
Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD

Zhao Mengfu's "Three Sections of the Book of Conduct", on paper, the book, the first paragraph is 31.1cm in length and 101.5cm in width; the second section is 31.1cm in length and 100.2cm in width; the length of the third section is 29.9cm, and the horizontal is 103cm. This volume is composed of three works of Zhao's xingshu.

Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD

The first excerpt from the Zhou Yi Zhi Ci (周易) is signed: "On October 11, 1991, Dade 19, gurudwara wrote this chapter for Master Nangu. Disciple Zhao Mengfu. "钤" Zhao Shi Zi Ang "seal." The book was written in the ninth year of Yuan Dade (1305), and the author was 52 years old at the time.

Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD

The second paragraph records Du Fu's "Xuandu Tan Song", signed: "On the eighteenth day of the first month of the tenth year of Dade, Nangu Zunshi passed through the hall of my car bridge. To write ancient poems, it is this book. Disciple Wu Xingsong Xuedao Zhao Mengfu Shu. "Ibid. The book was written in the 10th year of Yuan Dade (1306), and the author was 53 years old at the time.

Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD

The last paragraph is recorded from the poem "Sending The Title Du ZunShi Baiyun Nunnery Qiong Xiuting" two poems, signed: "I gave these two poems to the ancestor Du Zhenren in the past years, and now his disciple Yuan An Dao came to ask for books, because he wrote and made them hidden." On December 29, 1961, Matsuyuki Shōshū. Zi Ang. "The same is true of the plutonium. The book was written in the sixth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1319), and the author was 66 years old.

Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD

Zhao Mengfu was happy with the Taoist figure You, and the disciple was the monk Zhongfeng Mingben and the Taoist Nangu Zhenren. Nangu is named Du Daojian, who once abbotd the Taoist temples such as Zongyang Palace in Hangzhou. The first two paragraphs of this volume are written for Nangu, and the last paragraph is written by Nangu for his disciple Yuan Andao, which also means to commemorate Nangu, and is an important material for studying the friendship of Zhao's life.

Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD

In terms of calligraphy, all three paragraphs are carefully deliberately written. The first section is unrestrained and ups, the second section is graceful and elegant, and the last section is Jian Canggu, which can be called the representative works of Zhao's middle and late years. At the front of the volume, there is the introduction of the Yuanren Qiao Yu Seal Book; the tail paper has the inscriptions written by 12 people such as Yuan Chen Lu, Zhang Yu, Du Ben, Jie Daisi, Zhang Yi, and Ming Xiang Yuanbi. In the volume are ming xiang yuan bian, Qing Li Zhaoheng, Liang Qingbiao, and Qianlong, Jiaqing, Xuantong Neifu Jianzang seals.

Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD
Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD
Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD
Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD
Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD
Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD
Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD
Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD
Zhao Mengfu's "Songxue Ink Book" HD

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