
Look at "Goldfish On the Cliff" again

author:Babe 144732491

I don't know how many times I have watched it, but this anime is one of the ones I can't get tired of watching.

"Pony, are you Ponyo?" --- ---'s a pooh."

"Sosuke, Sosuke--- ---boy likes Sosuke"

Look at "Goldfish On the Cliff" again

Whenever I see this, the corners of my mouth rise involuntarily. Many of Miyazaki's animation works have been seen, and even seen more than once. His animation works have a sense of innocence, and the rural pastoral scenery, fresh and profound directions make us deeply immersed in it. Especially this one, which I keep watching repeatedly, may be the pure human heart inside, it may be the pure and beautiful feelings inside, or it may be the emotional manifestation that can make our souls baptized.

Look at "Goldfish On the Cliff" again

I once saw a saying: "If I go to see you, I will use it to run", and it is really suitable to put it here. This anime has two cute protagonists: Po Niu (little mermaid princess), Sosuke (human little boy), Bo Yu always runs all the way to see Sosuke, and finally a warm hug, and a famous scene is a scene where Bo Niu runs from the sea, the two meet, and the glass breaks. Many people may find the love story of Haru and Sosuke very touching, but in fact, in Miyazaki's animation works, there are few stories about love. Bo And sosuke are also very simple good friends, and Miyazaki made this work mainly to promote the protection of the environment. And Bo Yu also met Sosuke because she was washed into the glass bottle abandoned by humans and could not get out.

Look at "Goldfish On the Cliff" again

Sosuke is a five-year-old boy who lives with his mother, Risha. His father is a captain and often goes to sea and is not at home, so Sosuke is very sensible and will take care of his mother for his father. One day, while playing on the beach, Sosuke picked up Po Niu, who was trapped in a glass bottle. Sosuke thinks that Bo Yu is a goldfish, so he takes her home and raises her in a green bucket, and tells her "I will protect you", and the fate of the two begins. And Ponyo is not a goldfish, but a mermaid that has escaped from the depths of the sea. She was tired of her father's imprisonment of saying, "I'm doing this for your own good," and she rushed out of the ocean for freedom and into her unknown human world. Then she meets the little boy who kindly saved her and adopted her--- Sosuke, and begins an extraordinary experience.

Look at "Goldfish On the Cliff" again

Before Pooh had more time to feel the world that was completely foreign to her, his father discovered that Pohon's father was the magician Fujimoto, and he forced Poo to return to the sea with him. He felt that the human world was dirty and that only the sea was pure. However, Bo Yu already had Sosuke in her heart, and she was willing to obediently stay by her father's side. So she poured her father's treasured "water of life" into the sea, and the sea level rose, and the sisters of Ponyo formed huge waves, almost engulfing the entire town. It wasn't until Po Niu's mother appeared that the tragedy didn't happen.

Look at "Goldfish On the Cliff" again

And The parents of Po Niu are together across different races, whether it is the love of Po Niu's parents or the love of Zong Jie's parents, they all give us a sense of purity and happiness. I think the reason why Ponyo's father opposed Ponyo's return to human society was both the fear that the two were not of the same race, and Master Miyazaki's metaphor for human destruction of the environment, but fortunately, at the end of the movie, Ponyo's mother asked Ponyo: "Do you want to have limbs like a human being, truly become a human being, if Sosuke no longer likes her, she will turn into a bubble and drift away with the waves", Bo Yu firmly chose Sosuke, and Sosuke also said when facing the test of Po-yo's mother, "Whether it is a fish or a mermaid, Human beings, I like Pony", so that the story has a happy ending.

Look at "Goldfish On the Cliff" again

I think this is not only a beautiful home for Master Miyazaki, but also what we all want to see together, whether it is Po Niu or Sosuke, whether it is human society or nature, I think the sense of purity and peace in the work should be the best interpretation!!!