
How to take the practicing pharmacist certificate? What conditions are required? 1 What are the registration requirements for the practicing physician exam 2 What kind of work can a practicing pharmacist do

author:Wisdom examination education there is also a way to test

Those who meet the requirements for the practicing pharmacist examination can register for the practicing pharmacist examination online, there are four subjects in the practicing pharmacist examination, and the examination stipulates that the examination period is four years. That is, those who take the examination in all subjects must pass the examination of all subjects within four consecutive examination years.

How to take the practicing pharmacist certificate? What conditions are required? 1 What are the registration requirements for the practicing physician exam 2 What kind of work can a practicing pharmacist do

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >what are the registration requirements for the practising physician exam</h1>

(1) Obtain a college degree in pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine, and have worked in a pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine post for 5 years;

(2) Obtain a bachelor's degree or bachelor's degree in pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine, and have worked in a pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine post for 3 years;

(3) Obtained a second bachelor's degree in pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine, graduated from a graduate class or a master's degree, and worked in a pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine post for 1 year;

(4) Obtain a doctorate degree in pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine;

(5) Personnel who have obtained the corresponding academic qualifications or degrees in pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine related majors shall increase the number of years of work in pharmacy or traditional Chinese medicine by 1 year.

The non-pharmacy and non-Traditional Chinese medicine working hours of the candidate are not counted as the working years of the professional post. Internship experience before obtaining a diploma is not counted as the number of years of service in the professional position. Foreign work experience is not counted as the number of years of work in the professional position required by the application conditions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" >2 test what work a practicing pharmacist can do</h1>

A licensed pharmacist must review the physician's prescription and then correctly allocate it for signature and sale; the pharmacist cannot change the prescription or give substitute drugs at will. If there are contraindications or overdosing in the prescription, the distributor should be refused to be sold, or contact the doctor, or ask the purchaser to ask the doctor to modify the prescription before the prescription can be deployed and sold.

Second, pharmacists should provide medication guidance to patients, especially consumers who use over-the-counter medications for self-medication. In order to ensure the safety of consumer medication, practicing pharmacists should keep the customer's medication records intact, check for possible adverse drug reactions at any time, and explain to consumers in detail the knowledge and precautions for medication.

In addition, the certificate of practicing pharmacist is required by the drug production, circulation and sales units. Therefore, after obtaining a practicing pharmacist certificate, you can choose a pharmaceutical factory, a pharmaceutical company, and a pharmacy to engage in related work.

The work of practicing pharmacists is not limited to pharmacies, there are still many choices, no matter what kind of job position you choose, as long as you have a heart that loves the medical industry, constantly improve yourself, and constantly strengthen your professional knowledge, you will always shine in your post.