
Remove the worldly wrapping

author:Nether King

"Mom, Mom, today our teacher told us what happiness is. He said that there was a russian poet named Nekrasov, and he had a long poem called "In Russia, Who Can Be Happy and Happy", which tells the story of the poet who searched all over Russia and finally found that the happiest person was a farmer dozing off with a hoe. Because the farmer had a very strong body, he could eat, drink and sleep, and from his eyebrows and the sound of snoring, there was heartfelt happiness. His life and his demeanor show that he is the happiest person in the world. ”

Remove the worldly wrapping

Remove worldly desires

"Child, your teacher must have been wrong, how can a farmer be the happiest person in the world?" He had nothing, no money, no status, and couldn't be the happiest man in the world. You must not learn from him." You have to study hard, try to get into a good university, get a good job, make a lot of money, and buy a big house. In this way, when you return home, you will be the happiest person. Mom said.

Yes, in the process of growing up, adults always teach children how hard you have to work in the future, what you will have, and you will be looked up to, so that you can return to your hometown and become famous in the township from now on. But how can those adults know if what you really want to pursue is to return home after making a big career? The reason why they convey such ideas to you is nothing more than from their own point of view. And you, perhaps, are not interested in these things, but only want to be like the peasant, pursuing inner peace, irrelevant eyes.

King Pyrus always wanted to attack Italy. The military master Sinaeas thought this was a very absurd idea, so he asked him: "Your Majesty, what is your purpose in having such a great goal?" The king said: "I want Italy to be my territory, and everything is under my control." "So what if you do?" The military master asked again. "I will attack Gaul and Spain." The king said.

"And then what?"

"Then I can conquer the whole of Africa, and then the world." When the whole world is my territory, I can rest and live a happy and comfortable life. ”

The military master listened and immediately said to him: "My esteemed Majesty, you see, your ultimate ideal is to live a happy and comfortable life, then you can actually live now, as long as you are willing to avoid the labor and risks in the middle, then your wish can be realized immediately." But you have to be far away, can you tell me what is stopping you from doing so? ”

Remove the worldly wrapping


The story is short, yet thought-provoking. King Pelus's ultimate pursuit was nothing more than to live a happy and comfortable life, but he was blinded by worldly standards, making his goals full of variables. The military master advised, to the point, pointing out that if he wanted to live such a day, he could do it now, but he gave up such a day, but he had to take risks, and what was the reason that prevented him from making a decision that would be realized immediately?

If we think about it, it is clear that what prevents the king from living a happy life is nothing more than his idea of being held back by the world. In the vast world, people are always bumping into the fog of the world, until the end of their lives, they can't figure out who they really are, what they have been doing, what they really want in their hearts... How can we possibly have happiness and joy in this case?

The world is always using their own experience to tell people that a person must have power, money, and status, so that you can achieve happiness. But these are the needs of the world, the paths that the world prescribes for those who are chaotic according to their own vision and standards. However, the world will only give you judgment and standards, but it will not tell you what you really need and what to do to make your heart feel happy. So don't be fascinated by the world, only by throwing away the worldly package, seeing through our own true heart, and seeking the peace we want, can we achieve true happiness.

In modern society, many people feel tired, because we have been walking on a path that does not belong to us and is not suitable for us under the eyes of the world. Therefore, sometimes you can temporarily stop your pace, slow down the pace of life, and listen carefully to the true call of your heart, so that your life can be more in accordance with the truth, so that you can not cling to the pursuit of things outside the body.

Busy life, maybe we will meet the needs of the world, with money, enhance social status, but also have more attention in our hearts, in the end, maybe we have achieved the happiness that others have envied for a long time, but we have not received our own share of happiness. So, what is the meaning of such a life? Life is like stagnant water, and our hearts still feel empty and lonely. Therefore, instead of pursuing a happiness that does not belong to you in the eyes of the world, it is better to slow down the heart that is busy for the world, see what your inner self really needs, and then work hard for it, maybe you will harvest a different happiness and happiness.