
This matter has no place for me, and I have resolutely torched it to return to peace

author:Jesse Mountain River Deceased

Miscellaneous poems

[Author] Gong Zizhen (Qing)

Hua Nian's heart was nine points hard, and the tear-stained stingray would not dry.

<h1>There was no place for me in this matter, and I resolutely set it on fire</h1>

The poem comes from one of the poems in Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems of Self-Hai" of the Qing Dynasty: "Hua Nian's mental strength is nine points, and the tear-stained stingray will not dry up." There was no place for me in this matter, and I resolutely set it on fire. The poet Gong Zizhen read poetry books, tried six times, and finally embarked on the road of career. However, the official field in the Qing Dynasty was not Yangguan Avenue, which led directly to the city of Rome. The poet's ideas for reform were repeatedly attacked and excluded, and he had to resign and return, which led to the "fact that there is no place for me in this matter."

This sentence has multiple complex feelings such as frustration, wandering, depression, sadness, resentment, and despair. However, from Gong Zizhen's inner point of view, depression is only a moment, studying as an official, loyal to the country, should never forget, do not change the original intention. In another poem in his "Miscellaneous Poems of Self-Hai", there is a sentence: "I advise the Heavenly Prince to shake things up and demote talents in an eclectic manner", expressing that although the poet resigned from the government and was not willing to sink, he still loved the country and cared about fate. He hoped that the imperial court would change, liberate talents, and revitalize the country's good wishes. From this point of view, although the mood of intellectuals in the old feudal era was good and bad when they were affected by the storms of officials and eunuchs, their patriotic hearts were still worthy of appreciation.

This matter has no place for me, and I have resolutely torched it to return to peace
This matter has no place for me, and I have resolutely torched it to return to peace
This matter has no place for me, and I have resolutely torched it to return to peace
This matter has no place for me, and I have resolutely torched it to return to peace
This matter has no place for me, and I have resolutely torched it to return to peace
This matter has no place for me, and I have resolutely torched it to return to peace