
Is a world with China at its core taking shape? Hegemony is not welcome, and Latin America is willing to be friends with China

author:WarTime Think Tank

Author: Political Commissar Studio Xiao Zhang

The Hong Kong China Commentary Agency recently quoted Taiwan's international affairs expert Lin Jianhong as saying, "Although the essence of Sino-US relations is not all confrontation, for the Caucasians of the English Department, they have just learned to share their rights, because the world with Chinese mainland as the core is taking shape, which is an unprecedented serious impact on the West's long-term sense of superiority and emotions."

Is a world with China at its core taking shape? Hegemony is not welcome, and Latin America is willing to be friends with China

It is not difficult to understand that the United States knows that it cannot do without China, but still has an iron heart to oppose China, and it is also very understandable why Europe is willing to act as its anti-China pawn in the face of repeated harm from the United States. Obviously, the result of China's rise is that a new world with China at its core is being built. The "rules-based international order" formulated by the West is being trampled under the feet of emerging powers, and their deep-rooted hegemonic thinking is being violently attacked.

Is a world with China at its core taking shape? Hegemony is not welcome, and Latin America is willing to be friends with China

Imagine that the West, which originally had the power to control the world, was suddenly asked to share it, and no one could accept it. Therefore, although the US-EU alliance has rotted internally, in order to maintain the "rules-based international order" will not be challenged, they can only give up some grievances in other fields, defend the power in their hands, and try to force China to give up its development rights and interests through comprehensive containment, and always obey the rules of the Game in the West.

Is a world with China at its core taking shape? Hegemony is not welcome, and Latin America is willing to be friends with China

However, from the moment the Chinese side yelled at the US side that "you are no longer qualified to talk to China from the perspective of strength and status", it was doomed that the Chinese side would no longer interact with it in accordance with the "rules of the game" of the West. Therefore, whether it is the Anchorage High-level Diplomatic Dialogue in March this year or the recent Tianjin Strategic Dialogue, instead of accepting any bullying demands from the United States, China has sent two lists of problems to the United States, telling the Biden administration that after these problems are cleared, everyone can further talk about cooperation.

Is a world with China at its core taking shape? Hegemony is not welcome, and Latin America is willing to be friends with China

Obviously, as far as Sino-US relations are concerned, in terms of strength and status, China already has the capital to compete with the United States. If the United States wants to treat China with the condescending hegemonic face of history, the result can only be self-inflicted humiliation. However, the United States, which has been running amok on this planet for nearly a hundred years, naturally does not easily share power with other major powers. Therefore, the Biden administration has recently been running amok all over the world, pulling allies everywhere to build an anti-China international alliance.

Is a world with China at its core taking shape? Hegemony is not welcome, and Latin America is willing to be friends with China

But as a new world with China at its core is taking shape, it means that China is holding more and more trump cards against U.S. provocations. Therefore, China's countermeasures against the United States are no longer limited to the surrounding areas, but go deep into the backyard of the United States, Latin America, and actively establish their own circle of friends in the region. According to the Global Network, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense revealed at a news conference a few days ago that in recent years, the Chinese armed forces and the latin American armed forces have carried out fruitful cooperation in the fields of regimental exchanges, professional exchanges, personnel training and equipment technology, and joint exercises and joint training.

Is a world with China at its core taking shape? Hegemony is not welcome, and Latin America is willing to be friends with China

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, exchanges between the Chinese military and the armed forces of Latin American countries have been more frequent and close than ever. During this period, the Chinese defense ministers maintained strategic communication through video and letters in the defense departments of almost all Latin American countries, including Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, and Venezuela, to enhance mutual trust and friendship. Obviously, the circle of friends of the Chinese military in Latin America is expanding, which is a cup of bitter wine for the United States, which has been actively building a military encirclement circle to encircle China.

Is a world with China at its core taking shape? Hegemony is not welcome, and Latin America is willing to be friends with China

In order to prevent the military presence of other major powers in Latin America and threaten their own security, the United States has always attached great importance to the development of military and political influence in Latin America. However, in order to eliminate dissidents, the United States has previously launched color revolutions in Venezuela and Bolivia, which have created instability and undermined regional unity, which has long attracted strong dissatisfaction from Latin American countries. Thus creating a rare opportunity for China, Russia and other countries to expand their influence in the region.

Is a world with China at its core taking shape? Hegemony is not welcome, and Latin America is willing to be friends with China

Russia's earlier military presence in Latin America has left the United States in its throat. At present, the development of close military cooperation between China and many Latin American countries will not make Latin America an enemy of the United States, but with the expansion of the military and economic influence of China and Russia in the region and the awakening of regional countries, it will become more difficult for the United States to pursue hegemonism in the region in the future.

Is a world with China at its core taking shape? Hegemony is not welcome, and Latin America is willing to be friends with China

The reason why the hegemonic status of the United States can be maintained is to rely on the support of many vassals and the strength advantage of the alliance to suppress disobedient countries and even militarily invade them, so as to eliminate any anti-American regime that challenges its hegemonic status. In other words, as long as allies are no longer at the disposal of their own, Washington's hegemonic position will be unsustainable by its own capabilities.

Is a world with China at its core taking shape? Hegemony is not welcome, and Latin America is willing to be friends with China

The recent many irresponsible behaviors of the United States have minimized the trust of international allies and even posed a direct threat to its hegemonic status. The New York Times recently pointed out that Biden does not have a clear solution to many of the current affairs facing the United States. America's irresponsibility has allowed its position in the world as a reliable ally of a troubled friend and as an important adversary to the enemy.

Is a world with China at its core taking shape? Hegemony is not welcome, and Latin America is willing to be friends with China

Today, the decline of the Western world is inevitable, and they can no longer give support to other regional countries in terms of security and development, and even become a spoiler to undermine regional cooperation and development. Therefore, when the world with China as the core gradually takes shape, it means that more and more countries will seek to get rid of the Western political and economic system and take sides in the new world with China as the core, and the result is that the US hegemonic system collapses due to lack of help.

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