
What is "fatty liver"? How to get rid of fatty liver? Teach you two tricks!

author:Dr. Qiu helps you lose weight

"Fatty liver" appears more and more in everyone's physical examination report. At present, fatty liver has become one of the largest chronic liver diseases in China and one of the important problems affecting human health!

What is "fatty liver"? How to get rid of fatty liver? Teach you two tricks!

But for fatty liver, we have a lot of misconceptions about it:

1, fatty liver does not equal eating too much fat

It is common to think that "fatty liver equals excessive intake of oil" is a common meaning. In fact, the term "fatty liver" is used to describe the pathological state of liver tissue, the full name is "hepatocyte steatosis", and the "fatty liver" seen in ultrasound, CT, etc. during physical examination refers to the macroscopic manifestation of diffuse steatosis of the liver. Liver cells are the key places of fat metabolism, so problems in all aspects of fat metabolism by liver cells, such as disorders in the breakdown and transfer of fatty acids, excessive fat synthesis, poisoning and malnutrition of liver cells, etc., can accumulate fat in liver cells, not just because of excessive intake of fat. Therefore, simply eating lightly does not necessarily solve the problem of fatty liver. We need to recognize that fatty liver is far more complicated than it sounds.

2, Obesity + fatty liver, the problem may not be simple

Obviously obese, especially people with "big stomachs", if fatty liver is found, it may not be as simple as eating light. In recent years, medical research has concluded that obesity, especially "abdominal obesity", has a very large correlation with various systemic metabolic problems, not just lifestyle problems. Among people who do not drink alcohol, more than 70% of people with fatty liver disease are also obese, 75% have type 2 diabetes at the same time, more than half have dyslipidemia, and many have insulin resistance. Obesity and metabolic diseases are likely to be a causal syndrome, and fatty liver may be the result of abnormal fat metabolism. Therefore, fat people who find fatty liver should also pay long-term attention to their blood sugar, blood lipids and blood pressure. Of course, whether it is so serious or not, weight loss is very important, but pay attention to weight changes at the same time, but also pay attention to the abdominal circumference - people with large abdominal circumference may have a lot of visceral fat accumulation, and the latter is closely related to various metabolic diseases and cardiovascular diseases.

3, very thin people may get fatty liver

Because the liver is not only synthetic and decomposing fat, the liver also has a reserve function. When the liver encounters "starvation", it will think that the human body has entered a "famine" state, so it begins "wartime mobilization", a large amount of fat reserves, reducing the decomposition and transportation of fat, in case of emergency. Therefore, for people with long-term malnutrition, excessive dieting and weight loss, etc., fatty liver may also appear. Therefore, the method of weight loss should be scientific and reasonable, and the necessary energy intake should not be abandoned because of weight loss, regardless of dietary balance.

How to defeat fatty liver? Teach you two tricks:

(1) Reasonable diet: meat and vegetarian collocation, to ensure nutritional balance, while eating some coarse grains and crude fiber to increase satiety, diet with exercise can achieve the effect of half the effort.

(2) Reasonable exercise: the first choice of aerobic exercise, hot summer, swimming will become your best choice, as long as you can adhere to and step by step, will definitely harvest a better health index, of course, flat walking and other sports are also very suitable for more people and you can not swim Oh!

In addition, in addition to weight loss, it is necessary to regularly monitor the body mass index and waist circumference index.

(1) Body mass index (BMI)

BMI = weight (kg) / height² (m²), compared with the following table, the effect can be observed.

What is "fatty liver"? How to get rid of fatty liver? Teach you two tricks!

(2) Waist circumference index:

Standard waistline = height X0.34

For example, the standard waist circumference of 160cm in height = 160cm X 0.34 = 54.4cm

Method: Stand with your feet apart and shoulder width apart, place the soft ruler at the midpoint of the line between the lower edge of the ribs and the upper edge of the pelvis, circle around the abdomen, measure when exhaling normally, and the measured value is waist circumference.

What is "fatty liver"? How to get rid of fatty liver? Teach you two tricks!

The process of improving your lifestyle is hard, so it's important to have family company and encouragement! Family members can accompany them to adjust their diet and participate in sports, which can not only encourage fatty liver patients, but also help their own health.