
What dog food is good for Shiba Inu puppies to eat?

author:Asakusa Shiba Inuya

The Shiba Inu is so cute and small, it is very suitable for family breeding, but how should we feed the Shiba Inu puppy that has just been brought back?

What dog food is good for Shiba Inu puppies to eat?

When we just left the female dog and was carried home, it should be about a month or so, then the Shiba Inu under two months, we should feed it to drink fresh goat's milk, remember to warm it at every meal to eat it, feed it about six times a day, don't be annoyed, this is to take care of it like a small child.

When it is more than two months and less than five months, we do not need to let the Shiba Inu practice bite force during this period, and the puppies of this period recommend the royal Shiba Inu exclusive puppy dog food here. In terms of price, it is more expensive in China, about 40 yuan a pound, but the puppy eats very little, we should still use hot goat milk to soak the dog food soft and then feed it every meal, the number of times a day is at least five times. Implement a system of eating fewer and eating more meals.

In addition, it should be known that the Shiba Inu is not really adult until 12 months later, and it is still necessary to feed puppies dog food and milk cakes before that. So we're going to let it eat hard dog food in the fifth month to familiarize itself with its teeth. At about five months, the baby teeth of the little Shiba Inu have all fallen out, replaced by a row of clean and tidy small teeth, often eat the royal puppy dog food, not only can grind teeth, but also have protection on the skin, the coat color will also be very bright.

What dog food is good for Shiba Inu puppies to eat?

More than six months to go out to walk the dog, not more than 30 minutes a day, because it is now after all the puppy period in the dog food at the same time, you can also add a little meat or vegetables without salt, give it a uniform stirring, so that it will be more nutritious. The water to drink must not be broken, and the food basin and the water basin should be cleaned every day.