
Song Chunli's explosive power is too strong, and sometimes she has to take medicine after filming丨 Unveiling the secret of "Circuit Inspection Group"

author:Beijing News

The TV series "Circuit Procuratorial Group", which is currently airing on Youku, focuses on the circuit procuratorial system for the first time, and the drama takes the investigation actions of Feng Sen (played by Yu Hewei), the head of the circuit procuratorial group in Dongchuan Province, and Luo Xinran (played by Han Xue), the director of the prison procuratorate office, as the main narrative line, telling the story of procurators safeguarding the people's justice and legal authority in the new era. A few days ago, the director of the play Li Lu accepted an exclusive interview with this reporter, for the creation of the protagonist Feng Sen in the play, Li Lu frankly said that Feng Sen does not have a prototype, it is an image created by the screenwriter, and he is the image created by many prosecutors in one.

Song Chunli's explosive power is too strong, and sometimes she has to take medicine after filming丨 Unveiling the secret of "Circuit Inspection Group"

Yu Hewei plays Feng Sen.

It is more important to describe the faces of sentient beings than "In the Name of People"

The "circuit procuratorial system" in the "Circuit Procuratorial Group" mainly refers to the procurator's re-investigation of suspected cases. The play tells the story of Feng Sen, the experienced leader of the circuit procuratorial team, who went to Orange Prefecture under the command of Zhang Youcheng, secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, to restart the investigation of the "930 murder case", joined hands with Luo Xinran, director of the prison procuratorate office, to analyze the evidence of the case, to uncover layers of fog, and to work together to finally dig out the hidden forces behind the scenes and successfully safeguard the sacredness and majesty of the law. The director of the play, Li Lu, had an in-depth understanding of the procuratorial system when he filmed "In the Name of the People", and in the preparatory stage, Li Lu also ran to many procuratorates and prisons, and personally made many interviews with the prison procurators, prison police, prison directors, and prisoners.

Song Chunli's explosive power is too strong, and sometimes she has to take medicine after filming丨 Unveiling the secret of "Circuit Inspection Group"

Prison scenes are difficult to shoot.

In Li Lu's view, although the core of the "Circuit Procuratorial Group" is the judicial procuratorial system, and the "circuit procuratorate" is the core of this drama, the final film is still a living group of people, including officials, people, workers, and businessmen. "This is what Li Lu is most concerned about, this is a play that depicts the faces of all sentient beings."

Although the same is to show the public procuratorial law system, "The Name of the People" shows anti-corruption, and the theme of "Circuit Procuratorial Group" is to eliminate criminal syndicates and evil, circuit procuratorate, and call for fairness and justice for the whole people, the common place of the two dramas is that they all include cross-sections from high-ranking officials down to the people, "Circuit Procuratorial Group" is more partial to all sentient beings, and the protagonists of most of the stories in the play are ordinary families in life. The whole drama begins with a huge "unjust case" denunciation: at the commendation meeting of the "Top Ten Rule of Law Figures" in Dongchuan Province, an old woman holding a pennant is under the focus of many media cameras, cutting her wrists and seeking justice for her son. The mother played by Song Chunli is a petitioner with rich "struggle experience", she is soft and hard, very difficult; at the same time, she is a distressed mother, and this character quickly resonates with the audience.

Adding action scenes is a second creation of the script

The style of "Circuit Procuratorial Group" is diversified, there is a display of the current procuratorial system, there are also depictions of excavating the truth and determining right and wrong, there are anti-gang crimes and evil in the play, there are also circuit procuratorates and a large number of prison dramas, Li Lu said, "This drama is strong and realistic, and the amount of information is extremely large." ”

At the same time of realism, the language style of the play is also more vivid, and the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee used "pretending to be thirteen" when countering "excessive incorruptibility is also a kind of corruption" - "If I can pretend for a lifetime, until I die, doesn't that prove that I am not pretending in this life?" There are also some fragments in the play that tend to be lightly comedic, such as when Feng Sen is chasing witnesses, the other party is running in front, he is chasing in the back, and "Circuit Prosecutor Group" instantly becomes a rooftop parkour live broadcast, including jumping roof jumping, overturning trucks, carp stiffening, white crane bright wings and other difficult actions. In this regard, Li Lu said that at that time, when filming this paragraph, he wanted to organize a chase parkour, hoping to add some humorous comedy and dynamic elements to this serious drama theme, which is a second creation based on the script.

The actual shooting of prison detention centers is a big problem

Referring to the difficulties of the filming of this drama, Li Lu said that few film and television works have shown such a large proportion of internal prison things before, and some problems will be encountered in the process of shooting prisons. In what kind of scene to shoot, how to shoot prison, there are many challenges. Live-action shooting of prisons and detention centers is a very big problem for us. Later, we were lucky enough to find the right scene for us to shoot.

The other content involved in the play, Li Lu himself will have some understanding, only prison life, for him is completely unknown territory, previously through film and television works, through Hollywood films to understand some, and the real experience after the feeling is completely different, "I took Yu Zhen to the prison to collect style and experience life, Yu Zhen's first sentence said, do anything, can never commit crimes, crime has no freedom." We went to Qingdao Prison to experience life, and everyone was shocked after the experience, and I felt that this blind spot had been opened. ”

Core: The most important thing for a TV series on the theme of the rule of law is the significance of popularizing the law

For Li Lu, the filming of "Circuit Prosecution Group" is with a sense of mission. The so-called "sense of mission", in Li Lu's view, the most important thing for a TV series on the theme of the rule of law is the significance of popularizing the law, and popularizing legal knowledge to society and the audience. There is a line in the "Circuit Prosecution Group", "The justice of the people is the justice of everyone." "Fairness and justice is the most important thing in life for everyone, if there is no fairness and justice, then the whole society will not be stable and will not move forward, fairness and justice is the most basic topic of judicial justice." Therefore, in addition to the practical significance of the "Circuit Procuratorial Group" in sweeping away criminal syndicates and eliminating evil, this drama is more prominent in the pursuit of law and fairness and justice.

In Li Lu's view, if a work is to deliberately influence others, or preach to others, it will fail in itself. He doesn't want to preach, the audience can feel what they can feel, "these characters in the play have written the positive energy loaded on their bodies in the plot, in the lines." ”

Song Chunli's explosive power is too strong, and sometimes she has to take medicine after filming丨 Unveiling the secret of "Circuit Inspection Group"

Stills from "Circuit Prosecutor's Group"

The prosecution system does have masters

In the play, Feng Sen, the leader of the circuit prosecution team played by Yu Hewei, is a complex individual who is both good and evil. When he first appeared, he combed his oily hair and sniffed melon seeds, and he lobbied hu Xue'e, the mother of the murder suspect, to help the other party, and he had both jianghu qi and city spirit in him. With the development of the plot, Feng Sen's identity as the leader of the "circuit procuratorial team" was gradually revealed, and the "courageous procurator" returned to his position.

Feng Sen is a rare prosecutor with a perverse temperament on the screen, in Li Lu's view, Feng Sen is a prosecutor with a little heroic color, under the rough appearance, he is quite brave in his profession, and he is a master of solving cases. Li Lu said that in the procuratorial system, there are indeed such masters, when the crew goes to the procuratorate to experience life, the procuratorate is basically the bully of the college entrance examination in various places, bringing together the college entrance examination winners of various cities, they use their intelligence more than when they use physical strength in the whole work, they are all masters of the master, which is also the place where Li Lu experiences life the most deeply.

Feng Sen is the soul of the whole play, the representative of the circuit prosecutor, representing the universal significance of the procuratorial system, they are firm in their beliefs and informal. Li Lu admitted that Feng Sen did not have a prototype, but an image created by the screenwriter, and he was an image of many prosecutors in one.

The selection of actors is first and foremost appropriate, not just to look at the face

In the choice of actors, but all the works that Li Lu participates in directing, he has to personally determine the actors every time, "there are basically no actors who go through the back door." "Seeing the old lady in the script of the "Circuit Inspection Team", he felt that Song Chunli was particularly suitable, but Song Chunli had some concerns at that time, because the explosive force of this play was too strong, she was afraid that her body could not bear it, Li Lu had been doing her work, and finally invited Song Chunli to come." Teacher Song also tried her best, sometimes her heart is not very good, shooting a scene is very hard, she is the kind of actor who walks the heart, after shooting one down, she has to take medicine, it is indeed not easy. ”

Song Chunli's explosive power is too strong, and sometimes she has to take medicine after filming丨 Unveiling the secret of "Circuit Inspection Group"

Song Chunli's performance is moving.

Yu Hewei was also invited by Li Lu, "At that time, the partner was not quite able to understand, why should it be used for Hewei, I said that Yu Hewei was the most suitable, and the result was really good, a changeable prosecutor, Yu Hewei is an actor with personal charm." ”

Song Chunli's explosive power is too strong, and sometimes she has to take medicine after filming丨 Unveiling the secret of "Circuit Inspection Group"

Han Xue plays Luo Xinran.

As a TV drama work with male group portraits, the actresses in the play have also received more attention and controversy, such as Luo Xinran played by Han Xue and Qiao Yi played by Zhang Sile. Some netizens believe that as the heroine, Han Xue's performance is "drowned" in the performance of other actors, and in Li Lu's view, Han Xue performs very well in the play, and the female prosecutor she plays is intertwined with multiple clues, and she and Feng Sen bear the tandem role of the development of the whole drama, "Han Xue's performance as a whole I am satisfied." For Zhang Sile's performance, some netizens questioned that Qiao Yi, who she played, looked flat and should not be looked at by a male brother like Zhang Yiwei, and it was difficult to believe that such a thing would really happen in reality. In this regard, Li Lu said that Zhang Gongzi has seen many beautiful women and read countless people, and the women who can impress him are not only the beauty of the facial features, but also qiao Yi's simple and kind personality and extraordinary talent that attracted Zhang Gongzi. For netizens' doubts about the actor, Li Lu said that if it is a good intention, he is willing to accept, "If it is malicious, I personally do not accept it." The idea of choosing these two actresses, we have our setting. There are also many actresses whose facial features are very well decorated, and I am not looking for them. ”

Song Chunli's explosive power is too strong, and sometimes she has to take medicine after filming丨 Unveiling the secret of "Circuit Inspection Group"

Qiao Yi played by Zhang Sile.

Li Lu said that the selection of actors is first of all appropriate, you will feel that this actor is really like this person in the play, the so-called "like" is not just a face, but in the perception, temperament, interpretation of the full range of close to the characters in the world.

——Dialogue Director——

Beijing News: You said before that you will no longer do works of the same genre, how did you think of shooting such a work as "Circuit Inspection Group" this time?

Li Lu: After "In the Name of the People", I once said that I would not do the same kind of subject. In 2018, the Supreme People's Procuratorate Film and Television Center and the Golden Shield Film and Television Center were preparing for this drama, they came to me very sincerely, I also read the story outline and the six-episode script, and I felt that their sincerity touched me. I remember that at the first debate meeting we held on this project, I told the screenwriter that we should lay down our burdens and emancipate our minds, and we should not simply write a circuit procuratorate of the procuratorate, but should go a little deeper, and we must have a high degree of depth in our concern for reality and responses to the topics of the times, and we must never be a mediocre work.

Beijing News: The realism of this drama is very strong, did you consider what elements to set for young audiences today when creating it?

Li Lu: The dramas I make are generally all-domain, and the audience includes older and younger, with high education and low education. I think that things as dry as "The Name of the People" will be watched by many young people, mainly because the content of the play should be good-looking and enough to attract talents. There is no targeted design for age levels.

Beijing News: As a drama based on strong realism, how to weigh the reality and drama in "Circuit Prosecution Group"?

Li Lu: A drama like this is first of all to write about the current situation, and the reality is greater than its drama. First of all, we must pay attention to the present, write a good story of the moment, and do a good job of these people in the moment. As for drama as its means, it is presented through the screenwriter, director and actor, so compared with its reality and drama, the first thing is to do a good job of reality and realize its drama through means.

Beijing News reporter Liu Wei

Edited by Tong Na Proofreader Li Lijun

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