
What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

author:The flower planter on the road to the sea of stars

At about 17:00 p.m. on February 13, 1958, The "Sogu" carrying the Japanese Antarctic Expedition was sailing in The Gulf of Luzov Holm off the Coast of Antarctica, when suddenly a crew member shouted "Godzilla", because in 1954, the monster movie "Godzilla" produced by Toho Co., Ltd. in Japan was already famous in the world, and it was very natural to shout "Godzilla" to unknown large monsters.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

This unknown object was about 300 meters away in the sea, and when everyone turned their heads to look around, they were ridiculed by the other crew members, who said that it was just an abandoned oil barrel of the American expedition on Burton Island, which had been the camp of the American expedition, and it was not normal to have an oil drum.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

The crew on duty habitually took out their binoculars to take a closer look at the unknown object, and cried out in surprise, because he saw that the unknown object had eyes, mouth and ears, and it was obvious that the oil drum would not be like this, and when the captain took the camera to the bridge, the unknown object had disappeared, and it remained in people's sight for about 30 seconds!

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

Antarctic Godzilla: What exactly is it?

According to eyewitness accounts, this creature looked like a large standing lizard, with a pair of large eyes, a head length of about 70-80 centimeters, only part of the body was exposed from the water at that time, the shape and size of the entire body could not be determined, but the body surface did not look hairy, and the dorsal fin seemed to be like a jagged ridge, like some dinosaurs with dorsal armor that had appeared!

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

Captain Matsumoto Kichi details the sighting in the book Antarctic Transport, the only written record of the incident, which has an illustration of an animal sighting that looks like a Godzilla from a live Toho Corporation movie. However, it should be noted that the captain had died at the time of this sketch, and it was ghostwritten by his son, who said that his father had explained the appearance of the animal many times, so he knew the animal very well.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

Do large sea monsters really exist?

The Antarctic Godzilla incident is not the first sighting of large monsters, the Loch Ness Monster has long been heard, as well as dinosaur rumors in the Congo River Basin, etc., in the following eighties will reach a peak, after which the rumors of water monsters around the world have been exposed to the water, as well as the Kenway Island monster, the Okanagan water monster, and even China's Changbai Mountain Tianchi and Xinjiang Kanas Lake have also been rumored water monsters.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

The most famous of these are the Loch Ness Monster and the Congo River Swamp Monster, as the former has attracted the attention of biologists around the world, while the latter has several famous expeditions:

Loch Ness Monster

First seen in 1934, the blurry photograph recognized at a glance as a plesiosaur, but witnesses later described it in multiple versions, even a wavy dorsal fin, and several British experts have investigated and edited documentaries, but there has been no result.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

In the 1990s, DNA detection technology was very perfect, and scientific teams took samples at multiple locations in Loch Ness to verify the DNA of organic matter in the lake water, and no unknown biological DNA was found. On March 14, 1994, the Canadian-published Globe and Mail suddenly broke the news that a man named Christian Boslin admitted on his deathbed that he had used a toy submarine and soft wood to resemble a prehistoric plesiosaur.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

Although some people affirm that the Loch Ness Monster is fake, but the matter is not closed, but the more exaggerated it is, in 2007, the commercial blockbuster "Loch Ness Monster" was released, the feelings are very good, you can see.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

In September 2019, a man from Southampton named Steve Charis took a photo in September 2019 while on vacation next to Loch Ness, and a huge creature swam across the lake, appearing to be a giant unknown fish, caused an uproar after the photo was released.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

But a friend with sharp eyes immediately pointed out that this is very similar to the catfish pattern caught in Italy in 2018, so it is accused of being a forgery! Although there is all sort of evidence that the Loch Ness Monster may not have existed, this rumor will never dissipate.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

Dinosaurs of the Congo River swamp

There is a Taylor Lake between the Ubangi and Sanga river basins in the Congo, and there has always been a rumor among the local residents that there is an animal called "Mokailang Bangbe" in the Lake Taylor, which is said to be the size of four elephants, with a snake head, a large wide back, a long tail, a claw print of up to 90 cm, and a stride length of more than 2.4 meters!

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

This caught the attention of the American zoologist McCarl, who visited Lake Taylor twice in 1981 and 1982, but did not have any valuable information about the monster, and when they asked the locals to identify the legendary animal, they did not hesitate to point to the long-extinct Thunder Dragon.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

However, no expedition team has been able to find dinosaurs or dinosaur-like creatures in the Congo Lake Basin, of course, it is not without gains, at least the biological investigation of the Congo River Basin in Africa has made a lot of progress.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

Some evolutionary biologists have pointed out that if there are indeed isolated organisms, then they will be difficult to continue, for example, China's South China tiger near extinction in the wild captured the last 5 populations, artificial breeding, so as to ensure that it is not extinct in the breeding state, but the South China tiger has long been determined as functional extinction, that is, in the wild natural state has been impossible to expand the population, old and dead count.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

Thunder Dragon

Even if they do exist, one or two eyewitnesses like this one or two cannot survive for tens of millions of years, unless there is a tunnel of time and space that allows them to travel to modern times.

What is godzilla's sighting?

Obviously, this animal cannot exist, after all, a large terrestrial animal similar to a dinosaur is not suitable for survival in the polar region, but the Japanese scientific research ship "Munakata" has witnessed it, and these crew members are at least engaged in scientific careers.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

This is not the first time that such an event has occurred, and the famous "Fatima Incident" of 1917 is considered a mass hallucination event, which took place in the Portuguese town of Fatima, where tens of thousands of people witnessed the coming of the Virgin Mary, and it is also interesting to explain the event that countless people witnessed but could not have existed:

Gustave Le Pen, the founder of group psychology, said in his book Crowds: "Logic tells us that multiple people with a consistent confession are the strongest evidence to ensure the accuracy of the facts, but the knowledge of group psychology tells us that logic needs to be rewritten at this time, and that what witnesses the most people is the most suspicious." ”

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

This is an event dominated by inertial herd psychology, which is more interesting, and the participants will confirm that they have seen the so-called "facts" because of self-persuasion, and even this fact can withstand the verification of the lie detector, which shows the power of the group illusion.

Extended reading: In the Miyoyo Maru incident, the Japanese captain was 200 million yuan and threw the "national treasure" into the Pacific Ocean

In 1977, the Japanese trawler "Ruiyang Maru" fished a highly suspected "plesiosaur" body in the South Pacific, which was thrown back to the sea by the captain on the grounds that it was contaminating fish caught worth 200 million yen due to its decay and foul odor.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

After returning to China, he was unanimously criticized by the scientific community, but fortunately, an intern on the ship, Michihiko Yano, recorded the scene at that time and also collected a sample so that the Japanese zoological community could intervene in the investigation, but the final result found that this creature that looked like a plesiosaur was just an ordinary basking shark, and the biological characteristics were very similar to basking sharks.

What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe
What happened to the 1958 Antarctic Godzilla incident? Scientists explain that it is hard to believe

Under the factual evidence, this sea monster incident finally ended with a scientific determination, and if the samples were not brought back, it may become a headless case!

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