
Breeze Calendar | Look forward to the ridge and do not force the first sound of the pelican

author:Tianshui Gangu released
{"info":{"title":{"content":"清风联历 | 望崦嵫而勿迫 恐鹈鴂之先鸣","en":"Breeze Calendar | Look forward to the ridge and do not force the first sound of the pelican"},"description":{"content":"望崦嵫而勿迫;恐鹈鴂之先鸣。——鲁迅撰(见《书话文丛》)端午佳节,思念屈原,自然想到他的《离骚》。其中有句“吾令羲和弭节...","en":"Don't be afraid of the cries; fear the first sound of the pelicans. ——Lu Xun wrote (see \"Shushu Wencong\") Dragon Boat Festival, thinking of Qu Yuan, naturally thinking of his \"Leaving the Troubles\". Among them is the sentence \"Wu Ling Xi and Yi Jie..."}},"items":[]}