
The Germans were surrounded and annihilated at Koterinikovo, and Marshal Yelyommenko achieved an analysis of the results of the battle

author:East East Gun 0107

The Germans were in danger of being encircled at Koterinikovo and were forced to flee. On December 29, the whole city was liberated. However, the Soviets killed and captured only 34 men and captured 65 artillery and mortars.

The Germans were surrounded and annihilated at Koterinikovo, and Marshal Yelyommenko achieved an analysis of the results of the battle

The 7th Tank Corps excelled and was reorganized into the 3rd Tank Corps of the Guards and was awarded the title of "Koterinikovo Army". However, after the pursuit, the fuel of the 7th Tank Army was about to run out. One-third of the tanks, and half of the T-70 tanks, were unable to enter the war without fuel.

The Germans were surrounded and annihilated at Koterinikovo, and Marshal Yelyommenko achieved an analysis of the results of the battle

On the same day, the Stalingrad Front of the Red Army advanced to the upper Rubetin-Tormosin-Zhukovsky-Komissarovsky line, and retreated Hot to Zimovniki, 200-250 kilometers away from Stalingrad. The victorious Yelyommenko claimed the following results from 12 to 30 December:

The Germans were surrounded and annihilated at Koterinikovo, and Marshal Yelyommenko achieved an analysis of the results of the battle

16,300 de Rohe officers and men of the 4th Panzer Army were killed, 5,200 were captured, and the total number of enemy annihilators was 34,500. Of the 400 tanks put in by the Germans, 303 were destroyed and 306 of the 481 guns were lost. The 2nd and 4th Divisions of the Romanian Army were defeated. The captured weapons included 94 tanks, 40 aircraft, 292 artillery pieces and 329 vehicles.