
Knowing that he was pretending to be ill, Song Jiang still let the seven good men of Liangshan escape, which three of the reasons were there?

author:Half a pot of old wine and half a cigarette

Song Jiang in the novel is not a good person, Song Jiang in the main history is a strong man, and Mr. Shi Nai'an's original intention may not have wanted Song Jiang to be recruited.

I don't know whether it was Shi Nai'an's work against his heart, or whether it was the royal literati dog tail continuing to sable, starting from the seventy-first time in "Water Margin", the good man of Liangshan who shot when lu saw the uneven roar, completely changed his appearance: Song Jiang shook his tail and begged for pity, and Lin Chong Lu Zhi Shen Wu Song and others actually did not whisk away their sleeves, but instead followed Song Jiang to kill the same way in the rivers and lakes - it was completely impossible to break the Liao state, and it was purely for the tiger to fight Tian Hu, Wang Qing, and Fang La.

Knowing that he was pretending to be ill, Song Jiang still let the seven good men of Liangshan escape, which three of the reasons were there?

So some people say that the first seventy times and the last fifty times of the Water Margin can be seen as two books, and the few highlights of the last fifty times, that is, some good men of Liangshan stick to their hearts, and finally did not return to the imperial court to ask for merit and reward, Mr. Li Zhuowu, when commenting on the Water Margin, thought that this was all known and tacitly approved by Song Jiang: "Lu Zhi sat deeply in Liuhe, Yan Qing wept and resigned, and the second child was counted in the mixed river." Song Gongming is not unaware, thinking that seeing the opportunity is mingzhe, it is called Song Gongming, and it is called loyalty and righteousness. ”

In addition to the five people who escaped by pretending to be sick, in addition to the flower monk Lu Zhishen, the prodigal son Yan Qingyanqing, the chaojiang dragon Li Jun, the cave JiaoJiao Tong Wei, and the flipping river mirage Tong Meng, there should be leopard head Lin Chong and the blue-faced beast Yang Zhi, adding up to a total of seven people, as for the walker Wu Song, that is Zhengda guangmingly said", Song Jiang did not dare to stubborn, Cai Jingtong Guan was also happy to kill the god to retire, which is called not seeing the heart and not being upset.

Knowing that he was pretending to be ill, Song Jiang still let the seven good men of Liangshan escape, which three of the reasons were there?

Lu Zhishen, Lin Chong, Yang Zhi and others pretended to be ill to get out, Song Jiang Wu Yong must have known, that is, the prodigal son Yan Qing slipped away, and could not hide their eyes, because Yan Qing did not walk alone empty-handed, when he left, he "packed up a load of gold jewelry shells to carry", and told the jade Qilin Lu Junyi in advance.

Of course, He could not hide Song Jiang's eyes, because when Song Jiang visited the doctor, he took the military doctor with him, and after listening to Li Jun's words, Song Jiang's mood was also very contradictory: "Song Jiang saw that although his heart was not the same, he did not have doubts. ”

Song Jiang did not doubt that Li Jun was pretending to be ill, but he did not doubt that Li Jun would cause him trouble--if it was Li Kui who pretended to be sick, Song Jiang would either kill him or carry him away, and would never leave him outside to cause trouble.

Knowing that he was pretending to be ill, Song Jiang still let the seven good men of Liangshan escape, which three of the reasons were there?

Li Jun has a life-saving grace for Song Jiang, and he is deep and calm, and will never do the thing of a moth to put out a fire and hit a stone with an egg.

Song Jiang understood Li Jun's personality and ideas, so although Li Jun expressed that he would "wait until the sick body is cured, and then rush to the pilgrimage", when Song Jiang reported to the imperial court, he still included him in the list of resignees: "Unwilling to be gifted, Yu Lu resigned from the four members of the Zheng partial general: the second member of the zheng general, Yan Qing and Li Jun; the second member of the partial general, Tong Wei and Tong Meng." ”

As for the blue-faced beast Yang Zhi, "death" was even more bizarre. When Li Jun was ill, Tong Wei Tong served fiercely, and when Yang Zhi was ill, the leader of Erlong Mountain was all there, and no one was left to accompany him, not even Xiao Minglao: "Dantu County also submitted a document to report that Yang Zhi was dead and buried in the mountain garden of this county." ”

Knowing that he was pretending to be ill, Song Jiang still let the seven good men of Liangshan escape, which three of the reasons were there?

These puzzling strange points all illustrate a problem: these seven good men are either "dead" or "sick" by no means accidental, they are either witty or have a bitter vendetta against the big men in the DPRK.

Lu Zhi shenlin chong Yang Zhi and the lieutenant Gao Qi have a vendetta, and the readers all know that Li Jun, the dragon of chaojiang, is also a staunch anti-Zhao'an faction, and he once cut himself off from the back road with the ship Fire Zhang Heng: "Li Jun captured Liu Menglong, Zhang Heng captured Niu Bangxi, and wanted to be relieved of the cottage, but he was afraid that Song Jiang would release him again." The two good men discussed, and the two men were killed on the side of the road, and the first rank was cut off and sent up the mountain. ”

Liu Menglong and Niu Bangxi were the generals of the Admiralty commanded by the imperial court, and the reason why Li Junzhang did not escort them up the mountain was that he was afraid that Song Jiang would prostrate himself again and let them go.

Knowing that he was pretending to be ill, Song Jiang still let the seven good men of Liangshan escape, which three of the reasons were there?

Before the conquest of Fangla, Li Jun had a secret meeting with five other water soldiers Tiangang and Wu Yong to get rid of Song Jiang and pull the team back to Liangshan—they knew that it would be better to leave early when the imperial court freed up its hands to settle accounts after the autumn.

Wu was timid and afraid of things, and after the meeting was adjourned, he made a small report with Song Jiang, and since then, Li Jun has no longer been a like-minded ally of Song Jiang, so he left, and Song Jiang was happy to see it succeed.

In addition to the six mentioned above, there is also a prodigal son Yan Qing, if he does not run, he will definitely not be able to save his life: he often walks by the river where there are not wet shoes, and there are food that live cannot move - even if Yan Qing does not move Master Li, Master Li will also move him, the East Window Incident, and the good men of Liangshan will have to sit down.

Knowing that he was pretending to be ill, Song Jiang still let the seven good men of Liangshan escape, which three of the reasons were there?

After taking stock of the reasons why these seven good men of Liangshan cheated to death, pretended to be sick, and slipped away, we cannot analyze the three reasons why Song Jiang pretended to be deaf and dumb, and the first reason was that Song Jiang did not want to be a rat in the bellows.

The author once said that in the official arena, there has never been a smile and a vendetta, some are just gentlemen who take revenge for ten years and revenge with villains from morning to night: Cai Jinggao Li may not let Go of Lin Chong Lu Zhi Shen Yang Zhi, and these three good men may not want to be ashamed of the snow.

If Cai Jing Gao Li let Song Jiang do a few good men of Liangshan as a name, Song Jiang disobeyed, he would be wearing small shoes by the traitors, Song Jiang obeyed the order, other good men would seek revenge, Song Jiang was Wu Dalang taking poison - eating is also death, not eating is also death, it is better to close both eyes and let the seven good men of Liangshan leave.

Knowing that he was pretending to be ill, Song Jiang still let the seven good men of Liangshan escape, which three of the reasons were there?

The second reason why Song Jiang allowed the seven good men to slip away may not be so bright and upright to say: the official hat of the imperial court is limited, like a piece of cake, one hundred and eight people eat, and three or five people eat, that is the difference between heaven and earth.

At that time, the Song Dynasty only had twenty-four roads, fourteen provinces, and two hundred and forty prefectures, and it was impossible to hand over half of the country's military and political power to the good Han of Liangshan, so that the Song Dynasty's Jiangshan would really have the surname Song.

Although Song Jiang was born as a gray-clad official rather than a high-ranking official, he had never eaten pork or seen a pig run, and he knew that tail da was a major problem for the emperor and generals—this had been proved in the course of four major battles: the good man of Liangshan refused to obey the dispatch to go to various places as an official, and had already committed a taboo in the official field, letting Song Jiang know that the more people around him, the more dangerous he was.

Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin cup of wine to release military power, now these many good men of Liangshan took the initiative to withdraw, Zhao Tuo was happy, Song Jiang was happy: saving dozens of official hats and dozens of feng lu, Song Jiang also became safer.

Knowing that he was pretending to be ill, Song Jiang still let the seven good men of Liangshan escape, which three of the reasons were there?

The third reason why Song Jiang let go of these seven good men can be found in "Dream of the Red Chamber": After Song Jiang got the high-ranking official Houlu, just like Jia Yu Village after the Gourd Monk judged the Hulu case, it was not allowed to let too many disciples stay around, and they must find a no, and they will be far away from him.

The thieves did not confess for three years, and the Liangshan group of thieves had a common hobby, or common characteristic: they all liked to drink, and they didn't open the door when they were drunk, and like Chen Sheng's domestic partners, they knew that Song Jiang had too many unbearable pasts.

We have reason to suspect that Song Jiang knew and was willing to cooperate with the imperial court's strategy of "ruling the thieves by stealing", and only by turning liangshan's one hundred and eight generals into eighteen or even three or five generals, then Cai Jing gao li would be assured and Song Jiang would be safe, so when Wu Song proposed not to enter the dprk as an official, Song Jiang only coldly said four words: "Let your heart follow!" ”

Knowing that he was pretending to be ill, Song Jiang still let the seven good men of Liangshan escape, which three of the reasons were there?

Song Jiang knew about and acquiesced to Lu Zhishen, Lin Chong, Yang Zhi, Li Jun, Yan Qing, Tong Wei, and Tong Meng to shed their shells in various ways, and also helped Lu Zhishen burn the "niches" to eliminate the evidence, which was a situation in which everyone was happy.

Readers Can imagine: Lu Zhi Shenlin rushed Yang Zhi to the capital, can Cai Jing Yang Zhi not train them to be obscure? Liu Menglong Niu Bangxi's relatives and friends, can they not seek revenge on Li Jun? If something wonderful hadn't happened between Yan Qing and Master Li, would he still be called the Prodigal Son?

Of course, to say that Song Jiang knew and acquiesced in the departure of the seven good men of Liangshan is only the words of the author's family, perhaps Song Jiang still hopes that more people will leave, and in fact, it is not only Lu Zhi shen lin chong and other seven people who have escaped by pretending to be sick. Therefore, in the end, I still have to ask the readers: Zhang Heng, Yang Xiong, Zhu Gui, Zhu Fu, Bai Sheng, Shi Qian, and others, are they really sick and dead? How many of these people have appeared in other novels after the cicadas have shed their shells? Among these people, the author only knows that the drums were fleas and moved, and later returned to their old business, and they also became "thief gods and bodhisattvas"...

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