nation. Therefore, no matter whether it is the national interests or the great cause of the family and the country that are instigating terrorism behind it, it cannot be a reason for harming the world, let alone forgiving people for their despicable acts that have victimized ordinary people.

Air Rescue Non-Stop (2014)

Liam Neeson plays a veteran named Bill Marks, who is ordered to go on a mission on a flight. During this time, he received a series of mysterious text messages asking the government to transfer $150 million to a secret account, otherwise he would kill a passenger on the flight every 20 minutes, thus engaging the two sides in a double duel of intelligence and force at an altitude of 40,000 feet.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Horror Live (2013)

On an ordinary morning in Seoul, South Korea, Yoon Young-hwa (Ha Jeong-woo), the host of the radio station Daily Topic, is connecting with listeners about tax reform when Park Lu-gyu, an ordinary worker who claims to live in Seoul's Changshin-dong, calls in and complains about the high electricity bills and threats posed to him by the authorities. Yin Yinghua was impatient and forcibly cut off the phone on the grounds of deviating from the subject. Who knew that the connection could not be unilaterally interrupted by the radio side, and an angry Park Lu-gyu continued to complain and threatened to blow up the Han River Bridge. Yin Yinghua did not think so, and then instigated the other party to do what he wanted, who knew that as soon as the voice fell, the Mapo Bridge outside the window exploded into ruins. The stunned Yin Yinghua quickly calmed down, and he decided to use this rare opportunity to fight a career turnaround battle.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Special Forces 2: Total Strike Back (2013)

Under the leadership of the Duke, special forces dealt a heavy blow to the terrorist organization Cobra. Although the central figures such as the Cobra Commander were arrested, the backbone of the White Ghost and other organizations remained at large, ready to fight back against the Special Forces and the world. After the clean settlement of the nuclear crisis in a Middle Eastern country, the special forces were suddenly hit hard by the US government, and the Duke and other members died heroically, and only the three people who blocked the road, Miss Jay, and Flynn escaped. It turns out that cobras have already infiltrated the upper echelons of the United States, and they use them to smear special forces and plant snake eyes on one of the key members, the purpose of which is to find and rescue the imprisoned commander.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

The Fall of Olympus (2013)

The White House, secretly code-named "Olympus" by the Secret Services Agency, is in crisis, when a group of terrorists first attacked the area with heavy aircraft and machine guns, and then sent in a group of death squads who completely occupied the U.S. presidential palace, hijacked the president of the United States, and used this as a blackmail in a vain attempt to control the world order. Mike Banning, who was sitting in the clerk's office, survived the attack. Banning was originally a special forces officer, responsible for the safety of the First Lady and the President of the United States. But on a Christmas routine, his job went wrong, resulting in the death of the first lady.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Source Code (2011)

It is a science fiction film that involves terrorism. The protagonist Curt can use the military's secret experiment program "Source Code" operation, he can repeatedly "traverse" into the body of a deceased person killed in this train explosion, and observe the horror through a new perspective. The man responsible for the blast claimed to be responsible for the next larger terrorist incident in downtown Chicago in six hours' time. And so the story unfolds. In the film, Curt finally obtains enough information through the crossing to find out the culprit, and he himself experiences the real scene of the terrorist attack in the process of crossing. The film uses this sense of substitution to truly show the threat of terrorists to everyone's life for the audience.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

The A-Team (2010)

"Hannibal" John Smith (Liam Neeson), Templeton Pike (Bradley Cooper), Modoc (Sharlto Copley) and "Buffalo" Baracks (Quinton Jackson Quinton Jackson) were former members of the U.S. Rangers, and the four met in a firefight with Mexican villains and formed the Dragons, who made a living from the bounty. Eight years after becoming an army, the Tianlong Special Agent Team received a new mission. It is said that during the Iraq War, the Black Army affiliated with the United States robbed the Iraqi printing press and used it to produce counterfeit U.S. dollars in large quantities. Smith and others were tasked with recapturing counterfeit banknotes and equipment before they could be shipped back to the United States. However, events went in an unpredictable direction, and Smith's boss died in a bizarre accident. After this, the Tianlong special team was sentenced by a military court. Shortly thereafter, Smith and his members escaped from prison one after another, threatening to bring the scum of the Black Army to justice...

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Metro Horror (2009)

John Travolta's arrogant face seemed to have been born for terrorists, and he had to be the leader of terrorists to be commensurate with it. If you don't believe it, go and see Operation Swordfish or Change Face, and this Subway Horror. Before the filming of the old version of "Subway Horror" (1974), it was resolutely resisted by the New York High-Speed Transportation Authority, who refused to rent the subway for filming, for fear that live-action filming would provide inspiration for terrorists. 9/11 has led people to believe that such fears are by no means unfounded. As a result, the embarrassment faced by the new version of "Subway Horror" is the opposite of the old version: the crew can use any subway in New York, but the director must restrain the high emotions of terrorists hijacking the subway so as not to cause negative effects. However, the director seems to be a little scornful of this, and he greatly reduces the IQ level of the positive characters in the film, which only makes John Travolta's face invincible.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

The Bank Job (2008)

The film is based on true historical events.

In 1971, Michael X, the leader of a black militant group, was charged with drug trafficking, but was exonerated a year earlier for obtaining intimate photographs of Princess Margaret, a member of the British royal family, and blackmailing the authorities. Mi6 staff member Tim (Richard Lintern) is ordered to retrieve the photos hidden in a London bank.

Tim seeks out a drug trafficker, Mattine (Saffron Burrows), and threatens her to rob a bank to get a photo for herself. Martin soon forms a gang with several semi-professional criminals or newcomers, led by Terry (Jason Statham), who plans to dig tunnels and loot the vault.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

The Hurt Locker (2008)

Success lies not only in the documentary style, but also in the reflection on the war. Of course, documentary cannot satisfy the imagination of ordinary audiences for war scenes, and the terrorist methods shown in the film are basically in the form of defusing various bombs. The director places a lot of rhythmic tension in these scenes, making people realize how serious the bomb, a typical weapon of lethality, can be, even for bomb disposal experts. In the shadow of war and terrorism, one cannot be a normal person.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Snakes on a Plane (2006)

"Snake Attack Flight" is not a typical hostage-taking thriller, but a large-scale confined space disaster film triggered by "small events" - as far as the peaceful people on land are concerned, but whoever gets on this plane is almost hijacked by Yama. The story begins with a murder: the gang boss is accidentally seen by a passing Sean Jones while slaughtering people, and the man accuses the gang leader of committing a crime. During sean's flight to the Los Angeles courtroom, the gang boss learns the plane's flight from the admonition and smuggles a suitcase full of poisonous snakes onto the plane, intending to kill Sean. As the poor passenger slept in a beautiful way at a height of 10,000 meters, the snake rushed out of the container and began a wanton killing. "Snake Infestation Flight" almost became a comedy horror film in the end, and all the unfortunate "hostages" were bitten to death, but Sean was unharmed. The tension of this film is limited, only the picture of the snake's mouth pounced on the crotch of the man's pants, which made people instantly cold hair upside down.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Flight 93 (2006)

Flight 93 tells the thrilling and touching story of the plane hijacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, flight 93. On the day of 9/11, a total of 4 U.S. aircraft were hijacked, and all three successfully hit the target, only this one, Flight 93, and the terrorists did not achieve their goal. After several Middle Eastern terrorists mysteriously and successfully entered the captain's cabin to gain control of the plane, the plane wobbled, after all, they did not have the captain's skilful piloting experience.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Munich (2005)

Like Flight 93, once the film is based on real events, the horror index far exceeds the nonsense. Spielberg's "Munich" is a serious film related to politics and revenge, which focuses the narrative on the back and forth of the hijacking murder in the Olympic village of Munich. At 4:00 a.m. on September 5, 1972, eight figures suddenly appeared in the Olympic Village, members of the terrorist organization known as "Black September", armed with submachine guns and grenades, directly into the addresses of Israeli athletes, kidnapped 11 hostages, and after the fight, two athletes died on the spot, while the other nine were all killed in the ensuing fighting. "Munich" in Spielberg's "tender and sharp" double bondage, has become a controversial work of the year, especially the portrayal of the killer is less spicy and more related to human nature, and the film appears such as the little girl answering the phone, the killer's panicked behavior, etc., are familiar with Si's usual tricks, and eventually did not become a classic.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)

A documentary about the situation in the United States before and after the Iraq War. Why is the United States a target for terrorists? Why are you happy to get involved in war? How did George Bush's policies relate to the outbreak of 9/11? And how did his relationship with bin Laden evolve to an old enemy? The film uses real historical scenes to provide a way of interpreting from a certain aspect.

In addition to focusing on the United States, the camera is also focused on the Battlefield in Iraq. American soldiers tired of war, captured in Iraq in shame, local people who have suffered from the chaos of war, everyone suffers differently in this war. The kind mothers in the US military and the enthusiastic young people who are ready to serve on the front line have all begun to think heavily about Bush's policies and the war in Iraq.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Counter-Terrorism SWAT Team S.W.A.T. (2003)

A highly controversial film, a cool enough subject, the shooting effect is up to the table. The film tells the story of Los Angeles Police Bureau Reef Swat Officer Cutler who is ordered to form a new squad S.W.A.T. (Counter-Terrorism SWAT Team: Special Weapons Tactical Police Force) conducts a series of training and run-ins. Meanwhile, Alex, the Los Angeles drug king, tries to escape before he is handed over to federal detectives by the Los Angeles Police Department, so he makes a statement: Whoever helps him escape from the police station will pay him $100 million. Under the temptation of such a huge amount of money, many outlaws have taken up their minds and begun frequent attacks on the police station. The reason for the establishment of the S.W.A.T. group was to monitor Alex, the los Angeles drug king, day and night, to prevent him from being rescued by bandits. Although there are hot scenes to be given away, they still can't hide the simple clichés of the plot.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Swordfish Operation Swordfish (2001)

Spy John Travolta learned of years of government illegally collecting public funds during his many years as an agent. If Gabriel wants to realize his dream, money is the most critical factor. Because of this, the cunning Gabriel decided to take the stolen money.

For the plan to run smoothly, Gabriel needed a top-notch computer hacker. Hugh Jackman is one of the top hackers on the planet, and years ago he turned the FBI's proud security system upside down, which led to jail time, and his wife and daughter ran away. He has been banned from using computers and other electronics since his release from prison.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Die Hard (1988)

Although people have already seen through three major laws for the endless rescue mode of the "Die Hard" series: one is that Lao Boo's muscles are better than Iron Man's, and he will never be beaten or broken; second, journalists will always be more and more helpful churning sticks; third, the FBI's uncles and aunts should all retire and kneel on the washboard. But whenever "Die Hard" is refreshed, there are still people who are happy to roll over the good people who are hijacked in airplanes and subways - please, they will not die easily. In comparison, the first film of "Die Hard" is still the most crazy and brainy one of the series, and in terms of thriller index, it is far more shocking than the disaster film of "Skyscraper Fire". Detective John McAllen is undoubtedly the most unlucky cop in history, having just arrived in Los Angeles and being invited to a damn dinner party where he ends up spending Christmas with a bunch of bandits. In addition to the extremely extravagant male hormones of Lao Bu, the villain boss played by Alain Rickman is also fascinated to death.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Mad City (1997)

That's right, it's Uncle John Travolta again. This time, he played a down-and-out security guard who was fired by the museum owner and planned to take hostages to achieve the purpose of reinstatement. Unfortunately, just as he was about to commit murder, he met the shrewd journalist Hoffman and embarked on the road of disaster. Hoffman tried to rely on the big news of this decaying man robbery, but with the revelation of the decaying man's life, the public opinion and friction in the outside world made the reporter and the fading man fall into a dilemma at the same time, making the explosion at the end of the explosion deafening and deafening, making people feel that they wanted to cry but could not cry. Few child-kidnackers will receive universal sympathy from the public, and the film was trampled by critics for that year.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Air Force One (1997)

To this day, there are still women who are upset about gary Oldman, the head terrorist who was strangled alive by the parachute line — well, this is indeed a movie that makes Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman more handsome than handsome, and it is no big deal to kill a few members of the U.S. Congress. In the four years before 9/11, Air Force One was the culmination of terrorist hijacking films: On the value of hostages' lives, it far exceeded that of Curt Russell of "The Highest Crisis"; on the gold content of the positive characters, the little stewardess who overshadowed "Wings Are Hard to Fly"; on the ferocity of the negative characters, the foreign port maniacs were comparable to the local madmen of "Prison in the Air". The special effects scene of this film is amazing, Gary Oldman in line with the "hostages will die will not all die" routine, every eight minutes scary, but the president of the United States is not a vegetarian lord, can be from the freezing dripping refrigerator associated with the plane unloading the magic plan, with practical actions to ensure the safety of the American people - which also makes the ground busy to death of the female vice president, it is better to go home early to eat pot stickers.

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

Life and Death Speed (1994)

Unlike the bad guys who directly blew up the old and young masters in the bus in "Blood Sky" many years later, the law of bus horror in the era of "Life and Death Speed" is completely aimed at teasing the audience - if the speed exceeds 50 miles, it can no longer slow down, otherwise it will cause a big explosion. As a result, the car sticker fork rescue, the collective heroic flying bridge, the airport jump car explosion, etc., can be staged in two hours, constantly bringing the audience into a suffocating situation (of course, today's people are no longer as foolish as they were then). Payne, the big cancer in the film, is indeed a bad old man who is extremely unballowed, but from the moment he inserts a pen into the neck of his poor uncle at the bottom of the elevator, he begins to fight for his life and the handsome pair on the bus. The sequel to "Life and Death Speed" brings disaster to the tanker, but no matter how Sandra Bullock tosses, he can't rub a spark with Jason Patrick, which also causes the charming Keanu Levi's to still be remembered for blocking the casualty facts of "Life and Death Speed".

Resolutely crack down on all evil forces, 20 films against terrorists

True Lies (1994)

Agent Harry suspects that his wife is having an affair and secretly investigates, but the mistake discovers the terrorist's grand conspiracy. The film is full of fun and explains the way terrorists behave, that is, hostage kidnapping. Hostage abduction is one of the main methods of terrorist acts, because hostages often have to collide head-on with terrorists, and the psychological shadow caused by them is also enormous. Therefore, the care for the hostages has also become a major expression in the film.

Note: Invasion must be deleted

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