
Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

author:Huan's list

Ding Yongdai once filmed a bed scene with Venus, and as a result, the bed collapsed.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

In 2016, Venus and Ding Yongdai starred in "Lin Hai Snow Field", according to the requirements of the script, butterfly fans tried to seduce Ma Xishan, but the two people on the scene collapsed the prop bed when filming the bed scene, such a "oolong" made the on-site staff laugh.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

It is also because of this cooperation that Venus met Ding Yongdai, so he praised him: "People are good, drama is good, is a really good actor, old drama bones." ”

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

You know, even Venus, who is recognized as a poisonous tongue, has praised Ding Yongdai to the extreme.

Her praise is not out of thin air, debut 40 years, Ding Yongdai has participated in hundreds of works, cooperated with Ni Ping, Guan Hu, Zhang Li and other well-known directors, actors, everyone's evaluation of him is very good, he used practical actions to prove to everyone that his acting skills are good, good character.

Ding Yongdai was born in an ordinary family in Shandong, and in the 1950s, his parents responded to the call of society and went from Shandong to Inner Mongolia to support him, and Ding Yongdai grew up in Inner Mongolia.

"The sky is clear, the wilderness is vast, the wind blows and the grass looks down at the cattle and sheep." Growing up on the vast grassland, Ding Yongdai also formed a free and free personality.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

At that time, Ding Yongdai liked to play football and often ran on the green field. He also likes to play the flute because of his excellent skills, and has also performed in the district for the whole class, and has also joined the local opera troupe to perform opera on stage.

When he was a student, Ding Yongdai was a literary and artistic member of the school and a prominent figure.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

However, when the fairy tale faded and reality revealed the background, Ding Yongdai also suffered the first setback in his life.

Because of his poor family background, Ding Yongdai could not enter the professional football team, and could not enter the university, and after graduating from high school, he could only enter the factory as a temporary worker.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

A 17-year-old boy sifted through the sand in the factory all day, repeating mechanized behavior, and his dreams of football, flute, and opera were all buried in the sand.

Ding Yongdai's heart is full of bitterness, and the former sunshine teenager is slowly silent and taciturn in the factory, becoming old-fashioned.

"I feel very hopeless, every day is very slim, I feel that I am not as good as sand!" 」

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

The turning point came in 1977, when New China resumed the college entrance examination, and for Ding Yongdai, he saw hope.

With the help of his teacher, Ding Yongdai quit his job and began to study acting and prepare for art school.

At the age of 21, he was admitted to the Inner Mongolia Academy of Arts with excellent results and became a student in the Department of Performance.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

Touching the literary and artistic work again, Ding Yongdai's heart does not mention how happy he is. He said: "Originally, because of my family background, I had been living a very depressed life, but when I got to school, I learned to release myself. I started to really enjoy acting, and I changed a lot from having poor grades in my major classes when I first started school to having excellent grades when I graduated. "

After graduation, Ding Yongdai was assigned to work in the Inner Mongolia Repertory Theatre, and soon after, he became a pillar of the troupe, and successively starred in film and television works such as "King of Fighters", "Wreath Under the Mountain", "Heaven and Earth People", and had a small reputation in the circle.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

The film and television industry in Inner Mongolia is not very developed, although Ding Yongdai is well-known in Inner Mongolia, but looking at the whole country, he is only a nameless person.

As an actor, Ding Yongdai's heart longs for a bigger stage and wants to develop in Beijing. However, his "way north" is always hindered by appearance and luck.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

At that time, Yu Yang, a teacher from the North Film Studio, would come to Inner Mongolia from time to time to select excellent actors, and every time he would notice Ding Yongdai, but when it came to the audition stage, he felt that Ding Yongdai looked too "small" and did not fit the role.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

In 1989, Zhang Yimou was preparing to shoot "Ju Dou", Ding Yongdai interviewed the role of Yang Tianqing, and Zhang Yimou was quite satisfied with his performance.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

After returning home, Ding Yongdai waited with joy for the notice of entering the group, "I am particularly excited and creatively enthusiastic to think, I must act well in this, and I must be able to act well!" Who knows, later the script was changed, the age of the male protagonist was changed to be close to Li Baotian, and I rubbed shoulders with "Ju Dou". ”

Because of his young appearance and bad luck, Ding Yongdai was rejected by the crew one after another, and his heart was a little depressed. However, he did not complain about himself, but constantly honed his heart in the blows and worked hard to improve his acting skills.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

Ding Yongdai's opportunity came in 2000, he starred in "The End" as the gangster Bai Baoshan.

Before filming, Ding Yongdai did a lot of desk work, analyzing the character's personality and motives for the crime, "I acted as an adult, rather than setting him as a murderer first... I think that everyone's life behavior has its roots and logic, and only by performing this logic can it be true. "

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

After the broadcast of "The End of the Road", it triggered a ratings boom, and The Bai Baoshan portrayed by Ding Yongdai received countless praises, and many viewers wrote letters to the TV station to perform Ding Yongdai.

Even Han Sanping, a big name in the film and television circle, praised him after seeing him: "You are that Bai Baoshan? You wait, I will definitely win you in this play below, you are waiting for the fire! ”

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

Because of the success of "The End", Ding Yongdai became a hit in the film and television circle and became a well-known actor. And this day he waited for 19 years.

Success is not easy to come by, and Ding Yongdai, who has experienced setbacks and waiting, is particularly sober in the face of fame and fortune.

He said: "I have passed the stage of too much emphasis on fame and fortune, and I would prefer to play a few more roles that I and the audience are satisfied with. ”

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

With such a purpose, over the years, Ding Yongdai has successively participated in many popular film and television works, such as "The North Wind That Blows", "Langya List", "An Jia", "Across the Yalu River" and so on.

In 2020, Ding Yongdai played General Peng Dehuai in "Crossing the Yalu River", and at first the audience did not like him, believing that Ding Yongdai's appearance and temperament were far from General Peng Dehuai.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

With the popularity of the TV series, this kind of doubt slowly turned into a praise, and General Peng Dehuai, portrayed by Ding Yongdai, was both just and strict, and had tough guy tenderness.

After Peng Dehuai in the play learned of Mao Anying's sacrifice, he shed tears behind everyone's back, strong in front of people, and sad after people. Such a gaffe scene made the audience see a general Peng Dehuai with flesh and blood and soul.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"
Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

Now "Breakout" is on the air, focusing on the reform and anti-corruption of state-owned enterprises, in which Ding Yongdai plays businessman Fu Changming.

In order to get rich, Fu Changming tried to curry favor with Lin Manjiang, and then used Lin Manjiang's resources to buy and sell, and became a black-hearted businessman all the way to riches.

Ding Yongdai: Famous because of Bai Baoshan, he is now playing a black-hearted businessman in "Breakout"

Ding Yongdai, 62, does not seek fame or profit, but only asks the audience to like to watch him act.

He said: "Life is like a kaleidoscope of childhood play, colorful and unpredictable, and what we have to do is actually one thing: figure out what you want, and then try to fight for it." For me, being able to act is the best reward for me. ”

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