
The old saying goes: autumn food white food, nourish yin and run the lungs, a bowl of 3 white drinks, conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable Old saying: autumn food white food, nourish yin run lungs, a bowl of "3 white drinks", conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable 1, lotus seed 2, Sydney pear 3, almond recipe: almond Sydney drink

author:May is still

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="32" > the old saying: autumn white food, nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs, a bowl of "3 white drinks", conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable</h1>

The old saying goes: autumn food white food, nourish yin and run the lungs, a bowl of 3 white drinks, conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable Old saying: autumn food white food, nourish yin run lungs, a bowl of "3 white drinks", conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable 1, lotus seed 2, Sydney pear 3, almond recipe: almond Sydney drink

"Once the summer source of the summer, the autumn wind is too late", the weather is gradually cool and dry, but the summer is difficult to dissipate, there is still the afterglow of the "autumn tiger", and the temperature difference is gradually obvious.

When it comes to autumn health, as the saying goes, "the heavens and people correspond, synchronized with the sky", each season has its own characteristics, so in the diet should be both heat-proof and moist, and it should be noted that it is not too cold.

The old saying "autumn food white food, nourish yin and lungs", here it is recommended that everyone adjust their lifestyle according to the seasons, autumn is relatively dry, especially in terms of diet, pay special attention, should eat more "white food", that is, white food, more "eat three whites", adjust the diet according to the season, in order to eat more and more healthier.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" >1</h1>

The old saying goes: autumn food white food, nourish yin and run the lungs, a bowl of 3 white drinks, conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable Old saying: autumn food white food, nourish yin run lungs, a bowl of "3 white drinks", conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable 1, lotus seed 2, Sydney pear 3, almond recipe: almond Sydney drink

Autumn is the season when lotus seeds are listed, we know that eating seasonal food is the best, the ancients said that eating lotus seeds can rejuvenate and rejuvenate. There are many records in the medical texts of the past, and the Shennong Materia Medica even lists the lotus seed as a "superior product", saying that it "replenishes the gods, benefits the strength, removes hundreds of diseases, serves for a long time, is light, resistant to aging, and does not hunger and prolong life." A water mushroom. "Eating lotus seeds in autumn can nourish and replenish deficiency, strengthen the heart and calm the nerves, lower blood pressure, and lotus seeds are also known as the "four famous supplements.".

Lotus seeds are one of the ingredients of boiling porridge commonly prepared by the family, fresh lotus seeds raw food smell aromatic, dried lotus seeds boiled after the fragrance of soft sticky, lotus seeds as a health medicine dietary treatment, generally do not abandon the lotus core. The core of the lotus seed is the turquoise germ in the center of the lotus seed, which has the effect of clearing heat, solidifying the essence, calming the nerves and strengthening the heart.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" >2, Sydney</h1>

The old saying goes: autumn food white food, nourish yin and run the lungs, a bowl of 3 white drinks, conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable Old saying: autumn food white food, nourish yin run lungs, a bowl of "3 white drinks", conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable 1, lotus seed 2, Sydney pear 3, almond recipe: almond Sydney drink

Autumn coincides with the season when Sydney pears are on the market in large numbers, and the Compendium of Materia Medica records that pears, Li ye, are fluent in their sex. Sydney pear is cold and sweet, the meat is crisp and juicy, sweet and sour, it can clear the lungs and relieve autumn dryness, especially suitable for autumn consumption. There are many traditional ways to eat pears, such as raw food, steaming, juicing, roasting or boiling water, etc. If you usually have a bad throat, you can eat more autumn pears, which is of great benefit to the throat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31" >3, almonds</h1>

The old saying goes: autumn food white food, nourish yin and run the lungs, a bowl of 3 white drinks, conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable Old saying: autumn food white food, nourish yin run lungs, a bowl of "3 white drinks", conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable 1, lotus seed 2, Sydney pear 3, almond recipe: almond Sydney drink

Autumn is the best time to nourish the lungs, and the most seasonal ingredient is almonds. Many ancient medical literature also recorded the efficacy of almonds, and the "Compendium of Materia Medica" lists the three major effects of almonds: moisturizing the lungs, clearing the accumulation of food, and stagnation. Almonds are rich in vitamin B2, vitamin E, magnesium and zinc, moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough and laxative, almonds are the best, and the supplement of almonds is "clear supplement", which is very suitable for autumn diet and health. Almonds are divided into sweet almonds and bitter almonds, bitter almonds are mostly used in medicine, while sweet almonds have a stronger moisturizing and lung nourishing effect.

Drinking a cup of hot almond dew this season will make your lungs more moist, adding Sydney pear to the almond dew, etc., the fragrance of almonds, the sweet aroma of Sydney pears fills the sense of smell, bidding farewell to the loneliness of soybean milk that has always been familiar, it is very smooth.

The old saying goes: autumn food white food, nourish yin and run the lungs, a bowl of 3 white drinks, conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable Old saying: autumn food white food, nourish yin run lungs, a bowl of "3 white drinks", conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable 1, lotus seed 2, Sydney pear 3, almond recipe: almond Sydney drink

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" > Recipe: Almond Sydney Pear Drink</h1>

Ingredients: 1 sydney pear, 30 g yellow peas, 40 g sweet almonds

Directions: 1, wash the sweet almonds and drain;

The old saying goes: autumn food white food, nourish yin and run the lungs, a bowl of 3 white drinks, conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable Old saying: autumn food white food, nourish yin run lungs, a bowl of "3 white drinks", conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable 1, lotus seed 2, Sydney pear 3, almond recipe: almond Sydney drink

2: Wash the pears, peel and pitt, cut into hob pieces, soak the yellow peas for 6 hours

The old saying goes: autumn food white food, nourish yin and run the lungs, a bowl of 3 white drinks, conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable Old saying: autumn food white food, nourish yin run lungs, a bowl of "3 white drinks", conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable 1, lotus seed 2, Sydney pear 3, almond recipe: almond Sydney drink

3: Put all the ingredients into the wall breaker, add an appropriate amount of water and beat into a pulp

The old saying goes: autumn food white food, nourish yin and run the lungs, a bowl of 3 white drinks, conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable Old saying: autumn food white food, nourish yin run lungs, a bowl of "3 white drinks", conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable 1, lotus seed 2, Sydney pear 3, almond recipe: almond Sydney drink

4: Pour the beaten almond pear pea milk into the pot

The old saying goes: autumn food white food, nourish yin and run the lungs, a bowl of 3 white drinks, conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable Old saying: autumn food white food, nourish yin run lungs, a bowl of "3 white drinks", conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable 1, lotus seed 2, Sydney pear 3, almond recipe: almond Sydney drink

5, put on the stove, cook it, you can add some rock sugar when drinking

The old saying goes: autumn food white food, nourish yin and run the lungs, a bowl of 3 white drinks, conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable Old saying: autumn food white food, nourish yin run lungs, a bowl of "3 white drinks", conform to the season, the more you drink the more comfortable 1, lotus seed 2, Sydney pear 3, almond recipe: almond Sydney drink