
The Twelfth Provincial Party Congress held its second plenary session

author:Zhumadian network

The 11th Cpc Congress of Henan Province held its second plenary session at the Provincial People's Hall on the afternoon of 27 October. Also seated at the rostrum were other members of the Bureau of the General Assembly. The conference was presided over by Kong Changsheng. By electronic voting, the congress adopted the election method of the Eleventh Provincial Party Congress and the list of superintendent voters and scrutineers.

Deputy Yu Yan said: The report fully demonstrates the political consciousness of the provincial party committee in always keeping firmly in mind the leader's entrustment and firmly practicing the "two safeguards," adhering to the political mission of striving with its original intention and courageously shouldering the heavy responsibility of the development of the times, and its political responsibility of detecting the momentum and gathering momentum and forging a new situation in the future; it is a good report that closely follows the pace of the times, integrates with Henan's actual conditions, and conforms to the expectations of the people; it is a good report that is magnificent, directly reaches the hearts of the people, and urges people to forge ahead.

Deputies Bi Qimin, He Dong, Zhang Shuying, Shi Aimin, and Shao Fenggong spoke one after another, saying that they should conscientiously study and deliberate the report well, earnestly follow the requirements of the provincial party committee's arrangements, and strive to promote the construction of modern Zhumadian around the "two guarantees" and "ten major strategies," so as to make new and greater contributions to composing a more brilliant chapter in the Central Plains in the new era.

According to the arrangements of the General Assembly, the meeting carefully conveyed and studied the relevant documents and disciplinary requirements of the General Assembly, and prepared the agenda of the General Assembly (draft), the list of proposals of the members of the Bureau of the General Assembly, the list of proposals of the Secretary-General of the General Assembly, and the list of suggestions of members of the Representative Qualification Examination Committee.

Letter Address: Zhengzhou Zijingshan Hotel Provincial Eleventh Party Congress Style and Discipline Supervision Group (Zip Code 450003) Welcome all sectors of society, the vast number of cadres and the masses through the above methods, to supervise and report the violation of the discipline during the Eleventh Provincial Party Congress. The 11th Provincial Party Congress Wind And Discipline Supervision Group October 2021

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