
Mother and daughter are safe! Five minutes of life and death speed The baby girl car out of the life hanging in the line

author:Bright Net


Three or four o'clock in the afternoon

Mr. Zhang drove his wife from Haicang to the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University


The car passed through the Haicang Bridge, and the maternal pain became more and more serious


Near Dongdu Road, a child was born


Arrive at the entrance of the lobby of the hospital outpatient clinic area B


After the first aid, the baby breathed smoothly and cried out with a "wow" sound


Escorted by the crowd, the mother and baby were taken to the delivery room

Mother and daughter are safe! Five minutes of life and death speed The baby girl car out of the life hanging in the line

At about 5:20 p.m. the day before, at the entrance of the hall of area B of the outpatient clinic of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University, medical staff entered the car to urgently rescue the baby.

Mother and daughter are safe! Five minutes of life and death speed The baby girl car out of the life hanging in the line

The baby is taken to the delivery room for more detailed diagnosis and care.

Mother and daughter are safe! Five minutes of life and death speed The baby girl car out of the life hanging in the line

Medical staff rescue newborn babies.

In a private car, a baby girl was covered in blood, breathless, purple in the face, her life was hanging in the balance, the medical staff was half kneeling in the narrow carriage for emergency rescue, and everyone took back this small life from the hands of the "God of Death"... The afternoon before yesterday, a race against time was staged at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University.

For now, the baby and the mother and daughter are safe.


The child was born in the car with purple skin and breathing

Recalling the events of the day before yesterday, the child's father, Mr. Zhang, still has palpitations. He told reporters that his family lived in Haicang, and at three or four o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, his pregnant wife's pain was getting worse and worse, so he hurried to drive and drove his wife to the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University, accompanied by his sister along the way.

Unfortunately, the road was stuck in traffic jams, they were stuck on the Haicang Bridge, and about 20 minutes later, at about 4:50 p.m., he finally crossed the Haicang Bridge, but his wife's pain became more and more serious. "I didn't even bring a wrapped quilt, and I was really worried that [the child] would be born in the car." He recalled the worries of the time. However, the fears became a reality, and at about 5 p.m., near Dongdu Road, accompanied by a burst of cries from his wife, the child was born, "The car was full of amniotic fluid and blood." He was even more flustered.

"Oops! The child didn't cry! The sister said a word in a panic, he also giggled in his heart, turned back to look at the child, and found that the child's skin was gradually purple, and it seemed that his breathing was not smooth." Go to the hospital! At the critical moment, he couldn't take much care of it, and rushed to the hospital, about 10 minutes away.

first aid

The medical staff who leaned into the carriage were half kneeling to rescue

"The baby was born in the car!" At about 5:15 p.m. the day before yesterday, Mr. Zhang panicked and rushed into the hall of the outpatient area B of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University, shouting loudly, his voice was trembling and even a little incoherent, he pulled the customer service staff in the hospital hall while turning around and pointing to a white private car outside, "Save the child!" Please! ”

The scene situation is urgent, the staff of the hospital customer service department Lin Xialan took three steps and made two steps, rushed to the obstetrics and gynecology department, just met huang Xiumei, an obstetrics and gynecology nurse who was about to go home from work, after understanding the situation, Huang Xiumei did not hesitate to rush to the scene.

At the scene, Huang Xiumei found that in the back seat, the baby did not cry, the skin was purple, breathing was difficult, naked, covered in blood, and the body was cold, the umbilical cord was still connected to the mother, because of excessive tension and exhaustion, the mother was only half lying, pale, and could not say a word. After Huang Xiumei asked the family, after a preliminary diagnosis, it was believed that it should be amniotic fluid entering the respiratory tract such as the baby's mouth and nose, and the baby was in danger of dying at any time. At this time, the emergency department medical staff also quickly arrived at the scene with medical equipment.

Every second counts, the yellow nurse despite the blood stains on his clothes, leaned into the narrow carriage, knelt down halfway, and with the help of other medical staff, methodically rescued the baby - first cutting the umbilical cord, and then using professional equipment to suck the baby's sputum. At about 5:20 p.m., gradually, the baby's breathing became smoother, and suddenly a "wow" cry came out, and the face was no longer purple, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. A medical worker then wrapped the baby in a small blanket and carried it to the hospital stroller.

resultant force

The security guards urgently evacuated the vehicles to maintain order among the enthusiastic masses

When Huang Xiumei waited for emergency treatment, there were many vehicles blocked at the entrance of the hospital hall, and many people came to watch. Hospital security guards carried out emergency evacuation of vehicles, and joined forces with some enthusiastic people to form a circle around the maternity vehicle to prevent idle people from entering.

At about 5:20 p.m., Wu Qin, chief physician of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, led the obstetrics and gynecology medical staff to the scene, and after a preliminary diagnosis, the baby and the mother were not in serious trouble. At 5.30 p.m., escorted by the crowd, the mother and the baby were taken to the delivery room for more detailed diagnostic care. Yesterday morning, Wu Qin told reporters that the baby is a baby girl, about 5 pounds, and at present, the mother and the baby girl are in good condition. Wu Qin said that the reason why the rescue is fast and timely is because of the "5-minute first aid" model formulated by the hospital, and often simulates simulation training to continuously improve the emergency rescue capabilities of medical staff.

"Although I had a boy before, it is reasonable to say that I am more experienced, but this time the child was born in the car, unexpectedly, so I was particularly panicked." Mr. Zhang, the child's father, said, "I didn't expect the medical staff to be so fast, they are almost all sprinting in 100 meters, and the cooperation is also very tacit, although the situation is urgent, but it is not panicked, very admired, very grateful!" ”

Xiamen people with love make the city more beautiful

Beautiful Xiamen, not only because of the beautiful scenery, but also because the city has love, the people are safe and happy. Seeing that others need help, the loving Xiamen people will take the initiative to lend a helping hand - nurses who are going to leave work but ignore the blood stains and half kneel to rescue them; the security guards who take the initiative to guide the vehicles; the "passers-by" who spontaneously form a human wall and guard the small life; and the nurses who see the child crying and give him a warm hug.

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