
Weiyang Middle School, a school in The North District of Hanzhong District, held liberal arts teaching and research activities

author:Easy circle point

In order to promote the reform of classroom teaching, strengthen teaching and discussion, implement the effectiveness of subject teaching and research activities, and create a rich teaching and research atmosphere, on November 1, Weiyang Middle School of Hanzhong North District Held Teaching and Research Activities with the participation of teachers of Chinese, English, Politics, History and other liberal arts, and President Du Chengzhi, principals in charge of various disciplines, teaching and research team leaders, etc. participated in teaching and research activities.

Teachers Qiu Zhiyun and Fang Lingling, English teachers Sun Hongxia and Wang Wei, political teachers Wang Rui, and history Zhou Jia respectively opened an open seminar class, and the teachers who started the class carefully prepared and boldly integrated the teaching materials in accordance with the school's "three attentions and four links" classroom teaching mode, gave full play to the main role of students, and achieved very good teaching results. After class, under the guidance of the principals in charge of each discipline, the teachers gathered together to express their opinions, speak freely, discuss and communicate on the classroom teaching, and put forward suggestions for further improvement. The leaders of the teaching and research groups of each discipline also led the members of their respective teaching and research groups to organize theoretical study, exchange and discuss cutting-edge information of the discipline, and further clarify the collective lesson preparation and evaluation system of each lesson preparation group.

Their focus on building a famous school is quality, and the core is the classroom. The school hopes that each teacher is good at analyzing the learning situation, actively adapting to the changes in the learning situation, improving their own teaching level, paying attention to interaction and achievement, making full use of the two major platforms of classroom research and online evaluation, strengthening the "three lessons and four dimensions" activities, and further improving the quality of school education and teaching.

Weiyang Middle School, a school in The North District of Hanzhong District, held liberal arts teaching and research activities
Weiyang Middle School, a school in The North District of Hanzhong District, held liberal arts teaching and research activities
Weiyang Middle School, a school in The North District of Hanzhong District, held liberal arts teaching and research activities
Weiyang Middle School, a school in The North District of Hanzhong District, held liberal arts teaching and research activities
Weiyang Middle School, a school in The North District of Hanzhong District, held liberal arts teaching and research activities

(Easy Circle Point All Media Editor: Ruo Guo; Correspondent: Wei Xuan)